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Important NPDB Terms Infographic

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This is a graphic that provides definitions for the following important NPDB Terms: Self-Query, query, report, report number, order ID, DBID, entity, agent and registration.

Important NPDB Terms

Basics Self-Query

A health care practitioner's search of the NPDB for reports relating to their own medical malpractice payment and adverse action history. The results may show one or more reports, or no reports.


A search for reports in the NPDB performed by eligible entities on practitioners or organizations with whom they have a relationship.


Submitted by eligible entities, reports contain information about medical malpractice payment, adverse actions and other data. Reports are not available to the public.

Numbers Order ID

A 16-digit number used to sign into a Self-Query. Upon saving or submitting a self-query order, an email is sent to the self-querier containing the Order ID.


Organizations registered with the NPDB receive a 15-digit Data Bank Identification number, used to sign in and identity the organization.

Report Number

A 16-digit number that identifies each NPDB report. It is located at the top right of each page of the report, and is used by subjects of reports to sign in.

Roles Data Bank Administrator

A user who is responsible for creating and maintaining their organization's NPDB user accounts and NPDB profile. There may be more than one administrator.

User Account

Each individual under an organization's DBID is required to have their own user account (with a unique User ID), which allows them to query and/or report the NPDB

Certifying Official

An individual selected and empowered by an organization to certify the legitimacy of the registration for participation with the NPDB. May also be the Data Bank administrator.

Organizations Entity (or "eligible entity")

An organization that is authorized by federal law to query and/or report to the NPDB. Examples include hospitals, health plans, state licensing boards, and more.

Agent (or "authorized agent")

An organization that an eligible entity designates to act on its behalf when querying and/or reporting to the NPDB.


Eligible entities and authorized agents register with the NPDB to receive their DBID and use the NPDB.

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