A Decision Makers Guide: Medical Planning and Response for a Nuclear Detonation

A Decision Makers Guide: Medical Planning and Response for a Nuclear Detonation

A Decision Makers Guide: Medical Planning and Response for a Nuclear Detonation
(PDF - 4.98 MB) (HHS/ASPR, Second Edition, November, 2017)


  • Assist preparedness efforts and incident decision making by providing critical scientific information about a nuclear incident
  • Provide detailed information about managing the complex medical response


  • Planners, administrators, emergency managers
  • Upper-level policy and decision-makers in Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial public health and health-sector agencies, institutions, and governments


  • Sections
    • Manual with 14 sections about key issues and decisions
    • Guides with 14 sections with more detailed information about key issues
    • Appendices with 5 useful support resources
  • Actions and decisions linked to incident timeline
    • 0-4 hours
    • 4-24 hours
    • After 24 hours
  • Dynamic navigation (jump links) between sections
  • Recommendations linked to evidence-based information

History and Context of This Publication

Accessible Version of IND Decision Maker Guide (PDF – 5.04 MB)

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