U.S. Department of the Interior

Graphic of trees and lake scenery.

For More Information:

Western Region
Web Master

Contact OSMRE

We Have A New Look!

OSMRE WR New Website screen capture

The OSMRE Western Region has joined the National site with a redesigned web presence. The new site allows users to find information quickly and easily, and applies a consistent look and feel to the bureau’s web pages. Specifically, the redesigned site incorporates several new features -– a dropdown menu, easier access to OSMRE social media tools, and compatibility with mobile devices, to name a few -- that make OSMRE WR's website easier to navigate. The site also adopts certain elements (e.g., a header that appears at the top of each page, a uniform navigation bar, etc.) that establish a common visual “identity” for the bureau’s web presence.

New features include:

The Header and Wave

The new OSMRE header is an important component of our new website. It is the first thing the viewer sees, and it indicates that what he or she is looking at is an OSMRE product. In addition to the bureau’s web pages, other OSMRE products (e.g., brochures, reports, etc.) will display this banner in the future.

OSMRE WR New Website screen capture

The header contains our agency name and logo and two key website tools:

OSMRE WR New Website screen capture

1. The 'All OSMRE Websites' Dropdown

This dropdown menu grants the user one-click access to any OSMRE website. The dropdown will be available on each web page OSMRE administers.

2. The Search Bar

This feature allows you to search whichever website is currently being viewed. In the sample image above, the viewer is searching

Clicking the OSMRE logo (located in the upper-left corner of the header) will always bring you back to the National OSMRE homepage.

3. The Wave

The top part of the website, called "The Wave" has a graphic that is unique to each Regional and OSMRE National site. Additionally, each Regional and OSMRE National site has a unique color scheme to distinguish it from the others.


We have improved or added three features to make OSMRE WR's website easier to use:

1. Global Navigation

OSMRE WR New Website screen capture

The “global navigation” feature is a bar that runs horizontally across the top of the page. Items within the bar remain the same regardless of the page being viewed. Clicking on the items in the navigation bar will allow you to access quickly and easily most of the content on the OSMRE WR website. When a given page is being viewed, the navigation button highlights the category under which that page has been placed.

2. Breadcrumb Trail

To keep track of where you are within OSMRE WR’s website, we have added a "breadcrumb trail" that locates a given page within the site's hierarchy. This trail displays the specific path to the page being viewed to provide an idea of how our website is organized.

3. The Aside

Located along the left side of the page, the “aside” changes in order to display the main navigation items associated with whichever section of the website is being viewed.

Also located in the aside is a list of related items. These items link to the content of whichever page is being viewed.

4. The Aside Accordion

You might have noticed arrows next to certain items on the Aside column. If you click on an arrow, an expanded menu will appear with additional pages related to that page. Click on it again to close the expanded menu.

Page Features

In addition to improving the navigation of our site, we have improved its readability as well. Below are a few new features designed to make the content easy to read, find, and print.

Page Tools

OSMRE WR New Website screen capture

Within each page, in the upper-right corner, we have placed a small toolbar with three icons. The first, a series of three “A”s, allows you to increase or decrease the size of the type on the page. The second icon is a bookmark. Some browsers do not support the use of bookmark buttons; if so, try using "Ctrl + D." The third icon, a printer, allows you to print the page.

OSMRE WR New Website screen capture

1. Buttons

Quick link buttons have been implemented throughout the site to quickly and easily take you to frequently used OSMRE-related websites.

2. Page Accordions

Similar to the Aside, accordions have also been implemented throughout the content of the site to shorten pages and allow for easier navigation between major topics. You can click on an arrow to show or hide that section, or click on the button "Show All/Hide All" to display or hide every accordion on that page.

OSMRE WR New Website screen capture

3. Point of Contact

Toward the bottom-left side of each page is an area listing a Section Point of Contact. This is the person (or program, office, etc.) within OSMRE to contact if you have any questions or concerns relating to the content of that page.

4. Site Directory

Located just above the footer, the Site Directory is a quick view of the predominant sections and pages on It is not an exhaustive list of OSMRE WR’s full range of activities (for just such a list, go to the Site Index under Resources). The Site Directory is on every page but is hidden by default to save space. To open it, click on one of the down-pointing arrows.

Social Media

The redesigned site features two social media toolbars: one appears at the top-right corner of the website, near the header; the other resides within the Site Directory. Here, users can access OSMRE's social media sites to follow the bureau on Twitter, like us on Facebook, share articles and pages, etc.

Website Coding and Browser Compatibility

HTML5 Logo CSS3 Logo Javascript Logo JQuery Logo Modernizr Logo

The OSMRE WR website is designed using the newest HTML5 and CSS3 specifications. These specifications include many new features and capabilities not found in previous versions, which means they are better able to work with touch-screen devices (e.g., tablets and smartphones). At this time, some browsers do not fully support all features included in these specifications. Currently, the redesigned website is best viewed in Google Chrome 29, Opera 16, Firefox 24, Safari 6.0, or Internet Explorer (IE) 10. The site will function with certain older browsers, but the aforementioned are the ideal. Viewers using versions older than IE8 are likely to encounter issues viewing the site.

This site also uses Javascript and Jquery. If you are experiencing interactivity issues, check to see if Javascript is turned on in your browser. You may have disabled Javascript, which could reduce the site's functionality.

Website displaying incorrectly?

If you are viewing this website in Internet Explorer and are experiencing problems such as the OSMRE Regional Map not displaying properly, first make sure that your version of Internet Explorer is 8 or higher. You can do this by clicking on "Settings" and then "About Internet Explorer." If you have a version that predates 8, you can update your browser at the Internet Explorer website.

If you have versions 8 or higher, you may not be viewing your websites in the standards of that version. You can correct this problem by opening Internet Explorer and clicking F12 to bring up the Developer Tools. A second window should pop up on your screen titled "Download - Internet Explorer - F12". On the far right of the main menu should be two options, "Browser Mode" and "Document Mode." Click on both of these options and choose the latest version available. Close out of this window.

If this has not corrected the problem you are having, please contact the web master through email at:

Looking Ahead

View of the Colorado Rockies, just outside Denver, where OSMRE's Western Region Office is located.

This iteration of the redesigned site is only the beginning. Over the next few months, we will be applying the new look to all of OSMRE websites. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback, which will help us make our site even better. Please send comments to

Page Last Modified/Reviewed: 12/22/16

Western Region OSMRE, PO Box 25065, Lakewood, CO 80225-0065
TTY: (202) 208-2694 | Email:

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