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NREL offers many different internship opportunities to full-time undergraduate and graduate students. The laboratory works with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science to provide the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship, Community College Internship, and Visiting Faculty Programs.


  Term Application Due Deliverables Apply and Contact
Undergraduate Internships Year Round and Summer No deadline until position is filled Poster

Apply here. Select Intern under Job Type.

Contact: Ben Godwin

Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship


The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship Program at NREL

Peer Review
Research Paper

Apply here

Contact: Marcus Giron

Community College Internship


The Community College Internship Program at NREL

Project Report Paper

Apply here

Contact: Marcus Giron


  Term Application Due Deliverables Apply and Contact
Graduate Internships Year Round and Summer No deadline until position is filled Poster

Apply here. Select Intern under Job Type.

Contact: Evan Lieb

Office of Science Graduate Student Research 3–12 months See key dates Mid-Year Report
Final Report

Apply here

Contact: Danelle Wilder

Mines/NREL Advanced Energy Systems Degree Program 2–4 years


Project Plan
Technical Report

Apply here

Contact: Adam Warren


  Term Application Due Deliverables Apply and Contact
Visiting Faculty Program Summer January Oral Presentation
Project Report

Apply here

Contact: Chris Nash

Benefits and Opportunities at a Glance

Full-time undergraduate or graduate students currently enrolled in a U.S. college or university who have successfully completed at least the sophomore year of school by June of the current year and plan to continue full-time enrollment during the following fall term are eligible for NREL's sponsored internships. Learn more


Pay: Competitive wages

Optional enrollment: Medical benefits (if working 30+ hours a week) and 403(b) Employee Savings Plan

If your permanent address is more than 50 miles from NREL: Stipend for travel to and from NREL (airfare or personal car mileage)

The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program at NREL provides paid research experience to encourage undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. Selected students perform research, guided by NREL scientists, on projects that support the DOE mission. The SULI program is the DOE Office of Science's premier undergraduate education and research program. Learn more

SULI Benefits

Pay: $18.25/hour

If your permanent address is more than 50 miles from NREL: Up to $500 for travel to and from NREL (airfare or personal car mileage)

Regional Transportation District (RTD) Eco Pass for bus and light rail

Watch this video for some housing tips from SULI participants.

The Community College Internship (CCI) program at NREL provides paid research experience to encourage community college students to enter technical careers relevant to the DOE mission. By providing technical training experiences at the DOE laboratories under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, CCI offers community college students technical experience and opens doors to education at 4-year colleges and universities. Learn more

CCI Benefits

Pay: $18.25/hour

If your permanent address is more than 50 miles from NREL: Up to $500 for travel to and from NREL (airfare or personal car mileage)

Regional Transportation District (RTD) Eco Pass for bus and light rail

Watch this video for some housing tips from past interns.

The Visiting Faculty Program seeks to increase the research competitiveness of faculty members and their students at institutions historically underrepresented in the research community in order to expand the workforce vital to the DOE mission areas. As part of the program, selected university/college faculty members collaborate with DOE laboratory research staff on a research project of mutual interest. Faculty member participants may invite up to two students (one of which may be a graduate student) to participate in hands-on research at NREL during the summer. Learn more on the DOE Office of Science website.

Visiting Faculty Program Benefits

Stipend: $19,500/10 weeks

If your permanent address is more than 50 miles from NREL: Up to $500 for travel to and from NREL (airfare or personal car mileage)