Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer

The Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 1999-2016 is an update of rates for new cases and deaths as well as trends for the most common cancers in the United States. The special section of this report focuses on cancer trends among adults ages 20 to 49.

Cancer Stat Facts

Cancer Stat Facts are a collection of statistical summaries for a number of common cancer types. They were developed to provide a quick overview of frequently-requested cancer statistics. Available statistics may include incidence, mortality, survival, stage, prevalence, and lifetime risk.

Cancer Statistics Review

The SEER Cancer Statistics Review (CSR) 1975-2016 is an annual report of the most recent cancer incidence, mortality, survival, prevalence, and lifetime risk statistics. The scope and purpose of this work are consistent with a report to the Senate Appropriations Committee (Breslow, 1988), which recommended that a broad profile of cancer be presented to the American public on a routine basis. The next CSR (1975-2017) will be released in April, 2020. To view preliminary estimates of incidence rates and trends for the years 2000-2017, please visit the link below on this page.

Cancer Trends Progress Report

The Cancer Trends Progress Report summarizes our nation’s progress against cancer in relation to Healthy People targets determined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Preliminary Incidence Rates and Trends

Preliminary estimates of incidence rates and trends 2000-2017 for the SEER 18 registries, based on 2019 February submission from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) registries, are reported.

SEER Publications

Statistical monographs, order form for select publications, and brochures.