table : economic-importance-of-us-coastal-areas

Economic Importance of U.S. Coastal Areas

table 8.1

This table appears in chapter 8 of the Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: The Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II report.

The coast is a critical component of the U.S. economy. This table shows U.S. employment, GDP, population, and land area compared to coastal areas as of 2013. “Coastal zone counties” comprise shore-adjacent counties plus non-shore-adjacent counties. For more complete definitions, visit Source Kildow et al. 2016.64c724bf-dcc0-403d-b14b-61ada21e5945

This table is composed of this array :
eb84247c (6x8)
Region Employment GDP Population % Land Area
Millions % of US Trillions % of US Millions % of US
United States 134 17 316.5
All Coastal States 109 81.50% 14 83.70% 258 81.50% 57.00%
Coastal Zone Counties 56 42.00% 8 48.00% 133 42.10% 19.60%
Shore-Adjacent Counties 50 37.50% 7 43.20% 118 37.40% 18.10%
Regions Covered

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