Density Dependent Electron Temperature Model 1978

Authors: L. H. Brace and R. F. Theis
NASA/GSFC, Code 614
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771

Parameter: Electron temperature below 400 km

Brief Description:
This model describes the daytime electron temperature in the altitude range 130 km to 400 km as a function of electron density Ne (in m-3) and height h (in km).

Te = 1051 + (17.01 * h - 2746) * exp (-5.122 * 10-4 * h + 6.094 * 10-12 * Ne - 3.353 * 10-14 * h * Ne)

It is based on AE-C Langmuir probe data from December 1973 to December 1974 between 50 north and south latitude and for solar zenith angles of less than 85 degrees. An extended version including solar activity variations was used in the International Reference Ionosphere (Bilitza et al., 1985).

Availability: Included in the International Reference Ionosphere .

L. H. Brace and R. F. Theis, An Empirical Model of the Interrelationship of Electron Temperature and Density in the Daytime Thermosphere at Solar Minimum, Geophys. Res. Lett. 5, 275, 1978.

D. Bilitza, L. H. Brace, and R. F. Theis, Modeling of Ionospheric Temperature Profiles, Adv. Space Res. 5, #7, 53, 1985.

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