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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

TMIP-L Email List

TMIP maintains an email list to promote the open discussion of issues related to transportation modeling, simulation and analysis. The email list has over 1,600 subscribers representing travel forecasting professionals from around the globe.

New users must subscribe to the email list in order to post and receive TMIP-L messages. Once subscribed, emails sent to will be distributed to the entire user community.

A searchable archive of TMIP-L is also available with posts dating back to July 2001.

The Subscriber's Corner at can be used to modify a number of subscription settings including the receipt of daily digests.

TMIP-L Code Of Conduct

The TMIP Email List is provided to encourage knowledge sharing and networking within the transportation modeling, simulation and analysis community. By subscribing and posting to the TMIP email list, you are confirming that you have read and agree to abide by the TMIP-L Code of Conduct. Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with these important rules governing behavior on the TMIP email list. If you have questions please contact the TMIP Moderator at: Messages violating the code of conduct will be removed from the list and the archives. Repeated violations will result in the subscriber's email address being removed permanently from access to the list.

Ask the Modeling Experts

Do you have a question about transportation modeling, simulation or analysis, but don't know who to ask? You could ask them at the Travel Forecasting Resource where there are two easy ways to submit technical questions and get answers from experts in the modeling community. If you prefer to remain anonymous, you may indicate this in your email to, and your name will not be divulged. Otherwise, your name will appear with the question.
Updated: 7/20/2016
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