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Apply for E-ROBOT Prize
DOE releases up to $5 million for the Envelope Retrofit Opportunities for Buildings Optimization Technologies (E-ROBOT) Prize for the development of advanced robotics capabilities and controls for building envelope retrofits.

Buildings need to be flexible, resilient, and smarter. Residential and commercial buildings, as a key driver of electricity demand, use 74% of all electricity and 39% of all energy use in the United States. Yet, these buildings can also be a part of the solution. The Emerging Technologies (ET) Program reinforces the Building Technologies Office’s mission to support research and development, validation, and integration of affordable, energy-saving technologies, strategies, analytical tools, and information services.

The ET research projects help industry, national laboratories, and academia to implement these at scale to reduce energy use and cost in both new and existing residential and commercial buildings. Widespread adoption of existing energy-efficiency building technologies – and the introduction and use of new technologies – could reduce energy use in homes and commercial buildings by 50%.

Learn more about the ET leadership team and key research activities.

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