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Video Tutorial (2:33)

Dose Estimator for Exposure:
3 Biodosimetry Tools

1. Time to Onset of Vomiting

1. Date/time exposure began
Click to select a date
(e.g., 01/22/2008, 14:25)
Victim vomiting

2. Date/time vomiting began
Click to select a date

3. from exposure

Gy Gy

5. Print this result Print result

2. Lymphocyte Depletion Kinetics

1. Date/time exposure began Click to select a date
(e.g., 01/22/2008, 14:25)
Lymphocyte depletion graph

2. Date/time of one or more blood counts

  Lymphocyte count
  (x 109 cells/L) Important: Read this before using Lymphocyte Depletion Kinetics Tool
Click to select a date  
Click to select a date  
Click to select a date  
(e.g., 01/22/2008, 23:00)   (e.g., 1.25)

3. from exposure

Gy Gy

5. Print this result Print result
3. Dicentric Chromosome Assay

To estimate radiation dose, the Dicentric Chromosome Assay should be performed in a reference laboratory.

Dicentric chromosome