table : summary-of-assessment-models-by-country

Summary of Assessment Models by Country

table A4.1

This table appears in chapter A4 of the Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: The Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II report.

This table is composed of this array :
f9abe026 (10x3)
Nation(s) Assessment Model Number of Assessments to Date
Brazil Not mandated by law, developed by a scientific panel established by ministerial ordinance, and modeled after IPCC assessment reports. 1 (2013)
Canada Not mandated by law, developed by federal government departments. 6 (1998, 2008 [2], 2014, 2016, 2017)
India Not mandated by law, developed by domestic research institutions established by ministerial ordinance. 1 (2010)
Liberia Not mandated by law, developed with U.S. support to fill knowledge gaps resulting from intra-national conflict. 1 (2013)
Mongolia Not mandated by law, developed by ministerial climate change office. 2 (2009, 2014)
Pacific Islands Not mandated by law, developed as a collaborative regional-scale assessment between Australian agencies and Pacific countries. 1 (2011)
Saudi Arabia Not mandated by law, voluntarily developed by national government as part of UNFCCC reporting requirements. 3 (2005, 2011, 2016)
Singapore Not mandated by law, commissioned by government, and developed by a mixed team of national and international partners. 1 (2015)
United Kingdom Mandated by law, developed by a statutory independent committee. 2 (2012, 2017)
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