person 920

John Balbus

ORCID : 0000-0003-3356-8332

Environmental Defense Fund Author 3 articles
  1. Climate Change and Local Public Health in the United States: Preparedness, Programs and Perceptions of Local Public Health Department Directors
  2. Identifying Vulnerable Subpopulations for Climate Change Health Effects in the United States
  3. U.S. Funding Is Insufficient to Address the Human Health Impacts of and Public Health Responses to Climate Variability and Change
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Author 3 articles
  1. A wedge-based approach to estimating health co-benefits of climate change mitigation activities in the United States
  2. Developmental origins of health and disease: Integrating environmental influences
  3. Implications of global climate change for the assessment and management of human health risks of chemicals in the natural environment
Author 1 figure
  1. nca4 14.3
Author 2 reports
  1. hhs-resilience-2014
  2. usdhhs-primary-protection-enhancing-health-care-resilience-changing-climate
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Coordinating Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 14 : Human Health
National Institutes of Health Editor 1 report
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016
National Institutes of Health Lead Author 4 chapters
  1. nca3 chapter 9 : Human Health
  2. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 Appendix 1: Technical Support Document
  3. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 1 : Climate Change and Human Health
  4. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 9 : Climate-Health Risk Factors and Populations of Concern
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Point of Contact 2 articles
  1. A wedge-based approach to estimating health co-benefits of climate change mitigation activities in the United States
  2. Implications of global climate change for the assessment and management of human health risks of chemicals in the natural environment
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Scientist 4 figures
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 -.1
  2. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 -.2
  3. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 -.4
  4. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 9.2
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