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Colowyo Coal Mine, South Taylor/Lower Wilson Permit Expansion Area Project, Federal Mining Plan Modification Environmental Assessment

Welcome to the OSMRE Colowyo Coal Mine, South Taylor Permit Expansion Area Project Mining Plan Environmental Assessment (EA) webpage. Here you will be able to view and download all documents relating to this EA listed on the Document Library.


The OSMRE is responsible for reviewing plans to conduct coal mining and reclamation operations on lands containing leased Federal coal. Pursuant to 30 CFR 746, the OSMRE must prepare and submit to the Secretary of the Interior a decision document recommending approval, disapproval or approving with condition(s) of the proposed mining plan modification.

Colowyo Coal Company, L.P. (Colowyo) operates the Colowyo Coal Mine, a surface coal mine located approximately 26 miles southwest of Craig, Colorado and 22 miles north-northeast of Meeker, Colorado, west of Colorado Highway 13/789 in southeast Moffat and northern Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado.

OSMRE has completed an Environmental Assessment (EA), which analyzes the potential environmental effects that may result from approval of the mining plan modification for Federal Leases COC-29225 and COC-29226. OSMRE concluded that there is one reasonable alternative, other than the Proposed Action and No Action alternatives, that would meet the agency’s purpose and need. Alternative B would authorize Colowyo to conduct surface coal mining on approximately 809 acres of previously undisturbed land and 441 acres previously approved at the Colowyo Coal Mine. Approximately 23.3 million tons of Federal coal will be extracted at a maximum rate of 4.0 mtpy from 2015 until the end of mining in about 2019.

OSMRE has also made available the FONSI for the approval of the mine plan modification which will allow Colowyo to continue operations. OSMRE determined that Alternative B does not constitute a major Federal action having significant effect on the human environment; therefore, an EIS is not required.

Page Last Modified/Reviewed: 12/22/16

Western Region OSMRE, PO Box 25065, Lakewood, CO 80225-0065
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