
U.S. Department of Agriculture

United States

federal organization
These organizations are related to this organization :
Carolyn Olson Coordinating Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 10 : Agriculture and Rural Communities
Elizabeth Marshall Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 6 : Agriculture
David McGranahan Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 14 : Rural Communities
Daniel Strickman Lead Author 1 report
  1. niehs-climch-2010
Lewis H. Ziska Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 7 : Food Safety, Nutrition, and Distribution
this organization Author 14 reports
  1. 2012-census-agriculture
  2. climtech-strategicplan-2006
  3. nass-ac-07-ss-1-2010 (ref: e2668b41 2010)
  4. nass-agstat2008 (ref: 60a088ff 2008)
  5. nass-geographicareaseries-51-ac-07-a-51 (ref: f8d6bd15 2009)
  6. noaa-usda-technicalreport-2008-1 (ref: 2b4dcdde 2008)
  7. uoregon-tribalclimch-2008 (ref: 970f938c 2008)
  8. uoregon-tribalclimch-2010 (ref: 8472db31 2010)
  9. usda-aghandbook-537 (ref: 1ace4f2c 1978)
  10. usda-hhs-dietary2010
  11. usda-milkproduction2011 (ref: 7a6fa28b 2012)
  12. usda-techbul-1930 (ref: 8e71f863 2011)
  13. usfs-evalidators-4_01-2010 (ref: 2e2102b0 2010)
  14. usfs-miscpub-1391 (ref: a60c82f3 1995)
Jeff S. Conn Author 1 article
  1. Evidence and implications of recent and projected climate change in Alaska's forest ecosystems
Roy Darwin Author 1 article
  1. U.S. Agriculture and Climate Change: New Results
Justin D. Derner Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 22 : Northern Great Plains
Emile H. Elias Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 25 : Southwest
Jerry Hatfield Author 1 figure
  1. nca3 6.8
Author 1 image
  1. 9eaab18a
Author 1 report
  1. midwest-technical-input-report
William Hohenstein Author 1 article
  1. From global change science to action with social sciences
David Y. Hollinger Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 18 : Northeast
Cassandra Johnson Gaither Author 1 article
  1. Climate change vulnerability assessment in Georgia
Erin D. Lane Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 18 : Northeast
Tawny Mata Author 1 report
  1. usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015
Dannele Peck Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 22 : Northern Great Plains
Ron Sands Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 17 : Sector Interactions, Multiple Stressors, and Complex Systems
Walter H. Wischmeier Author 1 report
  1. usda-aghandbook-537
Lewis H. Ziska Author 1 article
  1. Climate change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems in metropolitan Chicago and its surrounding, multi-state region
Author 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter 13 : Air Quality
Lewis H. Ziska Contributor 1 chapter
  1. nca4 chapter A5 : Appendix 5: Frequently Asked Questions
Allan Auclair Contributing Author 1 chapter
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 7 : Food Safety, Nutrition, and Distribution
Ann Bartuska Contributing Author 1 report
  1. nca-ti-indicators-2012
Carolyn A. F. Enquist Contributing Author 1 report
  1. nca-ti-indicators-2012
Adalberto A. Pérez de León Contributing Author 1 chapter
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 7 : Food Safety, Nutrition, and Distribution
Allan Showler Contributing Author 1 chapter
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 7 : Food Safety, Nutrition, and Distribution
Jeanette Thurston Contributing Author 2 chapters
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 6 : Climate Impacts on Water-Related Illnesses
  2. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 7 : Food Safety, Nutrition, and Distribution
Isabel Walls Contributing Author 1 chapter
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 7 : Food Safety, Nutrition, and Distribution
Lewis H. Ziska Contributing Author 2 chapters
  1. nca3 chapter 9 : Human Health
  2. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 chapter 3 : Air Quality Impacts
Fernando E. Vega Editor 1 book
  1. Bark Beetles: Biology and Ecol...
Lewis H. Ziska Editor 1 report
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016
this organization Funding Agency 2 articles
  1. Recent patterns and mechanisms of carbon exchange by terrestrial ecosystems
  2. The Relationship Between Increasing Sea-surface Temperature and the Northward Spread ofPerkinsus marinus(Dermo) Disease Epizootics in Oysters
Funding Agency 2 reports
  1. nrc-humanhealth-climatechange-1996
  2. nrc-sustainability-2013
David Y. Hollinger Point of Contact 1 figure
  1. nca4 18.3
Dannele Peck Point of Contact 1 figure
  1. nca4 22.4
this organization Distributor 4 reports
  1. 2012-census-agriculture
  2. usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015
  3. usfs-pnw-gtr-870
  4. wasde-501
this organization Host 3 webpages
  1. Agriculture Secretary Vilsack in Omaha to Kick Off Regional Drought Workshops
  2. Census of Agriculture, 2007 Census Ag Maps, Crops and Plants
  3. Nonmetro population change, 2010-17 [chart]
this organization Data Archive 2 datasets
  1. International Food Security
  2. US Forest Service Surface Drinking Water Importance
Jerry Hatfield Convening Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 6 : Agriculture
William Hohenstein Convening Lead Author 1 chapter
  1. nca3 chapter 14 : Rural Communities
Allan Auclair Scientist 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 7.2
Adalberto A. Pérez de León Scientist 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 7.2
Allan Showler Scientist 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 7.2
Jeanette Thurston Scientist 2 figures
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 6.3
  2. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 7.2
Isabel Walls Scientist 3 figures
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 -.8
  2. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 7.1
  3. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 7.2
Lewis H. Ziska Scientist 4 figures
  1. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 -.8
  2. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 3.4
  3. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 7.1
  4. usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 7.2
this organization Contributing Agency 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-ocpfy2014 4.13
Contributing Agency 1 image
  1. ceef4068
Contributing Agency 1 report
  1. ccsp-sap-4_4-2008
this organization Data Producer 1 dataset
  1. NDMC United States Drought Monitor GIS Data Files
Data Producer 5 reports
  1. indicator-billion-dollar-disasters-2018
  2. indicator-billion-dollar-disasters-2019
  3. indicator-billion-dollar-disasters-2020
  4. indicator-terrestrial-carbon-storage
  5. indicator-terrestrial-carbon-storage-2018
Lewis H. Ziska Graphic Artist 1 image
  1. 4960fa1c
this organization Lead Agency 1 figure
  1. usgcrp-ocpfy2014 4.12
Lead Agency 1 image
  1. 196c98ea
Lead Agency 1 report
  1. ccsp-sap-4_3-2008

Also known as :
  • Organization US Forest Service, Department of Agriculture (datagov lexicon)
  • agencyName Department of Agriculture (govman lexicon)
  • Agency USDA (govman lexicon)
  • agency:bureau 005:00 (omb lexicon)
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