May 2006
Date Title
5/24/06 Senate Energy Panel Approves Feinstein-Boxer Resolution to Ensure Continued Public Access to Santa Rosa Island
5/24/06 Senators Feinstein and Specter Seek to Reaffirm FISA as the Exclusive Means for Domestic Electronic Surveillance on Americans
5/23/06 Senators Feinstein, DeWine, Durbin and Santorum Lead Bipartisan Coalition of 52 Senators Calling for Increased U.S. Foreign Assistance
5/23/06 Senators Feinstein, Coleman, and Voinovich Announce Bipartisan Caucus for Former Mayors
5/23/06 Statement of Senator Feinstein on Voting for General Michael Hayden as Director of the CIA
5/22/06 Senator Feinstein Endorses California State Bill Aimed at Fighting Global Warming
5/22/06 Senator Feinstein Endorses California Assembly Bill That Would Encourage Responsible Development on Floodplains
5/22/06 Senator Feinstein Urges Support For
New Orange Card Immigration Plan
5/19/06 Senator Feinstein To Introduce New
Orange Card Immigration Plan
5/18/06 Senate Banking Committee Passes Feinstein Legislation to Authorize Commemorative Coin Honoring San Francisco Old Mint
5/18/06 Senate Banking Committee Passes Feinstein-Thomas Resolution to Award Congressional Gold Medal to the Dalai Lama
5/17/06 The Clean EDGE Act will help make America energy independent by 2020
5/16/06 Senator Feinstein Urges Support for Nomination of Milan Smith to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
5/16/06 Senate Passes Bingaman-Feinstein Amendment to Limit Guest Worker Program
5/12/06 Senators Feinstein, Boxer Urge President to Approve Federal Disaster Declaration for Northern and Central California Counties
5/11/06 Feinstein Opposes Tax Cut Bill, Urges for More Equitable Tax Relief
5/11/06 Statement By Senator Feinstein
On NSA Warrentless Domestic Surveillance
5/11/06 Feinstein Opposes Small Business Health Insurance Bill That Would Override California’s Own Comprehensive Insurance Requirements
5/11/06 Senators Feinstein and Boxer Urge EPA to Approve California’s Request to Adopt Stringent Small Engine Emissions Rules
5/11/06 Senators Feinstein and Thomas Introduce Legislation to Award Congressional Gold Medal to the Dalai Lama
5/10/06 Senators Feinstein, Snowe, Durbin Call for Raising Average Fuel Economy Standards for All Vehicles to 35 mpg by Model Year 2017
5/8/06 Senator Feinstein Urges Californians to be Aware that Generic Drug Prices Vary Greatly From Pharmacy to Pharmacy
5/8/06 Senators Feinstein, Kyl, Sununu Seek to Cut Gasoline Prices by Ending Ethanol Import Tariff
5/8/06 Senator Feinstein Urges Children to Use Breast Cancer Research Stamps to Send Their Mother’s Day Cards
5/8/06 Statement of Senator Dianne Feinstein at Oversight Hearing on Gas Prices and Energy Trading