Directives Management

The Departmental Directives System is the primary system for establishing the basic management structure, organizational arrangements, and administrative instructions of the Department of Commerce.

Department Organization Orders

Department Organization Orders (DOOs) prescribe the basic management structure and organizational arrangements of the Department of Commerce. DOOs are issued for each Secretarial Officer, Departmental Office, and Operating Unit of the Department of Commerce.

Department Administrative Orders

Department Administrative Orders (DAOs) document and mandate continuing policies, standards, requirements, and procedures prescribed by the Office of the Secretary for Department-wide application or for application to two or more major program areas of the Department. DAOs cover substantive program matters as well as administrative management, legal, or special staff functions.

Recent and Historical Updates

View Recent and Historical DOO and DAO Updates - a list of recently issued, modified, and revoked Directives.

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Organization Charts

View the Department's Organization Charts.

Database Archive

View the database archive of superseded and revoked DOOs and DOAs.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Questions and Comments

Send Questions or Comments on the Commerce Open Gvoernment program to


Office of Privacy and Open Government
Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

Page last updated:January 23, 2018