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Overseas Security Advisory Council
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
U.S. Department of State

Reviewing the OSAC Code of Conduct

Dear OSAC Colleagues:

Trust, respect, and professionalism are the keys to OSAC’s success, and we appreciate your support in upholding these values, particularly during difficult times when we are separated from one another, communicating on virtual platforms, and working harder to stay connected.

So far this year, we’ve hosted more than 55 virtual events with more than 4,800 unique users, and we’ve continued to share vital security information on our membership group communications platforms, which collectively support more than 6,200 OSAC members. While most of these activities and tools have allowed you to stay positively connected to your valued networks during the pandemic, we also unfortunately have experienced a few incidents where users have demonstrated unprofessional and inappropriate conduct.

OSAC is committed to providing a safe and welcoming experience for each of our members, where every person is treated with dignity and respect. We welcome and endorse the full participation of all members, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religion, sex, gender, or gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, or any other personal characteristic.

We will not tolerate inappropriate behavior on our virtual platforms or at our in-person events. Such unacceptable behavior includes discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, threats, and abusive or demeaning commentary or language.

The current OSAC Code of Conduct is posted on our website, and our legal advisor is reviewing proposed updates to expand its breadth to include virtual events and digital communications. We are also taking this opportunity to conduct a complete review of the Code of Conduct to further strengthen it. We have identified a group of 20 OSAC leaders, all volunteers from our Senior Advisory Group, OSAC Council, Common Interest Council Steering Committees, and OSAC HQ staff, who will undertake this important work in the coming weeks.

If you are or have been the recipient of unacceptable or inappropriate behavior while participating in an OSAC activity, or have witnessed any such behavior, you may contact OSAC Executive Director Jason Kight at (571) 345-2214 or via email at KightJR@state.gov. If you would prefer to contact a female staff member, please reach out to Team Lead Kit Bartels at BartelsKV2@state.gov.

We will keep you informed as this effort moves forward. In the meantime, we remind you all to be considerate and respectful in your thoughts, words, choices, and actions.

The OSAC Executive Board


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