
Dec. 1, 2016

Title: Progress on establishing protected areas in the Southern Ocean: the Ross Sea region MPA

Speaker: Mi Ae Kim, Foreign Affairs Specialist, Office of International Affairs and Seafood Inspection, NMFS

Abstract: The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) has been working to establish marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean, which would contribute to its objective – the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources. On October 28, 2016, CCAMLR agreed to the establishment of the Ross Sea region MPA, an area of exceptional ecological value and scientific importance. An overview of CCAMLR’s MPA efforts will be provided during the webinar, including details about the recently adopted MPA in the Ross Sea. See CCAMLR's webpage for background on CCAMLR MPAs.

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Nov. 10, 2016

Title: Facilitating Collaborative Public Decisions: A Video-Based Training Tool

Speaker: Steven L. Yaffee, PhD Professor of Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan

Abstract: Whether you are a stakeholder, facilitator, agency official, or student, this tool can help you understand and facilitate real-world public decision making processes. Using multimedia examples drawn from the California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative, the tool enables users to explore strategies for facilitating the different stages of collaborative decision making. This tool was created to help a variety of users expand their expertise and increase their understanding of facilitation strategies, challenges, and steps in a collaborative process. 

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Nov. 3, 2016

Title: Adaptive Management of Marine Protected Areas: Predicting Responses

Speaker: Louis W. Botsford, Distinguished Professor, Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis

Abstract: The state of California established a statewide network of marine protected areas through the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) process. Managers and scientists must now figure out how to employ adaptive management of these MPAs (i.e. to compare outcomes to predicted effects, a requirement of the act). The first step was to initiate baseline monitoring of sites inside the new MPAs and at select reference sites outside of them. Next, with support from California Sea Grant, researchers developed computer models for adaptive management of Central California's MPAs for commercially and recreationally important species such as blue rockfish, black rockfish, lingcod and cabezon. The spatial population models incorporated what is known about species' larval dispersals, adult movement patterns, and key species interactions to simulate how fish populations might respond to spatial closures and other factors, such as fishing pressure outside the no-fishing zones. Output from the simulations has provided insights on how soon managers should expect to see increases in fish population abundances and when and why there may be time lags in some species’ responses, given factors such as pre-MPA fishing pressure and pre-MPA fish population abundance. The models also offer predictions for how much individual fish sizes might be expected to increase over time. Yet other computational modeling focused on determining "spill-over" distances for MPAs and their implications for siting monitoring reference sites. The scientists report that simply comparing sites inside and outside MPAs can produce misleading results and that consistent evaluation of each over time is more important for accurate assessments of MPA performance than comparing inside and outside MPAs at a set time. This group is working collaboratively with state wildlife managers to develop the science necessary to monitor and adaptively manage the state’s new MPAs.

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Oct. 4, 2016

Title: Ocean Highlights from the IUCN World Conservation Congress

Speakers: Lauren Wenzel, Director NOAA National Marine Protected Areas Center; Carl Gustaf Lundin, Director, IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme; and, Dan Laffoley, IUCN Principal Advisor, Marine Science and Conservation for the Global Marine and Polar Programme, and Marine Vice Chair for the World Commission on Protected Areas.


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July 14, 2016

Title: Takeaways from the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium

Speakers: Paulo Maurin (Hawaii Management Liaison/NOAA Coral Program), Jason Philibotte (International Coordinator for Pacific Region/NOAA Coral Program), and Bob Richmond (Kewalo Marine Laboratory Director and ICRS Meeting Organizer)

Abstract: The International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS), held from June 19-24, 2016, in Honolulu, Hawai’i, is the primary international meeting focused on coral reef science and management. ICRS brings together an estimated 2,500 coral reef scientists, policy makers, and managers from 70 different nations to present the latest research findings, case histories, and management activities and discuss the application of scientific knowledge to achieving coral reef sustainability. The 13th iteration of ICRS expands outside its traditional science realm to also include policy and management with the overall theme of "Bridging Science to Policy." Alongside the symposium, a concurrent Leadership Forum with heads of state from the Pacific is convening to talk about the most pressing issues their local reefs are facing. This presentation will share outcomes from the Leadership Forum as well as high-level scientific findings from the conference, drawing direct links to management and policy. 

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June 23, 2016

Title: Alternative Livelihood Opportunities for Coastal Communities in the Eastern Caribbean by ECMMAN

Speakers: Joan Norville (Programme Officer, OECS), Roland Baldeo (MPA Coordinator, Grenada Fisheries Division) and Michael Savarin (President, Tan Tan Development Corporation, Dominica).

Abstract: To relieve fishing pressure and provide supplementary income to coastal communities surrounding MPAs, the Eastern Caribbean Marine Managed Areas Network (ECMMAN) is implementing sustainable, alternative livelihood projects on six islands. Supported by the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), small livelihood grants were made available to qualified applicants selected by a regional committee. Projects range from eco-tourism cooperatives, agriculture projects, mooring sites, and training a network of fishers and vendors to catch and market invasive lionfish. The projects have effectively equipped displaced fishers and community members with the skills and investment needed to launch micro-enterprises. In this webinar we will hear about the Livelihood Support Fund concept and implementation, as well as from the facilitators of two national projects.

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May 12, 2016

Title: Eyes on the Seas Project - The Pew Charitable Trusts

Speaker: Mark Young, Senior Officer, Conservation Enforcement at the PEW Charitable Trusts

Abstract: The Pew Charitable Trusts has partnered with the Satellite Applications Catapult to pioneer Project Eyes on the Seas, a cutting-edge technology platform that combines satellite monitoring and imagery data with other information, such as fishing vessel databases and oceanographic data, to help authorities detect suspicious fishing activity. Illegal fishing is a global concern that threatens the long-term health of our oceans, worsens the impact of overfishing on critical marine ecosystems, and costs up to an estimated $23.5 billion annually. It accounts for 1 of every 5 fish taken from the world’s seas and jeopardizes the livelihoods of tens of millions of people who depend on the oceans’ resources.

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Apr. 14, 2016

Title: Ocean Exploration & MPAs: Priorities, Technological Advances and Partnerships

Speaker: Alan Leonardi, PhD, NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research

Abstract: Ocean exploration advances in technology are allowing us to reach new depths and areas previously unknown. As these doors open what does the interface between ocean exploration and the MPA community mean and how can state-of-the art ocean exploration support the research and policy decisions surrounding the nation's system of marine protected areas.

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Mar. 10, 2016

Lost Whaling Fleets of the Western Arctic

Speaker: Brad Barr, PhD, NOAA/Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Maritime Heritage Program

Abstract: NOAA archaeologists have discovered the battered hulls of two 1800s whaling ships nearly 144 years after they and 30 others sank off the Arctic coast of Alaska in one of the planet's most unexplored ocean regions.The shipwrecks, and parts of other ships, that were found are most likely the remains of 33 ships trapped by pack ice close to the Alaskan Arctic shore in September 1871. The whaling captains had counted on a wind shift from the east to drive the ice out to sea as it had always done in years past. The ships were destroyed in a matter of weeks, leaving more than 1,200 whalers stranded at the top of the world until they could be rescued by seven ships of the fleet standing by about 80 miles to the south in open water off Icy Cape. No one died in the incident but it is cited as one of the major causes of the demise of commercial whaling in the United States.

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Feb. 11, 2016

Maps and Datasets for Blue Carbon Habitats

Speaker: Karen Richardson, Director of Programs at the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)

Abstract: Blue carbon denotes the long-term storage of carbon within plant habitats growing in coastal lands and nearshore marine environments. With support from the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), maps of blue carbon habitats, seagrass, salt marsh, and mangroves, on the coasts of Canada, Mexico and the United States were collected, verified and compiled to create the first continent-wide collection of blue carbon habitat maps. These maps show that seagrasses grow coastally throughout North America, while mangroves are primarily tropical and salt marshes, primarily temperate/arctic. A geodatabase was established, metadata documented, data and methodological gaps were assessed along with challenges in identifying the extent of these habitats. The maps compiled for North America document 24,200 km2 of seagrass, 13,500 km2 of salt marsh and 10,100 km2 of mangrove. Only half of the continent’s seagrasses have been mapped and priority sites were identified for future mapping. The area of blue carbon habitat within marine protected areas and terrestrial protected areas was also determined and an initial analysis of priority areas in all three habitats for blue carbon preservation, restoration and management was conducted.

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Jan. 14, 2015

A New Era of Cooperation Between Cuba and the U.S. Established Through Marine Protected Areas

Speakers: Billy D. Causey, PhD. Director of Southeast, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Region of NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
Pedro Ramos, Superintendent Everglades National Park and Dry Tortugas National Park, National Park Service
Daniel Whittle, JD. Director of the Environmental Defense Fund's Cuba Program

Abstract: On Nov 18, 2015, NOAA and the National Park Service signed a memorandum of understanding with Cuba’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment to cooperate on the conservation and management of Marine Protected Areas – one of the first bilateral arrangements following the recent renewal of diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba. This groundbreaking accord follows years of work by EDF and others to bring together marine scientists, resource users and managers in both countries to develop joint conservation strategies for the marine ecosystem of the region. This presentation will highlight Cuba’s spectacular marine environments, the development of the system of MPAs in Cuba and how the establishment of sister sanctuary programs under the agreement will facilitate greater understanding and protection of the marine resources our two countries share.

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Dec. 10, 2015

The Rapidly Changing Arctic by Fran Ulmer, Chair of the U S Arctic Research Commission

Speaker: Hon. Fran Ulmer, Chair, U.S. Arctic Research Commission

Abstract: Fran Ulmer will provide an overview of the rapid changes that are taking place in the Arctic: social, economic, environmental and governmental, and will summarize the Arctic Council history and current agenda.

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Nov. 12, 2015 
Ocean Parks and 2016 National Park Service Centennial

Speaker: Cliff McCreedy, Marine Resource Management Specialist, Ocean and Coastal Resources Branch, National Park Service

Abstract: The National Park Service is entrusted with managing 86 ocean and Great Lakes parks across 22 states and four territories. With over 11,000 miles of coast and 2.5 million acres of ocean and Great Lakes waters, the parks provide tremendous recreational benefits and biological and cultural values to the nation. The Park Service celebrates its 100th birthday in 2016. The Park Service Centennial will include events and activities across the ocean and coastal parks, as part of the Find Your Park Centennial campaign, as well as virtual experiences via social media and the web. This webinar will provide a brief overview of the breadth and extent of coastal resources and issues in the National Park System and the NPS Centennial.

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Oct. 8, 2015 
Inspire Ocean and Climate Literacy and Conservation through MPAs

Speaker: Claire Fackler, National Education Liaison, NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

Abstract: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office of National Marine Sanctuaries serves as the trustee for a system of fourteen marine protected areas, encompassing more than 170,000 square miles of America’s ocean and Great Lakes. The National Marine Sanctuary System's education and outreach programs inspire ocean and climate literacy and stewardship of the national marine sanctuaries through engaging hands-on, STEM field programs, teacher workshops, student activities, social media and free online resources. Learn about the impacts of these unique programs through formative and summative evaluations and how you too can inspire ocean and climate literacy, as well as conservation and stewardship through your own marine protected area.

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Aug. 13, 2015 
Solving the Mystery of MPA Performance: Linking Governance to Ecological Outcomes

Speakers: Dr. Helen Fox, Senior Director, Research and Monitoring, RARE
Dr. David Gill, Luc Hoffman Institute/SESYNC Post-Doctoral Fellow, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)

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June 11, 2015 
Lessons Learned: Impacts of Coastal and Ocean Tourism

Speaker: JMartha Honey, Executive Director of the Center for Responsible Travel (CREST)

Abstract: Coastal resort and cruise tourism are the fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry, and uncontrolled, large scale tourism development is causing an array of environmental damage to beaches, coastal waters, and some MPAs. In addition, coastal and marine tourism is both a contributor to and victim of climate change. This presentation examines some of these problems, as well as efforts by industry innovators to construct and operate coastal and marine tourism in ways that minimize environmental impacts and mitigate and adapt to climate change.

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May 14, 2015 
IUCN Green List and Marine Protected Areas

Speaker: James Hardcastle, IUCN Programme Development Manager

Abstract: The IUCN Green List is a new and progressive initiative that encourages and celebrates the success of protected areas, both terrestrial and marine, that reach excellent standards of management. Protected areas that are well-managed fulfill their promise of conserving biodiversity and essential ecosystem services that benefit everyone and sustain life on earth. For protected area managers or agencies, the IUCN Green List will provide direct and indirect benefits from listing including: 1) International recognition for the listed areas and their management authorities for the high quality of management; 2) Political and financial support for areas that achieve listing, or to address issues that will facilitate listing of new areas; 3) Motivation of protected area managers and their agencies to meet and maintain high standards of management; 4) Opportunities for listed areas and their agencies to receive financial and project support; 5) Recognition by the tourism industry and visitors that the area will offer a quality visitor experience; 6) Acknowledgement by communities and stakeholders that the area addresses issues of involvement and benefit sharing; and 7) Further motivation to establish routine methods for measuring management effectiveness. This webinar will discuss the origins and implementation of the IUCN Green List including standards that protected areas must meet to be listed and how marine and coastal sites are engaging in the process.

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Apr. 9, 2015 
Indigenous Knowledge and Use of Ocean Currents in the Bering Strait Region

Speaker: Julie Raymond-Yakoubian, Kawerak Social Science Program Director

Abstract: Julie Raymond-Yakoubian of Kawerak, Inc. will be discussing a recently completed project on indigenous knowledge and use of ocean currents. This webinar will share perspectives on the importance of traditional understandings of ocean currents as a critical aspect of the body of knowledge held by communities in the region, how this knowledge was collected, and the modern-day practical applications of this knowledge for marine policy, planning, and safety considerations. The session will include examples of where this knowledge is currently being used.

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Mar. 12, 2015 
Climate-Smart Adaptation: Vulnerability Assessment Results and Next Steps for the North-central California Coast and Ocean

Speaker: Sara Hutto, Ocean Climate Specialist, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary

Topic: Learn how the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary MPA is planning for climate-smart adaptation and how you might be able to use the same approach. Sara Hutto will present the Vulnerability Assessment Results for 40 species, habitats and ecosystem services in the North-central California region. Application of the vulnerability assessment, scenario planning, and the formation of a working group to develop adaptive management recommendations will also be discussed. To learn more about how the assessment was conducted, please view the August 2014 webinar presentation, "A Climate-Smart Approach to Adaptive Management of North-central California Coast and Ocean Resources".

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Feb. 12, 2015 
Integrating Oceans into the Landscape Conservation Cooperative Network

Speaker: Elsa Haubold, Ph.D., PMP National Landscape Conservation Cooperative Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Topic: Conservation challenges of the 21st century are complex and include both local challenges and widespread threats such as drought, climate change, and large-scale habitat fragmentation. These complex threats impact entire landscapes and multiple resources simultaneously and are too large for any single organization to meet alone. The Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) provide a forum for States, Tribes, Federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities and other groups to work together in a new way. LCCs provide scientific and technical expertise for conservation planning at landscape scales and promote collaboration among their members in defining shared conservation goals. In this webinar, Dr. Elsa Haubold, National Coordinator for the Landscape Conservation Cooperative Network, will discuss the LCC Network's mission and objectives and the work of its partners. Learn more about the LCC Network athttp://lccnetwork.org.

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Jan. 8, 2015 - 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EST 
Keeping the Promise of Sydney - Next Steps for the Marine Agenda from the World Parks Congress

Speakers: Lauren Wenzel, MPA Center acting Director, and Dan Laffoley, Marine Vice Chair for IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas

Topic: A presentation on coastal and marine recommendations and next steps from November's landmark global forum on world parks.

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Dec. 11, 2014 - 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EST 
Restoring the Resilience of Caribbean Coral Reefs by Jeremy Jackson

Speaker: Jeremy Jackson, Ph.D., Smithsonian Institution & Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Topic: Dr. Jackson will present on the new report Status and Trends of Caribbean Coral Reefs: 1970-2012. The report is a result of a three-year joint effort of the International Coral Reef Initiative’s (ICRI) Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). It is the most detailed and comprehensive study of its kind published to date and is the result of the work of nearly 200 experts over the course of three years. Average Caribbean coral cover declined by half but varies greatly among locations with some sites showing little or no decline. The principal drivers of reef degradation so far have been local impacts of overfishing and coastal development that are potentially reversible by local action. Banning destructive fishing and strengthening coastal zone management would increase resilience of Caribbean reefs to the inevitable future impacts of climate change. Download the report at:  www.iucn.org/knowledge/publications_doc/publications/?uPubsID=5035.

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November 13
Working Across Agency Lines to Improve Visitor Use Management on U.S. Public Lands and Waters 

Speakers:Kerri Cahill, Branch Chief, National Park Service, Denver Service Center Ellen Eubanks, Project Leader, Landscape Architect, Forest Service, San Dimas Technology & Development Center Charles Wahle, Senior Scientist, NOAA National Marine Protected Areas Center

Topic: The United States has a diverse system of national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges, marine protected areas, estuarine research reserves, conservation areas, recreation areas, wilderness areas, wild and scenic rivers, and scenic and historic trails managed by a number of different federal agencies. The Interagency Visitor Use Management Council, with representatives from the US National Park Service, US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, and NOAA, is developing effective and legally defensible implementation tools for assessing, planning, and managing visitor use and visitor capacity on US public lands and waters. The Council's collaborative efforts provide a consistent approach to visitor use management that will in turn create seamless connections between lands and waters managed by different federal agencies. In this webinar, representatives from the Interagency Visitor Use Management Council will present on guidance being developed to encourage sustainable recreation on federal lands and waters.

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October 9
A Cultural Resources Toolkit for MPA Managers 

Speaker:Valerie Grussing, MPAC Cultural Resources Coordinator

Topic:The Cultural Heritage Resources Working Group of the MPA Federal Advisory Committee is creating a virtual toolkit for coastal and MPA managers on cultural resource management. The toolkit will provide practical guidance to help MPA managers effectively manage cultural resources, building on recommendations from the MPA FAC on adapting a Cultural Landscape Approach. The webinar will present the draft Toolkit, and provide an opportunity for feedback.

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September 11
Marine Wilderness 10+10 Project: Bringing Back the Wild 

Speaker:Julie Randall, Vice President of Programs, The WILD Foundation

Topic: Marine Wilderness is a powerful vision of functional, healthy and resilient marine life that regenerates populations of wild species interconnected to form productive food webs. It also provides a picture of what wild nature looks like and does compared to places with more significant human impacts. The Marine Wilderness 10+10 Project is a collaborative effort of 10 partners led by The WILD Foundation to reverse marine life depletion and habitat decline by applying a science-based strategy to halt overfishing and destructive human use. For 20 sites around the world (a quarter in the United States), organized teams of stakeholders equipped with project tools and visuals will chart, assess, and act to expand and deepen protections that consider livelihood, cultural and recreational concerns while ensuring ecological needs are met. Through WILD's partnership with the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP), the project will help change public values concerning marine life toward an active constituency for marine wilderness. This webinar was co-sponsored by the NOAA National Marine Protected Areas Center, the EBM Tools Network, and MPA News.

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August 7
A Climate-Smart Approach to Adaptive Management of North-central California Coast and Ocean Habitats, Species, and Ecosystem Services 

Speakers: Sara Hutto - Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Climate-Smart Adaptation Project Coordinator

Topic: The Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary's Climate-Smart Adaptation Project for the North-central California Coast and Ocean will produce a comprehensive and prioritized adaptation implementation plan based on climate-smart principles. A climate-smart approach seeks nature-based solutions to reduce climate change impacts on wildlife and people, and enhance resilience to sustain vibrant, diverse ecosystems. Phase 1 of the project consists of a 2-part workshop series that engages scientists and resource managers to identify focal species, habitats, and ecosystem services and develop vulnerability assessments for these focal resources. Phase 2 uses this information to define plausible climate scenarios for the region and develop and prioritize adaptive management recommendations, with special focus on living shoreline projects, through a working group of local stakeholders. After evaluating these recommendations, the sanctuary will develop a detailed implementation plan and design pilot living shoreline projects with the goal of proactively sustaining diverse ecosystems through nature-based solutions.

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July 10
Building Capacity to Sustainably Manage Increasing Recreational Uses in MPAs 

Speakers: Priscilla Brooks – Conservation Law Foundation and MPA Federal Advisory Committee and, Charlie Wahle, Ph.D. - NOAA MPA Center

Topic: Recreational uses of MPAs are expanding rapidly in the US and around the globe. While promising many benefits to users and the sites, this trend has also raised concerns about the sustainability of increased use and about the capacity of most MPAs to manage and facilitate these diverse and often novel activities. To that end, the US Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee, working with the NOAA MPA Center, has examined this challenge and has developed a suite of recommendations and best practices for managers to consider in addressing this trend. 

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June 12
Preparing for Disaster at MPAs, Will Underwood, Stewardship Coordinator, Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi Department of Marine Resources 

Speakers: Will Underwood, Stewardship Coordinator – Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi Department of Marine Resources

Topic: Focus on the need to consider disaster response planning for marine protected areas using the example of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) in Mississippi. Natural and anthropogenic disasters will be discussed, with emphasis on impacts associated with hurricanes and oil spills. Proper identification and ranking of hazards and risks to personnel, environmental resources, and infrastructure will be covered as well as discussion on how to integrate with the response community and crosswalk concepts of environmental sensitivity to responders. Examples of formal disaster response plans recently developed within the NERR system will be presented and a template for plan preparation will be made available.

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May 8
Listening to our Sanctuaries: Understanding and Reducing the Impacts of Underwater Noise in Marine Protected Areas 

Speakers: Leila Hatch, Ph.D. – Gerry E. Studds Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

Topic: Increasing levels of human activity are contributing increasing levels of underwater noise to the world's aquatic places. In the U.S., the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is the federal agency most responsible for preventing harm to aquatic animals and their habitats. This presentation will discuss NOAA's interest in conserving acoustic habitat quality in addition to minimizing adverse physical and behavioral impacts of noise to specific species. It will also focus on the role that National Marine Sanctuaries are playing in NOAA's ocean noise strategy through both science and management initiatives.

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April 10
Lessons Learned: Community Engagement in MPA Management 

Speakers: Matt Ferris-Smith, Samantha Miller, Joe Otts and Michelle Zilinkskas – University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources and Environment

Topic:This webinar presented a toolkit to enhance the capacity of marine protected areas to effectively engage with local communities. Based on interviews with MPA managers, staff, and community members from across the United States, the toolkit addresses topics including building trust and understanding with community members, increasing collaboration with communities, increasing awareness and knowledge of protected areas, and fostering stewardship behavior. It was developed by graduate students from the University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources and the Environment in collaboration with NOAA's National Marine Protected Areas Center. Webinar co-sponsored by the NOAA National Marine Protected Areas Center, OpenChannels.org, and MPA News.

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March 13
Global Ocean Refuge System to Protect Marine Life Worldwide (GLORES) 

Speakers: Lance Morgan, Ph.D. – Marine Conservation Institute

Topic:Global Ocean Refuge System (GLORES) is a science-based strategy for advancing marine protected areas worldwide. GLORES expands existing efforts by: 1) using a scientifically sound biogeographic framework for protecting ecosystems; 2) establishing clear, transparent criteria for the best locations, strong protection, effective management, and credible enforcement to save species and their habitats from preventable harm; 3) fostering improved cooperation among nonprofit and for-profit organizations to achieve GLORES goals; and 4) incentivizing competition among countries and international governmental organizations for the prestige and economic benefits of earning Global Ocean Refuge status for the best existing and new marine protected areas. GLORES will incorporate the best thinking of marine biologists, oceanographers, fisheries scientists, geographers, economists, market researchers, business people, and others, and it will support governments with marine jurisdictions to save at least 10% of every ocean biogeographic region by 2020, and 20% by 2030. Learn more about GLORES athttp://globaloceanrefuge.org.

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February 25
Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Marine Areas (MESMA) 

Speakers: Oscar Bos, Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies (IMARES), The Netherlands and Vanessa Stelzenmuller, Thunen-Institute of Sea Fisheries, Germany

Topic: Created by the European Community, the MESMA framework is a step-wise approach to the evaluation and monitoring of spatially managed marine areas. The framework provides guidance on the selection, mapping, and assessment of ecosystem components and human pressures. It also addresses the evaluation of management effectiveness and potential adaptations to management, including governance. The webinar will highlight the framework and geospatial tools for implementing it.

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January 9
MPAs as Sentinel Sites 

Speakers: Steve Gittings, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, NOAA

Topic:"Sentinel sites" are areas with the capacity for sustained ocean observations to track environmental change. Within national marine sanctuaries, these observations are focused on ecological integrity and early warning indicators in order to inform decisions by resource managers. Monitoring data, characterization and applied research efforts are the backbone of the sentinel site program. The presentation will illustrate how Sanctuaries are serving as sentinel sites. Environmental monitoring plays an integral role in management actions such as response, mitigation, restoration, management plan review, permitting, enforcement, and education. Sanctuaries are also designing web capabilities to deliver sentinel site information to managers and other users.

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December 12
Assessing Habitat and Community Sensitivity to Climate Change Impacts 

Speakers: Jeff Crooks, Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve and Dwight Trueblood, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, NOAA

Topic: The National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERRS) are uniquely positioned across the U.S. to assess climate change impacts and the sensitivity of representative coastal habitats to them. The NERRS Climate Sensitivity Study identified key anthropogenic and climatic stressors affecting each reserve's ecological and social landscape and then analyzed the social and bio-physical sensitivity to these stressors. Presenters will share key findings from this study, and the Tijuana River Reserve in California will discuss their collaborative efforts to develop a vulnerability assessment that informs an Adaptation Strategy to address sea level rise and riverine flooding.

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November 14
Impacts of Sea Level Rise on National Parks 

Speakers: Rebecca Beaver and Courtney Schupp, National Park Service

Topic: Climate change and sea level rise will challenge National Park efforts to protect natural and cultural resources and to provide visitor access and recreational opportunities. Learn how several national parks are addressing these challenges: collecting baseline data on archaeological sites that are vulnerable to rising water levels and associated changes in biological activity and visitor use; incorporating barrier island processes into long-term development plans including visitor facilities; and engaging in a regional multi-agency effort to restore coastal areas impacted by a major hurricane.

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September 12, 2013
Water Quality Threats to Marine Protected Areas 

Speakers: John Walthen, Fish, Shellfish, Beach and Outreach Branch, US Environmental Protection Agency and Johanna Weston, California State Water Board.

Topic: Learn about two programs to protect the water quality critical to the health and effectiveness of marine protected areas. EPA's Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health (BEACH) Program provides grants to coastal and Great Lakes states to monitor beaches for contamination and notify the public about water pollution threats. The program is now implementing new water quality criteria, including analysis and monitoring methods. California's State Water Board administers 34 Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS). To preserve biologically unique and sensitive marine ecosystems for future generations, municipalities, wastewater treatment plants and other dischargers are regulated to reduce water pollution impacts to these special places. 

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August 8, 2013
Drawing the Line: Visualizing Global MPA Distribution Using Practical Protection Categories with MPAtlas.org 

Speakers: Lance Morgan, President and Russell Moffitt, MPAtlas Project Manager. Marine Conservation Institute

Topic: Currently, only about 1.8% of the world's oceans are in MPAs; far less than the 12% of land area that is protected. Of the world's MPAs, only a small fraction—less than half—are in areas designated as no-take marine reserves, places where fishing is prohibited. MPAtlas.org is an interactive online compilation of key information on the world's MPAs to help users locate and learn about individual MPAs. Speakers will discuss country- and regional-level progress towards implementing MPAs and allow users to obtain information on the distribution of MPAs relative to social, political, and ecological contexts.

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July 11, 2013
SocMon: Social Science Monitoring in Coastal and MPA Management

Speakers: Peter Edwards, Economist and Social Science Coordinator, NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program

Topic: How do we know what impacts MPAs and other coastal management tools are having on the lives of people who live nearby? This information is critical for management decisions, but often lacking. The Global Socioeconomic Monitoring Initiative for Coastal Management (SocMon) works through regional and local partners to conduct community-based socioeconomic monitoring. Partners collect household and community level data about dependence on coral reef resources, perceptions of resource conditions, threats to marine and coastal resources, and support for strategies such as marine protected areas. Take a look at some of these monitoring exercises and learn about findings, lessons learned and challenges facing effective use of human dimensions data as part of coastal resource management.

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June 13, 2013
Big Ocean MPA Network: Addressing the Common Challenges of Large, Remote Marine Protected Areas 

Speakers: Aulani Wilhelm, Superintendent, Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument

Topic: Is big always better? Big Ocean is a network of managers and partners of existing and proposed large-scale marine managed areas. The network's aim is to improve the effectiveness of management efforts, to serve as a peer learning resource and support system, and to build the professional standards of practice for large, remote MPAs. The six founding member sites in Australia, the United States, Kiribati, Chagos (UK) and Chile represent more than 900,000 mi2 (2.3 million km2) of ocean ecosystems -- roughly the same size as the Mediterranean Sea.

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May 9, 2013
Marine Protected Area Network Planning in the Bay of Fundy/Scotian Shelf

Speakers: Maxine Westhead, Section Head, Protected Areas and Conservation Planning, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Topic:: Planning a network of MPAs off of Canada's East Coast of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick is no small task. Fisheries and Oceans Canada is the lead agency of this effort, working in partnership with Environment Canada, Parks Canada and the provinces to design a marine protected areas network that represents the region's diverse habitats and ecosystems to meet the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity, as well as national and regional goals and mandates. Maxine will describe the work completed to date for this unique area of Canadian waters, successes, challenges, and next steps in the planning process.

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April 11, 2013, 1:00-2:00 pm EDT
WWII Offshore: Monitor National Marine Sanctuary's Battle of the Atlantic Expedition

Speakers: John Wagner, Monitor National Marine Sanctuary

Topic:: The Battle of the Atlantic has been called the longest, largest and most complex naval battle in history, running throughout World War II and extending across the Atlantic to U.S. shores. The Battle of the Atlantic Expedition is a multiyear maritime archaeology project to survey and document historically significant shipwrecks lost off the coast of North Carolina. Find out more about the field of maritime archaeology, innovative archaeological survey technologies, and Monitor National Marine Sanctuary's efforts to raise awareness and appreciation of these nonrenewable cultural resources.

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March 13, 2013, 1:00-2:00 pm EDT
Turning Visitors into Partners: Challenges and Successes at Golden Gate National Recreation Area

Speakers: Howard Levitt, Golden Gate National Recreation Area

Topic:: Millions of people from San Francisco and around the world come to Golden Gate National Recreation Area each year to enjoy the park's tremendous recreational and educational opportunities. Learn how the park has created a "ladder of engagement" to connect with everyone from casual visitors to corporate partners to build support for this world class attraction and for marine and coastal conservation.

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February 14, 2013, 1;00-2:00 pm EDT
Thank You Ocean! Building Common Outreach Messages and Strategies through the California Ocean Communicators Alliance 

Speakers: Sarah Marquis, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

Topic: Federal and state marine and coastal programs in California are working together to spread the word about the value of healthy oceans through Thank You Ocean, a series of public service announcements, podcasts and other tools that are reaching a broad and diverse audiences. Learn how stronger communications networking can increase your MPA program's impact.

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January 10, 2013, 1:00 – 2:00 pm EDT
How Are We Doing? Taking the Pulse of California's Oceans

Speaker: Dr. Liz Whiteman, MPA Monitoring Enterprise, California Ocean Science Trust

Topic: Monitoring California's statewide network of MPAs will produce an unprecedented body of data that will be useful not only to assess the performance of MPAs, but also to measure the health of the ocean ecosystems and inform management decisions. Find out about the new framework developed to guide a partnerships-based monitoring program and a new online community platform – OceanSpaces- for sharing monitoring data and results.

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December 13, 2012, 1:00 – 2:00 EDT
Can You Hear Me Now? Research and Tools on Ocean Communication

Speakers: Wei Ying Wong, Communications Project Director, The Ocean Project

Topic: The Ocean Project conducts cutting edge market research and analysis to help inform outreach and education on ocean issues. Find out what people really think about ocean issues, and how to target your outreach messages.

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November 8, 2012, 1:00 – 2:00 EDT
Building the Capacity of MPA Programs Around the Globe

Speakers: Anne Walton, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

Topic: The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries' MPA Management Capacity Building Program works with 22 countries around the world on a wide range of topics including climate change adaptation, marine spatial planning, managing tourism, MPAs and fisheries, and other topics. What can their experiences in other countries teach U.S. MPA managers?

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October 11, 2012, 12:00 – 1:00 EDT
Developing and Connecting the Gulf of Mexico MPA Network

Speakers: Ryan Young, Gulf of Mexico MPA Network Coordinator

Topic: The Gulf of Mexico MPA Network was formed to link diverse federal and state MPA programs in the region. Learn about shared priorities in the region, and the interactive website being developed to connect MPA managers and other experts.

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For More Information
Write to mpainfo@noaa.gov