Podcast Series: The Beat

Welcome to the COPS Office's podcast series, The Beat. The Beat features interviews with experts from many disciplines and provides law enforcement with the latest developments in community policing. Below, you will find the most current The Beat podcasts. To access previous episodes of The Beat, visit The Beat archive.

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The opinions contained herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. References to specific agencies, companies, products, or services should not be considered an endorsement by the author(s) or the U.S. Department of Justice. Rather, the references are illustrations to supplement discussion of the issues.

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Featured Episodes

You Are Not Alone: A Law Enforcement Approach to Monitoring the Needs of Vulnerable Citizens

Throughout our communities, seniors and individuals with disabilities live alone, and may face challenges that put them at risk, or result in neglect of their basic needs. The Paradise Valley Police Department’s (AZ) You Are Not Alone (YANA) program is an automated, proactive approach that supports these citizens without overburdening department resources. Officer Steven McGhee and Patricia Wagner join the Beat to discuss YANA.
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2020 Episodes

September, 2020 - Resilient Minds on the Front Lines

Resilient Minds on the Front Lines is a program developed to support law enforcement and other first responders with tools and knowledge that can help them cope with the stress inherent to a profession requiring self-sacrifice in the name of serving the ‘public good’. During this episode of The Beat, the team behind Resilient Minds discusses techniques and resources available to help first responders continue helping others.
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July, 2020 - NYPD Coronavirus Operations

The NYPD’s Patrol Services Bureau is responsible for operations conducted by the majority of the department's uniformed officers. These officers work out of 77 precincts that each serve a population of between 70,000 and 150,000 people. Deputy Chief Pichardo speaks with The Beat about how the Department responded to the Coronavirus, and shares his perspectives on the commitment of NYPD officers.
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July, 2020 - Jail Operations in the Coronavirus Era

A career public servant, Sheriff Peter J. Koutoujian oversees one of the nation’s oldest law enforcement agencies - the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Koutoujian joins The Beat to share his experiences and lessons learned leading his organization through the height of the coronavirus.
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June, 2020 - 7 Habits of Unsuccessful Departments

Leadership is critical to the success of every department. However, perceptions of what constitutes effective leadership can vary depending on when and where officers enter the profession. Chief Joel Shults (Ret.) joins The Beat to provide insight gained during his 30-year career about successful police leadership.
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April, 2020 - Accessing Free Online and In-Person Training through the COPS Office Training Portal

In this episode of The Beat, Sheila Gunderman and Evan Mishler from the Virginia Center for Policing Innovation (VCPI) discuss the training resources offered through the COPS Office’s Training Portal. The Portal is a no-cost resource for entire departments, academies, and individual officers to access a high-quality, interactive e-Learning curriculum.
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February, 2020 - Building Personal Resilience

The Madison (WI) Police Department’s Building Personal Resilience project was developed in coordination with the University of Iowa’s College of Nursing and focuses on helping officers dissipate stress and effectively self-regulate as they endure the rigors of the job. Captain Mary Schauf (ret.) and Sandra Ramey, PhD, RN, join The Beat to share Madison’s experience.
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January, 2020 - Wounded in the Line of Duty: One Park Ranger’s Story

Brody Young is a Utah State Parks Ranger who was shot nine times, left to die in a remote location, and is back on the job today. Ranger Young speaks candidly about the incident, his recovery, and how the experience has changed his life.
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January, 2020 - Mitigating the Risk of Heart Disease in Officers

Jon Sheinberg is a Lieutenant with the Cedar Park Police Department in Texas. Lieutenant Sheinberg is also a practicing Cardiologist, and he shares information about the prevalence of heart attacks among officers and offers suggestions on how cops can reduce their risk of heart disease.
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January, 2020 - Counseling Officers: Perspectives of a Police Psychologist

Mark Kirschner is a Clinical Psychologist who has spent his career working directly with law enforcement officers. Dr. Kirschner shares information about how officers can offset the unavoidable emotional stress that comes with wearing the badge.
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The Beat: Archive

2010 - 2019