Health Care

Democrats are taking action to lower health care costs, bring down prescription drug prices, and fight back against Republican sabotage of the Affordable Care Act.
House Democrats have taken action to strengthen protections for people with pre-existing conditions, lower prescription drug prices, and fight against Republican efforts to take away health coverage and raise costs for millions of Americans.
The Affordable Care Act – enacted by President Obama and Congressional Democrats in 2010 – has put American families in control of their own health care and ended a system that put profits ahead of patients with the enactment of the Affordable Care Act. Since its enactment, 20 million more Americans have gained access to quality, affordable health coverage. Americans with pre-existing conditions can no longer be discriminated against by insurance companies. Parents can now keep their children on their insurance plans up to age 26. Insurance companies are no longer allowed to put annual or lifetime limits on coverage or drop people when they get sick. And, thanks to the law, Medicare costs – from premiums and deductibles to overall program spending – have slowed to well below the levels projected before the law passed.
Despite the progress made under the ACA, President Trump and Congressional Republicans worked for years to repeal the law. After failing to do so, they have sought to eliminate the law through the courts. On day one of the Democratic-led 116th Congress, House Democrats voted to authorize the House Counsel to intervene in the Republican lawsuit that seeks to invalidate the law, including its protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions. A few months later, House Democrats voted on a resolution to condemn the Trump Administration’s efforts to sabotage the ACA. In addition, ten bills have been passed to protect and expand access to coverage and address the cost of prescription drugs by bringing generic drugs to market more quickly and amending information provided by the FDA.
In December 2019, the House passed H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act. Too many Americans can’t afford their prescription drugs, and are forced to choose between medicines they need and paying rent or putting food on the table. This bill will give Medicare the power to negotiate directly with drug companies, which will help bring drug prices down. It will make those lower drug prices available to Americans with private insurance as well. It will also create a new out-of-pocket limit of $2,000 for prescription drug costs for those on Medicare Part-D.  The Lower Drug Costs Now Act saves American taxpayers approximately half a trillion dollars over the next ten years; the bill reinvests those savings to expand Medicare benefits to cover dental, vision, and hearing services; invest in new research, treatments, and cures; and combat the opioid crisis.
House committees have also held numerous health care-related hearings, including hearings to examine the Trump Administration’s efforts to sabotage the ACA, the cost of prescription drugs like insulin, the opioid crisis, maternal health, and surprise billing. House Democrats will continue to work through the committees to bring additional legislation to the Floor later in the year.
Democrats will continue to urge Republicans to work with us to improve health care access and affordability and to strengthen the ACA and ensure all Americans can access affordable health coverage.
Health Care Related
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I thank my friend, the Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee [Frank Pallone], and Mr. [Greg] Walden, the Ranking Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, for bringing this bill to the Floor. But most of all, I want to thank my friend, Phil Roe - Dr. Roe – from Tennessee, a medical doctor.
President Trump is doing everything possible to hide the fact that his Administration and Republicans in Congress are trying to overturn the Affordable Care Act and end protections for those with pre-existing conditions. 
Madam Speaker, this week, Democrats are coming to the Floor to highlight the work we have been doing over the past two years governing for the people – in sharp contrast with the way President Trump and Republicans have failed the people.
It is inconceivable that President Trump and Republicans would want to kick more than 23 million Americans off their health coverage and take away protections for those with pre-existing conditions in the middle of a deadly pandemic, yet that is exactly what they have been doing with their lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act.  Thankfully, House Democrats have been defending the Affordable Care Act for as long as Republicans have attempted to dismantle it.  During the first week of our Majority last year, we voted to commit House resources to the defense of the law in court, and since then, we have passed legislation to strengthen the ACA, expand access to affordable health care, and bring down costs. Tonight, we took action once more and adopted an amendment introduced by Rep. Lauren Underwood to block the Trump Administration from using taxpayer funds to prosecute the case against affordable health care access.
As we celebrate fifty-five years since the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid, we do so at a moment when making affordable health care accessible to more Americans is paramount in our thoughts.
Like many others, I was very disappointed to learn of the Supreme Court’s decision this morning upholding President Trump’s rule allowing more employers to opt out of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) mandate guaranteeing contraceptive services at no cost to women for moral or religious reasons.
The Majority Leader’s Office has issued the following report on the stark contrast between both parties when it comes to health care priorities. While Republicans work to sabotage health care during a pandemic, House Democrats are working to lower drug costs and expand coverage.
 Yesterday, House Democrats passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act, which will benefit over 17 million Americans by expanding coverage and bringing down health care costs. News coverage and blog posts highlighted the stark contrast between House Democrats delivering on our pledge to strengthen and enhance the Affordable Care Act and Republican efforts to strike down the ACA in the courts and eliminate protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions.
Madam Speaker, last week in the middle of the worst pandemic in our lifetimes, the Trump Administration submitted briefs to the Supreme Court in support of a lawsuit by Republican-led states seeking to overturn the law that provides millions of Americans with access to affordable health care.
Today’s ruling is a victory for women’s reproductive freedom in our country, which has been under assault by Republican efforts to limit women’s access to health care by forcing the closure of facilities that provide that care. 
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) joined a press call today to discuss the briefs being filed in the Supreme Court by Republicans in support of their lawsuit to strike down the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI), Little Lobbyists Executive Director and Co-Founder Elena Hung, and Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach also spoke on today’s call. Below is a transcript of Leader Hoyer’s remarks:
Today, House Democrats unveiled legislation to strengthen and expand the Affordable Care Act, fulfilling a promise made to the American people who entrusted us to use our House Majority to make access to quality health care more affordable. The House will vote on this bill on Monday, June 29.
Ten years ago, Democrats fought hard to reform a deeply broken health care system. Refusing to accept a reality in which tens of millions of Americans had to go without insurance or were routinely dropped from their coverage as soon as they became sick, we enacted major legislation to ensure that quality, affordable health care would be accessible to all Americans, regardless of their income.
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Yesterday, the Supreme Court announced it will hear the Texas v. United States case, a partisan lawsuit led by the Trump Administration and Republicans to strike down the Affordable Care Act in its entirety, including protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions. After failing previously to undo the law in the courts and repeal the law when they controlled all levers of government, President Trump and the GOP are continuing their assault on Americans’ health coverage with this lawsuit. If successful, here’s a look at what would be at stake for hundreds of millions of Americans: