NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

Operational NOAA Unique Megha-Tropiques Products

The Megha-Tropiques satellite was designed by the French (CNES) and Indian (ISRO) space agencies to study the water cycle and energy exchanges in the tropics. The first originality of Megha-Tropiques is to associate three radiometric instruments allowing to observe simultaneously three interrelated components of the atmospheric engine: water vapor, condensed water (clouds and precipitations), and radiative fluxes. The second is to privilege the sampling of the intertropical zone, accounting for the large time-space variability of the tropical phenomena. Three instruments onboard compose the core payload of the mission: a microwave imager (MADRAS), a microwave water vapor sounder (SAPHIR), a radiative budget radiometer (SCARAB) (Note: MADRAS failed on Sept 24, 2013).

The NOAA Megha-Tropiques Data and Products System (MTROPS) tailor Megha-Tropiques data, and also generate NOAA unique Level-2 science products to meet NOAA user requirements. The products provided include: tailored Megha-Tropiques SAPHIR brightness temperatures, rainfall rate, total precipitable water. The products are available in netCDF4 and McIDAS area formats and are distributed to NOAA users through the ESPC Data Distribution Sever (DDS) and also McIDAS ADDE server.

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Details on the algorithm can be found at the Algorithm Description Page
"Megha-Tropiques data provided by CNES/ISRO. © reserved ISRO/CNES"