Research Endowment Program (REP)

Program Description

Mandated by the Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-525), the NIMHD Research Endowment Program (REP) provides funding to the endowments of academic institutions. The funds help institutions build research infrastructure and recruit, train, and maintain a diverse student body and faculty. The endowment program provides annual funding for up to 5 years. Awards are made to institutional endowments; thus, they do not directly fund research projects. Endowment funds must be invested and maintained for 20 years after the award period ends. In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) expanded the eligibility of REP to include institutions of higher education with an active NIMHD Center of Excellence.


  • Promote minority health and health disparities research capacity and infrastructure
  • Increase the diversity and strength of the scientific workforce
  • Enhance the recruitment and retention of individuals from health disparity populations that are underrepresented in the scientific workforce

Additional Information

REP grantees must provide a 5-year strategic plan that establishes priorities for the use and growth of endowment fund income. Capacity and infrastructure-building activities may include the following:

  • Creation of courses in health disparities, research methodology, and related disciplines
  • Recruitment and retention of exceptional and promising scientists through endowed professorships
  • Establishment or enhancement of research facilities or information technology
  • Support and mentoring of economically disadvantaged students and students from health disparity populations as they pursue science professions
  • Mentoring and career development opportunities for scientific faculty in the early stages of their career


To be eligible for REP, institutions must have endowments that are less than or equal to 50 percent of the national median of endowments. Additionally, institutions must be either institutions of higher education with an active Health Resources and Services Administration Center of Excellence or institutions of higher education with an active NIMHD Center of Excellence.