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Current HSR&D studies and projects

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Project No. 
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C19 20-203 Impact of COVID-19 and Social Distancing on Mental Health and Suicide Risk in Veterans DeBeer, Bryann 2021-03-31
C19 20-204 Use of VA Telehealth Services at VAGLAHS during the COVID-19 Pandemic Der-Martirosian, Claudia 2021-04-30
C19 20-205 Veterans Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic Fagerlin, Angela 2021-03-31
C19 20-206 Piloting a Self-Help Intervention to Improve Veteran Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic Funderburk, Jennifer 2021-03-31
C19 20-207 A Needs Assessment for Facilitating the Role of VA Occupational Health Providers during COVID-19 Giannitrapani, Karleen 2021-04-30
C19 20-208 COVID-19 Sequelae Among Veterans Treated in the VA: Planning for What Comes Next Hynes, Denise 2021-04-30
C19 20-209 Developing effective strategies to improve access in the COVID-19 system recovery phase Kerr, Eve 2021-03-31
C19 20-210 Applying the After Action Review Methodology to Examine Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation and Treatment Programs’ Response to the COVID--19 Crisis Kim, Bo 2021-05-31
C19 20-211 A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study of the Impacts of Telemental Healthcare for High-Risk Veterans with Opioid Use Disorder during COVID-19 Myers, Ursula 2021-04-30
C19 20-212 Rapid assessment of national surges and variations in COVID-19 inpatient nurse staffing using a big data approach. Petersen, Laura 2021-03-31
C19 20-213 COVID-19 in the VA Community Living Centers Rudolph, James 2021-02-28
C19 20-214 Incidence, Risk Factors, and Prognosis of COVID-19 Associated Acute Kidney Injury Siew, Edward 2021-03-31
C19 20-216 Adapting Caring Contacts to Counteract Adverse Effects of Social Distancing Among High-Risk Veterans During the COVID-19 Pandemic Teo, Alan 2020-12-31
C19 20-217 Effectiveness of telehealth to adequately manage ACSC such as admission for congestive heart failure (CHF) Winchester, David 2021-04-30
C19 20-393 Expanding VA Peer Support Workforce Capacity to Facilitate Increased Access to VHA Mental Health Services and Continuity of Care for Veterans with Mental Illness During The COVID-19 Pandemic Eliacin, Johanne 2021-04-30
C19 20-394 Establish and analyze outcomes for the COVID-19 CRC Risk Cohort (CV19CRC) Gupta, Samir 2021-04-30
C19 20-395 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on chronic disease care within the VA Hunt, Kelly 2021-04-30
C19 20-396 Changes in the Delivery of Evidenced Based Psychotherapies for Depression and PTSD as the Result of COVID-19 Pandemic Mendez, Diana 2021-03-31
C19 20-397 Virtual Pain Care for High Risk Veterans on Opioids during COVID19 (and Beyond) Moore, Brent 2021-05-31
C19 20-398 COVID-19 Impact on Biopsychosocial Factors of Loneliness in Rural Older Veterans and Caregivers Padala, Prasad 2021-04-30
C19 20-399 Delaying Cardiovascular Procedures to Curb the Spread of COVID-19 among Veterans: Variation in VHA Practice Patterns and Outcomes Yong, Celina 2021-04-30
C19 20-404 Use and effectiveness of remdesivir for treatment of COVID-19 Ohl, Michael 2021-04-30
C19 20-405 Establishment of Veterans' Cohort and Effect of HCV and COVID-19 Screening and Treatment Freiberg, Matthew 2021-04-30
C19 20-406 Associations of steroid exposure with severity and outcomes of hospitalized Veterans with COVID-19 Crothers, Kristina 2021-05-31
CDA 13-023 Strategies to Reduce Unnecessary Noninvasive Imaging Winchester, David 2023-09-30
CDA 13-260 Implementation of Brief Treatments for Insomnia in Primary Care Bramoweth, Adam 2021-03-31
CDA 13-265 Optimizing Testosterone Prescribing in the VA Jasuja, Guneet 2022-02-28
CDA 13-266 Women Veterans' VA Maternity Care Utilization, Satisfaction, and Health Outcomes Katon, Jodie 2021-06-30
CDA 13-272 Evaluating and Improving Osteoporosis Care for Male Veterans Solimeo, Samantha 2020-12-31
CDA 14-156 A Patient-centered Approach to Comorbidity Management in Aging Veterans with HIV Fix, Gemmae 2021-04-30
CDA 14-408 Health Outcomes and Healthcare Use Among Transgender Veterans Blosnich, John 2021-02-28
CDA 14-420 Implementing and Evaluating Computer-Based Interventions for Mental Health Hermes, Eric 2021-06-30
CDA 14-422 Evaluating Cash Benefit Programs for Veterans' Long Term Care Thomas, Kali 2021-09-30
CDA 14-425 Improving Outcomes for Older Veterans with Chronic Back Pain and Depression Makris, Una 2021-09-30
CDA 15-059 Development and Testing of a Prescription Opioid Tapering Intervention Frank, Joseph 2021-08-31
CDA 15-060 Identifying and Addressing Barriers to Bariatric Surgery within VA Funk, Luke 2021-02-28
CDA 15-061 Understanding and Improving Decision-making in Pneumonia with Informatics Jones, Barbara 2022-03-31
CDA 15-063 Improving Pain and Sleep Outcomes for Veterans with Chronic Pain Koffel, Erin 2022-09-30
CDA 15-070 Measuring and improving specialty care coordination in VA Vimalananda, Varsha 2022-11-30
CDA 15-072 Optimizing Access, Appropriateness, and Quality of Minimally Invasive Procedures for Veterans Yong, Celina 2024-01-31
CDA 15-074 Improving Housing Outcomes for Homeless Veterans Gabrielian, Sonya 2022-02-28
CDA 15-251 Optimizing treatment response in VA Specialized Intensive/Inpatient PTSD programs Sripada, Rebecca 2022-03-31
CDA 15-257 Patient-centered Strategies to Engage Veterans in Behavioral Health Services Breland, Jessica 2021-09-30
CDA 15-259 Access to and Choice of VA or Non-VA Health Care by Veterans of Recent Conflicts Vanneman, Megan 2025-03-31
CDA 15-260 Development of a Stewardship Intervention for CLC Pharmacists to Improve UTI Treatments Appaneal, Haley 2022-09-30
CDA 15-262 Improving Primary Care Anxiety Treatment Engagement and Effectiveness Shepardson, Robyn 2022-03-31
CDA 16-151 Implementing Shared Decision-Making for Cancer Screening in Primary Care Caverly, Tanner 2023-03-31
CDA 16-152 Optimizing Outcomes in Home-Based Primary Care Edwards, Samuel 2023-06-30
CDA 16-153 Improving Patient-Provider Communication to Reduce Mental Health Disparities Eliacin, Johanne 2023-02-28
CDA 16-154 Enhancing social support for diabetes self-management among men and women Veterans Gray, Kristen 2022-06-30
CDA 16-158 Improving Multi-Disciplinary Teamwork for Veterans with COPD: Mixed Methods Study Rinne, Seppo 2023-12-31
CDA 16-204 Improving antimicrobial use at hospitals that lack infectious disease specialists Livorsi, Daniel 2022-09-30
CDA 16-206 Improving the Use of Tumor Genetic Testing with Decision Science Becker, Daniel 2025-02-28
CDA 17-005 A Personalized mHealth Approach to Smoking Cessation for Veterans Living with HIV Wilson, Sarah 2023-03-31
CDA 17-006 Increasing mental health services use through enabling resources & family support Shepherd-Banigan, Megan 2024-03-31
CDA 17-007 Navigating Advanced Illness for Informal Caregivers of Ill Veterans Boucher, Nathan 2023-07-31
CDA 17-018 Improving Health Care for Women Veterans: Addressing Menopause and Mental Health Gibson, Carolyn 2023-05-31
CDA 17-162 Peer learning to promote quality and appropriate use of percutaneous coronary intervention Doll, Jacob 2024-04-30
CDA 17-163 Building Supportive Learning Environments: Implementation Research in VA Cardiac Cath Labs Gilmartin, Heather 2024-12-31
CDA 17-164 Designing for Implementation and Dissemination of High-Value Heart Failure Transitional Care Hess, Paul 2025-04-30
CDA 17-167 Understanding physicians' diagnostic accuracy in the EHR era Meyer, Ashley 2023-09-30
CDA 17-169 Assessing Treatment Delay and Resource Use to Improve Value of Pre-Surgical Care Sears, Erika 2023-03-31
CDA 17-170 Optimizing Bacteriuria Management in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury Skelton, Felicia 2022-10-31
CDA 18-005 Targeting Barriers to Pain Self-Management in Women Veterans: Refinement and Feasibility of a Novel Peer Support Intervention (Project CONNECT) Driscoll, Mary 2024-04-30
CDA 18-006 Developing a Team-Delivered Intervention for Smoking and Hazardous Drinking for Primary Care Veterans with Cardiovascular Diseases Gass, Julie 2024-06-30
CDA 18-008 Using telehealth to expand treatment access for Veterans with opioid use disorder Lin, Lewei 2024-03-31
CDA 18-185 Enhancing Social Connectedness Among Veterans at High Risk for Suicide through Community Engagement Chen, Jason 2024-06-30
CDA 18-186 Patient Readiness for Improvement through Motivation, Engagement, and Decision-making for PTSD (PRIMED-PTSD) Chen, Jessica 2025-08-31
CDA 18-187 Redesigning Medical specialty Outpatient DELivery through virtual SLEEP care (REMODEL-SLEEP) Donovan, Lucas 2024-12-31
CDA 18-191 Optimizing Critical Care for Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure: A Mixed-Methods Study Vranas, Kelly 2024-06-30
CDA 18-192 Veteran Engagement Implementation Strategies to Prevent Rural Veteran Suicide Woodward, Eva 2025-06-30
CDA 18-193 Expanding access to opioid use disorder treatment with buprenorphine in rural primary care settings Wyse, Jessica 2025-06-30
CDA 18-327 Race/ethnic differences in guideline recommended hypertension medications in VHA Mohanty, April 2023-03-31
CDA 19-081 Electronic Proactive Outreach for Smokers with COPD: Engaging patients to quit Melzer, Anne 2025-09-30
CDA 19-108 Improving Depression Management in Primary Care Leung, Lucinda 2025-06-30
CDA 19-120 Helping VA optimize its long-term care services Jacobs, Josephine 2025-06-30
CDA 19-208 Assessing and Enhancing Social Support to Improve Treatment Outcomes Among Veterans with PTSD Campbell , Sarah 2025-09-30
CDA 19-234 Developing Comprehensive Screening and Treatment for Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Portnoy , Galina 2025-09-30
CDA 20-037 Implementing a Clinical-Community Partnered Intervention to Address Food Insecurity Among High-Risk Veterans Cohen , Alicia 2025-09-30
CDA 20-057 Implementation Intervention to Improve Care for Unhealthy Alcohol Use Bachrach , Rachel 2025-09-30
CRE 12-289 Building an Optimal Hand Hygiene Bundle: A Mixed Methods Approach Reisinger, Heather 2021-01-31
CRE 12-307 Comparative safety and effectiveness of isolation in VHA community living centers Morgan, Daniel 2021-01-31
IIR 11-343 Utilizing the RESCUE Stroke Caregiver Website to Enhance Discharge Planning Uphold, Constance 2021-03-31
IIR 12-071 Evaluation of Methods for Implementation of a Comfort Care Order Set Burgio, Kathryn 2021-01-31
IIR 12-152 Factors Associated with Institutional Use by Veterans in Home Based Primary Care Gillespie, Suzanne 2021-02-28
IIR 12-409 Remote Ambulatory Management of Veterans with Sleep Apnea Kuna, Samuel 2021-01-31
IIR 13-081 Patterns and Experiences of VA Maternity Care Coordination for Women Veterans Mattocks, Kristin 2021-03-31
IIR 13-294 Impact of Sexual Assault and Combat-Related Trauma on Fertility in Veterans Mengeling, Michelle 2021-01-31
IIR 13-314 STorytelling to Improve DiseasE outcomes in GoUT: The STRIDE-GO Study Singh, Jasvinder 2021-08-31
IIR 14-007 Opening the Black Box of Cultural Competence Saha, Somnath 2021-09-30
IIR 14-009 Preventing Amputations by Tailored Risk-based Intervention to Optimize Therapy Natarajan, Sundar 2021-03-31
IIR 14-063 Vet COACH (Veteran peer Coaches Optimizing and Advancing Cardiac Health) Nelson, Karin 2022-02-28
IIR 14-074 Engaging Veterans and Family Supporters in PACT to Improve Diabetes Management Rosland, Ann-Marie 2021-09-30
IIR 14-080 Comparative Effectiveness of Delivery Methods for Caregiver Support and Education Mavandadi, Shahrzad 2021-11-30
IIR 14-093 Personalized Life Expectancy to Encourage High Value Prostate Cancer Care Leppert, John 2021-02-28
IIR 14-288 An RCT of a Primary Care-Based PTSD Intervention: Clinician-Supported PTSD Coach Kuhn, Eric 2021-09-30
IIR 14-295 Effects of VHA opioid policy on prescribing and patient-centered outcomes Krebs, Erin 2021-04-30
IIR 14-306 De-Intensifying Unnecessary Medications in VA CLC Residents Nearing End of Life Thorpe, Carolyn 2021-06-30
IIR 14-338 Appropriate Use of Cardiovascular Procedures to Optimize Healthcare Value Ho, P. Michael 2021-03-31
IIR 14-346 Palliative Care to Improve Quality of Life in CHF and COPD Bekelman, David 2020-12-31
IIR 14-438 Pain Care Quality and Integrated and Complementary Health Approaches Luther, Stephen 2021-03-31
IIR 15-085 Alignment of Treatment Preferences and Repair Type for Veterans with AAA Goodney, Philip 2021-04-30
IIR 15-092 Pain-related Anxiety Intervention for Smokers with Chronic Pain: A Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Smoking Cessation Counseling for Veterans Bastian, Lori 2022-01-31
IIR 15-095 Primary Care Quality and Homeless Service Tailoring Kertesz, Stefan 2021-06-30
IIR 15-101 A Technology-Assisted Care Transition Intervention for Veterans with Chronic Heart Failure or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Hogan, Timothy 2021-06-30
IIR 15-113 Improving Glaucoma Medication Adherence Muir, Kelly 2021-02-28
IIR 15-117 Spanish Online & Telephone Intervention for Caregivers of Veterans with Stroke Freytes, Ivette 2022-09-30
IIR 15-120 Improving Antimicrobial Stewardship in Veterans Affairs (VA) Community Living Centers LaPlante, Kerry 2021-11-30
IIR 15-143 Incorporating Veterans Preferences Into Lung Cancer Screening Decisions Schapira, Marilyn 2021-02-28
IIR 15-298 Improving Outcomes among Medical/Surgical Inpatients with Alcohol Use Disorders Timko, Christine 2022-02-28
IIR 15-300 Evaluation of Recovery-oriented Acute INpatient Mental Healthcare (RAIN-MH) McGuire, Alan 2021-03-31
IIR 15-307 Improving Diabetes Care through Effective Personalized Patient Portal Interactions Shimada, Stephanie 2021-01-31
IIR 15-312 Promoting Advance Care Planning as a Healthy Behavior Fried, Terri 2021-04-30
IIR 15-316 Care Coordination for High-Risk Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions Zulman, Donna 2021-12-31
IIR 15-319 Identifying Networks of Transmission by Examining Routines of Action, Contact, and Thinking (INTERACT) Leecaster, Molly 2021-03-31
IIR 15-322 Improving Veteran Adherence to Treatment for PTSD through Partnering with Families Meis, Laura 2022-02-28
IIR 15-327 Health Information for Infected Veterans Midboe, Amanda 2021-09-30
IIR 15-330 Unintended Consequences: The Impact of VA Antipsychotic Reduction Efforts in Dementia Zivin, Kara 2021-06-30
IIR 15-333 Trial Outcomes for Massage: Caregiver-Assisted vs. Therapist-Treated (TOMCATT) Bair, Matthew 2021-08-31
IIR 15-339 Improving Access to Sleep Apnea Care: A Pragmatic Study of New Consultation Models Sarmiento, Kathleen 2024-07-31
IIR 15-346 Comparative Effectiveness of Split-Dose Colonoscopy Bowel Preparation Regimens Yang, Yu-Xiao 2021-09-30
IIR 15-348 Cannabis Use and Health among VHA Primary Care Patients Blow, Frederic 2021-09-30
IIR 15-349 Weight Loss Treatment and CBT for Veterans with Binge Eating Masheb, Robin 2022-07-31
IIR 15-356 A multi-modal, physician-centered intervention to improve guideline-concordant prostate cancer imaging Makarov, Danil 2022-02-28
IIR 15-359 Improving Transplant Medication Safety through a Technology and Pharmacist (ISTEP) Intervention in Veterans Taber, David 2022-04-30
IIR 15-362 Implementation trial of a coaching intervention to increase the use of transradial PCI Helfrich, Christian 2021-07-31
IIR 15-363 Identifying Value-Driven Approaches to Strengthening the VA Physician Workforce Wong, Edwin 2022-02-28
IIR 15-364 DVD Lifestyle Intervention (D-ELITE) Hoerster, Katherine 2021-06-30
IIR 15-365 Developing and Validating a Spiritual Assessment Tool for Seriously-ill Veterans Steinhauser, Karen 2022-01-31
IIR 15-369 Self-management of blood pressure medication for hypertensive veterans Rifkin, Dena 2022-07-31
IIR 15-372 Evaluation of clinical trajectories and identification of modifiable risk factors to improve secondary prevention of amputation in Veterans with diabetes following an initial toe amputation. Littman, Alyson 2020-12-31
IIR 15-378 Testing the efficacy of a technology-assisted intervention to improve weight management of obese patients within Patient Aligned Care Teams at the VA Jay, Melanie 2021-12-31
IIR 15-379 Quality of Care and Patient Experience in GeriPACT: A Comparative Effectiveness Study Hastings, Susan 2021-06-30
IIR 15-432 Developing Benefit-Based Performance Measurement for VHA Sussman, Jeremy 2020-12-31
IIR 15-434 Development and Validation of 10-Year Life Expectancy Calculators to Individualize Veterans’ Prevention Decisions Lee, Sei 2021-09-30
IIR 15-436 Using Data Integration and Predictive Analytics to Improve Diagnosis-Based Performance Measures Hoggatt, Katherine 2021-03-31
IIR 15-438 Improving the Measurement of VA Facility Performance to Foster a Learning Healthcare System Petersen, Laura 2021-09-30
IIR 15-443 Virtual Medical Modality Implementation Strategies for Patient Aligned Care Teams to Promote Veteran Centered Care Haun, Jolie 2021-03-31
IIR 15-459 Financial vs. Non-Financial Rewards for Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance: A Randomized Controlled Trial Hebert, Paul 2021-07-31
IIR 16-024 Advanced Prediction Models to Optimize Treatment and Access for Veterans with Hepatitis C Waljee, Akbar 2021-03-31
IIR 16-025 Less is More: Improving Antimicrobial Stewardship for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Trautner, Barbara 2021-01-31
IIR 16-028 Effectiveness of Treatment and Outcomes for Veterans Infected with Resistant Gram-negative Organisms. Evans, Charlesnika 2021-06-30
IIR 16-040 Investigating Multi-Level Determinants of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Quality of End-of-Life Care for Veterans Kutney Lee, Ann 2021-03-31
IIR 16-055 Improving Sleep as a Strategy to Reduce Suicide Risk Among at-Risk Veterans: A Real World Clinical Trial Pigeon, Wilfred 2023-06-30
IIR 16-062 Recovering from Intimate Partner Violence Through Strengths and Empowerment (RISE): Tailoring and Evaluating a Patient-Centered Counseling Intervention for Women Veterans Iverson, Katherine 2021-09-30
IIR 16-063 Nursing Unit Design and Hospital Falls Shorr, Ronald 2021-02-28
IIR 16-070 Connecting Women to Care: Home-based Psychotherapy for Women with MST Living in Rural Areas Cloitre, Marylene 2022-03-31
IIR 16-071 Promoting smoking cessation in lung cancer screening through proactive treatment Zeliadt, Steven 2022-02-28
IIR 16-072 Determining and targeting reasons for low statin use to improve guideline-concordant statin therapy in high-risk patients Virani, Salim 2021-06-30
IIR 16-075 Patient Centered Care for Individuals with Advanced Liver Disease Kanwal, Fasiha 2021-04-30
IIR 16-078 Effectiveness of a Rescue Medication in Preventing Opioid Overdose in Veterans Oliva, Elizabeth 2021-11-30
IIR 16-089 Improving Access to Supported Employment for Veterans with Polytrauma/Traumatic Brain Injury Pogoda, Terri 2022-09-30
IIR 16-096 Online and Shared Decision-Making Interventions to Engage Service Men and Women in Post-Deployment Mental Health Care Sadler, Anne 2022-05-31
IIR 16-140 Improving Analysis of Endogenous Multimodal Treatments for Use in Geriatrics Health Outcomes Studies Garrido, Melissa 2021-02-28
IIR 16-145 Testing a Novel Strategy to Improve Implementation of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Veterans with Opioid Use Disorders in Low Performing Facilities Hagedorn, Hildi 2021-06-30
IIR 16-210 Addressing inappropriate benzodiazepine prescribing among older Veterans Maust, Donovan 2022-01-31
IIR 16-211 Addressing Sleep Apnea Post-Stroke (ASAP) Sico, Jason 2024-03-31
IIR 16-213 Practical Telemedicine to Improve Control and Engagement for Veterans with Clinic-Refractory Diabetes Mellitus (PRACTICE-DM) Crowley, Matthew 2021-05-31
IIR 16-214 Evaluating the Use of Peer Specialists to Deliver Cognitive Behavioral Social Skills Training Chinman, Matthew 2023-01-31
IIR 16-216 Choosing Wisely: Barriers to De-Implementation, Patterns, and Costs of Low Value Preoperative Testing for Veterans Undergoing Low Risk Procedures Sox-Harris, Alexander 2020-12-31
IIR 16-227 Integrated Preventive Cardiology Initiative Hayward, Rodney 2022-06-30
IIR 16-229 Mentored Enhanced Implementation and Evaluation of National VA Mandates To Prevent The Spread Of C Difficile infection Safdar, Nasia 2022-09-30
IIR 16-230 Recommendations and Interventions for and Changes in the Ocular Health and visual Function of Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury Scott, Steven 2021-03-31
IIR 16-232 Directed evaluation of provider learning modules to prevent venous thromboembolism after major cancer surgery Bentrem, David 2022-07-31
IIR 16-235 Improving Outcomes for Emergency Department Patients with Alcohol Problems Blow, Frederic 2022-05-31
IIR 16-238 How nursing staff skill mix, education and experience modify patient acuity-based estimates of required unit staffing Phibbs, Ciaran 2022-05-31
IIR 16-239 Quality of Care for Justice-Involved Veterans: Gaps, Predictors, and Stakeholder-Driven Solutions Finlay, Andrea 2021-10-31
IIR 16-240 Does VA Home-Based Primary Care Reduce Costs Among Veterans Eligible for Independence at Home? Phibbs, Ciaran 2021-03-31
IIR 16-244 Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea in Women Veterans Martin, Jennifer 2022-01-31
IIR 16-245 Chronic Antibiotic Suppression after Prosthetic Joint Infection: A Target for De-implementation Schweizer-Looby, Marin 2021-08-31
IIR 16-253 Semi-parametric Statistical Methods for Predicting High-cost VA Patients Using High-Dimensional Covariates Zeliadt, Steven 2021-04-30
IIR 16-254 Development of a Patient-Reported Measure to Assess Healthcare Engagement Kimerling, Rachel 2022-03-31
IIR 16-261 Impact of the VA Medication Copayment Redesign Stroupe, Kevin 2021-09-30
IIR 16-262 Association of Complementary and Integrative Health (CHI) Interventions with Opioid Use and Related Risks Among Veterans With Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) and PTSD Goulet, Joseph 2022-04-30
IIR 16-266 Veteran Access to Emergency Care Vashi, Anita 2021-09-30
IIR 16-267 Engaging Patients and Providers in Identifying and Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors to Prevent Community-Acquired Ulcers in Veterans with SCI Burkhart, Elizabeth 2022-12-31
IIR 16-274 Impact of neighborhood and workforce deprivation on diabetes outcomes in Veterans: a spatio-temporal analysis Neelon, Brian 2021-04-30
IIR 16-277 Self-Management of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Settings for Veterans with Sleep Apnea Stepnowsky, Jr., Carl 2022-04-30
IIR 16-281 Provider Supported Self-Help Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (Tele-Self-CBTI) Ulmer, Christi 2022-10-31
IIR 16-286 Aligning policy and healthcare services with Veterans' values and preferences for results from Whole Genome Sequencing Knight, Sara 2021-04-30
IIR 16-287 Prediction and Prevention of Hypoglycemia in Veterans with Diabetes Miller, Donald 2023-07-31
IIR 16-291 Precision Medicine Care Coordination in the Veterans Health Administration Scheuner, Maren 2021-09-30
IIR 16-296 Measuring, Mining and Understanding Communication Behaviors: Markers for Quality Healthcare Shimada, Stephanie 2020-12-31
IIR 16-297 A Human Factors Investigation of Health Information Exchange: Tools to Support Providers' Coordination of Medications Weiner, Michael 2022-02-28
IIR 17-028 Imaging Surveillance After Lung Cancer Treatment Backhus, Leah 2022-05-31
IIR 17-029 Measuring the impact of the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) on Veteran outcomes Nelson, Richard 2023-01-31
IIR 17-030 Eating disorders in Veterans: Risk, resilience, and service use Mitchell, Karen 2021-07-31
IIR 17-032 Communication and Activation in Pain to Enhance Relationships and Treat Pain with Equity (COOPERATE) Matthias, Marianne 2022-06-30
IIR 17-033 Drug Reduction in Older Patients: The DROP Trial Mixon, Amanda 2021-11-30
IIR 17-039 Improving Veteran Health by Increasing Dental Stewardship of Antibiotics and Opioids Suda, Katie 2022-06-30
IIR 17-045 ResCU II: Improving In-hospital Cardiac Arrest Care and Discovering Keys to Super-Survivorship Iwashyna, Theodore 2022-03-31
IIR 17-046 Measuring Veterans' Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Experiences Mohr, David 2022-09-30
IIR 17-047 Body Mass Index (BMI) Risk Zones and Variations in Obesity Detection in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Eisenberg, Dan 2022-12-31
IIR 17-050 Prevalence, Risk Factors and Outcomes of Post-colonoscopy Colorectal Cancer in Veterans Imperiale, Thomas 2021-09-30
IIR 17-051 Health Outcomes Associated with TBI Screening Miles, Shannon 2022-04-30
IIR 17-056 Comparing an opt-out to an opt-in approach for smoking cessation in VA primary care clinics Sherman, Scott 2022-07-31
IIR 17-063 Defining Quality of Care in Lung Cancer Puri, Varun 2023-09-30
IIR 17-065 Rapid Referral to Suicide Specific Intervention in Psychiatric Emergency Care Depp, Colin 2022-09-30
IIR 17-066 Comparative Effectiveness of Alternative Strategies for Monitoring Hospital Surgical Performance Massarweh, Nader 2021-04-30
IIR 17-068 Hearing Impairment, Strategies, and Outcomes in Emergency Departments Chodosh, Joshua 2024-09-30
IIR 17-087 Diabetes Disparities: Texting to Extend Treatment (DD-TXT) Shimada, Stephanie 2024-04-30
IIR 17-089 Understanding Mental Health Problems and Health Risk Behaviors among LGBT Veterans Lehavot, Keren 2023-09-30
IIR 17-094 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain: do Modifications Affect VEterans or implementatioN (CBT-CPMAVEN) McGuire, Alan 2022-02-28
IIR 17-095 Improving Outcomes in Veterans with Heart Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease Ahmed, Ali 2023-03-31
IIR 17-113 Evaluating Care Coordination for Community Hospitalized Veterans to Improve Outcomes in Dual Use (ECHOeD) Axon, Robert 2023-02-28
IIR 17-120 Evaluating Practice Facilitation to Optimize Alcohol-Related Care and HCV Treatment Outcomes in HCV Treatment Settings Williams, Emily 2023-03-31
IIR 17-123 Randomized Controlled Trial of AboutFace: A Novel Video Storytelling Resource to Improve Access, Engagement, and Utilization of Mental Health Treatment among Veterans with PTSD Grubaugh, Anouk 2023-09-30
IIR 17-127 Measuring and Improving the Safety of Test Result Follow-Up Singh, Hardeep 2022-09-30
IIR 17-131 Advancing Suicide Prevention for Female Veterans Denneson, Lauren 2023-04-30
IIR 17-134 Using Behavioral Economics to Enhance Appointment Reminders and Reduce Missed Visits Teo, Alan 2021-10-31
IIR 17-139 Cost Effectiveness of Interventions to Reduce Morbidity from Opioid Dependency Owens, Douglas 2021-12-31
IIR 17-144 ORCATECH Collaborative Aging (in Place) Research Using Technology Silbert, Lisa 2021-05-31
IIR 17-178 Shared Contributions to Outcomes and Retention in EBPs for PTSD (SCORE PTSD) Sayer, Nina 2022-01-31
IIR 17-185 Continuing the Conversation: A Multi-site RCT Using Narrative Communication to Support Hypertension Self-Management among African-American Veterans Cutrona, Sarah 2023-10-31
IIR 17-189 Improving Patient Care and Physician Resilience through Effective Veteran-Centered Communication and Documentation Practices Frankel, Richard 2022-06-30
IIR 17-192 Impact of VA Disability and Health Benefits on Long-Term Diabetes Outcomes among Vietnam-Era Veterans Trivedi, Amal 2021-10-31
IIR 17-200 Longitudinal Assessment of the Sleep-Suicide Link in Veterans Discharged from Inpatient Psychiatric Care McGeary, John 2024-07-31
IIR 17-201 Combined Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Brief Cognitive Therapy to Reduce Suicide Behavior in High-Risk Veterans Primack, Jennifer 2023-04-30
IIR 17-202 Models of Primary Osteoporosis Screening in Male Veterans Colon-Emeric, Cathleen 2024-07-31
IIR 17-219 Benchmarking Hospital Quality: Template Matching versus Conventional Regression Approaches Prescott, Hallie 2022-02-28
IIR 17-221 Using Peer Navigators to increase access to VA and community resources for Veterans with diabetes-related distress Kunik, Mark 2023-10-31
IIR 17-222 Measuring the Value of Improving Access to Community Care Wong, Edwin 2023-05-31
IIR 17-223 Eating Disorder Screening and Diagnostic Tools for the Veteran Healthcare System Masheb, Robin 2022-11-30
IIR 17-228 Development and pilot testing of LIMIT: a multicomponent tool to support opioid tapering Becker, William 2022-11-30
IIR 17-231 Are Veterans' Outcomes Better when VHA Purchases High-Quality Nursing Home Care? Levy, Cari 2021-12-31
IIR 17-234 The Efficacy of Masked Tapering on Discontinuation of Hypnotics in Older Veterans Fung, Constance 2023-02-28
IIR 17-236 Reducing Potentially Inappropriate Medication Prescribing for Older Patients: Enhancing Quality of Provider Practices for Older Adults in the Emergency Department (EQUIPPED) Vaughan, Elizabeth 2022-09-30
IIR 17-238 Understanding Hormone Therapy Care Received by Transgender Veterans in VHA Jasuja, Guneet 2021-03-31
IIR 17-241 Anxiety diagnostic accuracy in VA primary care mental health integration settings: Identifying barriers and facilitators to inform a learning health care system Fletcher, Terri 2022-04-30
IIR 17-262 Caring for the caregiver: predictors and consequences of VA mental health Zivin, Kara 2023-11-30
IIR 17-263 post-REcovery LIbEration From Oxygen in Exacerbated COPD (RELIEF) Feemster, Laura 2022-06-30
IIR 17-268 Chronic Pain Management and Patient-Centered Outcomes Following Discontinuation of Long-Term Opioid Therapy Lovejoy, Travis 2022-10-31
IIR 17-269 Leveraging Novel Sources of Data with Analytic Morphomics to Improve Delivery of Specialty Care to At-Risk Veterans with Liver Disease Su, Grace 2023-04-30
IIR 17-277 Improving Palliative Measurement Application with Computer-Assisted-Abstraction Study Lorenz, Karl 2022-09-30
IIR 17-289 Mitigating Racial/Ethnic and Socio-Economic Disparities in VA Care Quality and Patient Experience Washington, Donna 2021-08-31
IIR 17-294 Participatory system dynamics vs usual quality improvement: Is staff use of simulation an effective, scalable and affordable way to improve timely Veteran access to high-quality mental health care? Zimmerman, Lindsey 2024-08-31
IIR 18-019 Measuring the Longitudinal Relationshipsbetween Obesity, Weight Management Intervention, and Medical Expenditure Maciejewski, Matthew 2023-05-31
IIR 18-026 Promoting benzodiazepine cessation through an electronically-delivered patient self-management intervention Humphreys, Keith 2024-08-31
IIR 18-032 Optimizing the value of community care for Veterans with advanced kidney disease O'Hare, Ann 2023-11-30
IIR 18-034 How Can We Make Invasive Non-Surgical Procedures Safer? Using Big Data to Identify Adverse Events and Opportunities to Mitigate Harm Mull, Hillary 2024-03-31
IIR 18-035 Understanding Suicide Risks among LGBT Veterans in VA Care Goulet, Joseph 2023-05-31
IIR 18-037 Therapeutic Interventions to Access Outcomes and Disparities in Chronic Kidney Disease Among Veterans Kovesdy, Csaba 2024-12-31
IIR 18-040 A Randomized Controlled Trial of MISSION-CJ for Justice-Involved Homeless Veterans with Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders Smelson, David 2024-08-31
IIR 18-057 De-Implementing Testing and Treating of Urine Cultures in Asymptomatic Gupta, Kalpana 2022-11-30
IIR 18-075 Achieving appropriate, safe, and patient-centered lung cancer screening Wiener, Renda 2021-12-31
IIR 18-077 VA Video Connect to Improve Access to Multi-disciplinary Specialty Care Giordano, Thomas 2023-12-31
IIR 18-086 Physical Resilience Prediction in Advanced Renal Disease Bowling, Christopher 2023-02-28
IIR 18-092 Veterans' Choice in Hospital Care Yoon, Jean 2022-05-31
IIR 18-093 Quantifying the Burden of Disease and Healthcare Need in Veterans and Civilians Yano , Elizabeth 2022-09-30
IIR 18-114 Impacts of Organizational Variations on Access Management Rose, Danielle 2022-12-31
IIR 18-116 Attrition of Women Veterans New to VHA in the Community Care Era Frayne, Susan 2022-10-31
IIR 18-146 Evaluating the VA Make-or-Buy Decision in Emergency Care Chan, David 2023-12-31
IIR 18-215 Implementing Risk-aligned Bladder Cancer Surveillance Schroeck, Florian 2023-08-31
IIR 18-228 Engaging Patients to Promote Deprescribing Linsky, Amy 2023-08-30
IIR 18-230 MOVE!+UP: Testing a Tailored Weight Management Program for Veterans with PTSD Hoerster , Katherine 2024-09-30
IIR 18-231 Risks of Cannabis Use Among Veterans on Long-term Opioid Therapy Keyhani, Salomeh 2023-11-30
IIR 18-239 Optimizing Veteran Decision-Making About Use of VA and Non-VA Health Care Kullgren, Jeffrey 2024-07-31
IIR 18-244 Capturing the Dynamics of Homelessness through Ethnography and Mobile Technology McInnes, Donald 2023-07-31
IIR 18-246 Developing Tools for Dialysis Decision Support in Older Adults Tamura, Manjula 2024-06-30
IIR 18-253 Long-Term Opioid Therapy: Screen to Evaluate and Treat (Opioid-SET) Timko, Christine 2024-08-31
IIR 18-263 Identifying Best Practices for Medication-Based Suicide Prevention Strategies to Minimize the Risk of Medically-Serious Adverse Events Smith, Eric 2023-03-31
IIR 18-266 Optimizing Remote Access to Urinary Incontinence Treatment for Women Veterans Markland, Alayne 2023-12-31
IIR 18-273 Validating a data science methodology for patterns of mental health services use: The patient record of clinical experience sequence study (PROCESS) Benzer, Justin 2022-07-31
IIR 18-277 Implementing the Behavioral Activities Intervention (BE-ACTIV) to Reduce Depression among Veterans in Community Living Centers Mills, Whitney 2024-02-29
IIR 18-286 Effect of Medication Management at Home Via Pharmacy Home Televisits Hung, William 2024-04-30
IIR 18-287 Strengthening Suicide Prevention Efforts for Women Veterans through the Veterans Crisis Line Dichter, Melissa 2023-06-30
IIR 18-290 Caregiver SOS: An Intervention for Employed Caregivers Mavandadi, Shahrzad 2024-03-31
IIR 18-314 Preventing Suicide Among Female and Male Veterans Not Receiving VHA Services Monteith, Lindsey 2024-05-31
IIR 19-013 The Effect of Screening and Referral for Social Determinants of Health on Veterans' Outcomes Gurewich , Deborah 2023-09-30
IIR 19-023 Addressing the Gap in Feasible, Valid, and Important Quality Measures for the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sox-Harris , Alexander 2024-03-31
IIR 19-031 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Coaching into Care with VA-CRAFT to Promote Veteran Engagement in PTSD Care Kuhn, Eric 2024-08-31
IIR 19-038 Extended study of a long-term opioid therapy cohort: trajectories in pain care and patient-centered outcomes Krebs, Erin 2024-02-29
IIR 19-045 Effectivenes, Safety, and Patient Preferences of Infliximab Biosimilar Medications for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Hou, Jason 2024-01-31
IIR 19-048 Post-Hospital Intervention for Veterans with Comorbid Bipolar and Substance Use Disorders Metrik, Jane 2024-02-29
IIR 19-069 Optimizing Renin Angiotensin System Blocker Use among Veterans with Kidney Disease Virani , Salim 2024-09-30
IIR 19-083 Extended study of a long-term opioid therapy cohort: trajectories in pain care and patient-centered outcomes Krebs, Erin 2024-02-29
IIR 19-089 Use and costs of low-value health services by Veterans in VA and non-VA settings Thorpe, Carolyn 2023-02-28
IIR 19-106 Outpatient Palliative Care and Prescribing Safety and Quality at End-of-Life Thorpe, Joshua 2024-01-31
IIR 19-118 Development and Validation of a Cirrhosis-specific Surgical Risk Calculator (C-SuRC) Ioannou, George 2024-01-31
IIR 19-134 Evaluating a Prescribing Feedback System for Acute Care Providers Ward , Michael 2024-09-30
IIR 19-153 CoachToFit: Adapted Weight Loss Intervention for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness Chinman , Matthew 2024-09-30
IIR 19-154 Understanding Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Uterine Fibroid Outcomes among Women Veterans: A mixed-methods study Katon, Jodie 2024-01-31
IIR 19-168 Building a Learning Healthcare System to Understand and Improve Sepsis Outcomes in the VA TeleICU Network Blum, James 2024-06-30
IIR 19-176 Work as a determinant of health: A pragmatic trial of enhanced cognitive behavioral therapy to bolster competitive work and wellness in veterans with serious mental illness (WORKWELL) Kukla , Marina 2024-09-30
IIR 19-178 Diagnostic Stewardship as a 'nudge' to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use for urinary tract infections Morgan , Daniel 2024-09-30
IIR 19-202 A Patient-centered, System-based Approach to Improve Informed Dialysis Choice and Outcomes in Veterans with CKD Shukla, Ashutosh 2024-02-29
IIR 19-215 Understanding Impact of VHA's New Suicidal Ideation Screening Initiative: Veteran''s Perspective Dobscha, Steven 2023-05-31
IIR 19-238 Continuous Wearable Monitoring Analytics to Improve Outcomes in Heart Failure - LINK-HF2 multicenter implementation study Stehlik, Josef 2024-08-31
IIR 19-265 Enhancing Geriatric Pain Care with Contextual Patient Generated Profiles Butler , Jorie 2024-09-30
IIR 19-340 Enhancing Access to Insomnia Care (EASI Care): Implementing Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia in Primary Care Mental Health Integration Clinics Bramoweth, Adam 2024-08-31
IIR 19-355 Can services to address Veterans social determinants of health reduce their suicide risk? Montgomery , Ann 2023-09-30
IIR 19-374 Risk and Resilience Factors related to Suicidal Ideation during Transition from Military to Civilian Life: Secondary Analyses of the TVMI Cohort Study Vogt, Dawne 2022-07-31
IIR 19-384 Preventing Loss of Independence through Exercise in Community Living Centers (PLIE-CLC) Barnes, Deborah 2023-05-31
IIR 19-387 MyPath: A Patient-Centered Web-Based Intervention to Improve Reproductive Planning for Women Veterans Callegari , Lisa 2024-09-30
IIR 19-392 Passive Mobile Self-Tracking of Mental Health by Veterans with Serious Mental Illness Young , Alexander 2023-07-31
IIR 19-410 Defining Optimal Care for Urinary Stone Disease in the Veterans Health Administration Pao , Alan 2024-09-30
IIR 19-413 Montessori Approaches in Person-Centered Care (MAP-VA): An Effectiveness-Implementation Trial in Community Living Centers Hilgeman , Michelle 2024-09-30
IIR 19-418 A nurse-led intervention to extend the Veteran HIV treatment cascade for cardiovascular disease prevention (V-EXTRA-CVD) Bosworth, Hayden 2024-03-31
IIR 19-421 Utilization and Health Outcomes for Veterans with Expanded Health Care Access Wagner, Todd 2023-06-30
IIR 19-425 Teachable Moment to Opt-out of Tobacco (TeaM OUT): A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Intervention Slatore , Christopher 2024-08-31
IIR 19-450 Multiphase Optimization Trial of Incentives for Veterans to Encourage Walking Hebert, Paul 2023-07-31
IIR 19-469 Collaborative Specialty Care for Gulf War Illness McAndrew, Lisa 2024-05-31
INV 19-006 Remote and automated evaluation of skin disease Oh, Dennis 2021-03-31
INV 19-022 Mobile App for the Prevention of Suicide Primack, Jennifer 2021-09-30
INV 19-058 The Missing RxLink: Veteran Prescription use in Private Sector Community Pharmacies Suda, Katie 2021-04-30
INV 19-150 Improving medication use for older adults: VIONE program Hung, William 2021-09-30
INV 19-151 Reduction of postoperative opioids dispensed in surgical patients Giori, Nicholas 2021-03-31
INV 19-171 Targeting and Improving Long Term Care Services and Support for High Need Veterans Dang, Stuti 2022-03-31
INV 19-193 Building a Model VA-State Partnership to Support Non-Institutional Long-Term Care for Veterans Burke, Robert 2021-06-30
INV 19-200 Is Protection of Disability Benefits Associated with Employment in Veterans with TBI and PTSD? Pogoda, Terri 2021-03-31
INV 19-235 Patient incentives for reducing no-shows, accommodating walk-in visits, and improving primary care work flow Hebert, Paul 2021-03-31
INV 19-294 Development and Evaluation of a Veteran-Informed Means Restriction Intervention for Suicide Prevention Constans, Joseph 2021-03-31
IRP 20-001 Integrating an Audit and Feedback Program to Prevent Contextual Errors into the Ambulatory Care Setting Workflow Weiner, Saul 2022-08-31
IRP 20-002 TENACITY: TelemEdiciNe-bAsed Cognitive Therapy for Migraine Damush, Teresa 2022-05-31
IRP 20-003 Implementation Trial Evaluating On-site In-person Versus Remote Video-Assisted Facilitation to Train Providers on the Implementation of Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs) in Heart Failure (HF) or HF-S Wu, Wen-Chih 2022-01-31
NRI 15-150 Effects of a Mindfulness Intervention Delivered within Diabetes Education on Diabetes-related Outcomes in Military Veterans DiNardo, Monica 2020-12-31
NRI 15-151 Trauma-sensitive yoga for female Veterans with PTSD who experienced military sexual trauma Kelly, Ursula 2021-04-30
NRI 15-455 Mobile Health Strategies for Veterans with Coronary Heart Disease Park, Linda 2021-05-31
NRI 15-456 Palliative Care Interventions for Outpatients Newly Diagnosed with Lung Cancer: Phase II Reinke, Lynn 2021-03-31
NRI 18-234 Tailored Approaches to Reduce Distress and Improve Self-Management for Veterans with Diabetes (TARDIS) Lewinski, Allison 2024-08-31
PPO 18-089 Reproductive Life Planning for Women Veterans with Mental Illness Drapalski, Amy 2021-02-28
PPO 18-112 Addressing Gender-Based Harassment of Women Veterans at VA Facilities Hamilton, Alison 2020-12-31
PPO 18-222 Optimizing Psychiatrist Appointment Frequencies to Improve Mental Health Access Kim, Bo 2021-01-31
PPO 18-223 Implementation of mobile health for Veterans in Primary Care: Using Peers to enhance access to mental health care Blonigen, Daniel 2021-01-31
PPO 18-258 Assessing Feasibility of Measuring Veterans' Experiences and Receipt of Follow-Up Care after VA Emergency Department Treat-and-Release Visits Cordasco, Kristina 2021-01-31
PPO 18-272 Gamification of MOVE! Group Meetings: A Pilot Study for an Embedded Pragmatic Clinical Trial Hebert, Paul 2021-05-31
PPO 18-278 Emergency Departments Treating Veteran for Suicide (ED-VeTS) Waliski, Angie 2021-03-31
PPO 19-017 Cause-specific Mortality among Users of Proton Pump Inhibitor Al-Aly, Ziyad 2021-03-31
PPO 19-084 A patient-focused intervention to promote effective insomnia treatment Koffel, Erin 2021-05-31
PPO 19-166 Adapting and Pilot Testing a Group Intervention to Promote Adaptive Decision Making in Homeless-Experienced Veterans with Serious Mental Illness Greenberg, Jared 2021-08-31
PPO 19-371 Validating the GRACE 2.0 Score Derived from Administrative Data to Define Appropriateness of Invasive Care for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome Weisbord, Steven 2021-01-31
PPO 19-373 Improving the Evaluation and Management of Penicillin Allergy Borzecki, Ann 2021-07-31
PPO 19-397 Management of severe hearing loss in the Veterans Health Administration Friedmann, David 2022-01-31
PPO 19-415 Assessment of cardiotoxicity in Immunity Checkpoint Blockers and other cancer therapies Vaughan-Sarrazin, Mary 2022-02-28
PPO 19-446 Perspectives of Female Veterans, VHA Providers, and Family Members on Preventing Firearm-Inflicted Suicides among Female Veterans Monteith , Lindsey 2022-05-31
PPO 20-090 Bystander Activation Intervention to Address Gender-Based Harassment Drapalski , Amy 2022-05-31
PPO 20-166 Increasing Help-Seeking Behavior Among Transitioning Veterans at Risk for Suicide with Online Gatekeeper Training: A Pilot Study of PsychArmor S.A.V.E. Teo , Alan 2022-03-31
PPO 20-342 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Veteran Caregivers: A Mixed Methods Study to inform the VA Caregiver Support System Penney , Lauren 2022-03-31
RCS 00-001 Quality and Care of Substance Abuse and Psychiatric Treatment Timko, Christine 2024-06-30
RCS 03-155 Research Career Scientist Award Piette, John 2022-12-31
RCS 04-141 Evaluating Treatment & Self-help Methods of Improving Functioning & Quality of Life Outcomes of Patients with Substance Abuse Disorders Humphreys, Keith 2024-06-30
RCS 05-195 Research Career Scientist Award Yano, Elizabeth 2026-09-30
RCS 08-027 Research Career Scientist Award Bosworth, Hayden 2027-02-28
RCS 10-391 Research Career Scientist Maciejewski, Matthew 2027-07-31
RCS 11-222 Research Career Scientist Award Krein, Sarah 2021-03-31
RCS 14-232 HSR&D Career Scientist Sox-Harris, Alexander 2024-09-30
RCS 14-443 Research Career Scientist Award Voils, Corrine 2021-03-31
RCS 17-153 RCS Fortney, John 2022-09-30
RCS 17-154 Career Scientist Award Wagner, Todd 2022-06-30
RCS 17-297 Research Career Scientist Award Pugh, Mary Jo 2023-06-30
RCS 19-002 Research Career Scientist Award Damush, Teresa 2024-03-31
RCS 19-332 Research Career Scientist Award Allen, Kelli 2024-04-30
RCS 19-333 Research Career Scientist Award Ilgen, Mark 2024-07-31
RCS 20-191 Research Career Scientist Award Martin, Jennifer 2025-06-30
RCS 20-192 Research Career Scientist Award Evans, Charlesnika 2025-06-30
RCS 97-401 Research Career Scientist Award Rosen, Amy 2025-09-30
RCS 98-354 Research Career Scientist Award Weaver, Frances 2027-09-30
SDR 10-012 Women's Health Research Consortium/Practice-Based Research Network Yano, Elizabeth 2021-09-30
SDR 14-204 WRIISC as a Model of Care for Chronic Multisymptom Illness McAndrew, Lisa 2020-12-31
SDR 15-196 Predictors of Response to Insomnia Treatments for Gulf War Veterans Yesavage, Jerome 2021-09-30
SDR 15-197 Evaluation of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Gulf War Illness Kearney, David 2022-01-31
SDR 15-236 Healthcare utilization patterns and associated costs for Gulf War I Era Veterans Kimbrel, Nathan 2021-03-31
SDR 16-192 Teledermatology mobile apps: Implementation and impact on Veterans' access to dermatology Oh, Dennis 2020-12-31
SDR 16-193 STORM Implementation Program Evaluation Gellad, Walid 2020-12-31
SDR 16-195 Risk Stratified Enhancements to Clinical Care: Targeting Care for Patients Identified Through Predictive Modeling as Being at High Risk for Suicide, with the Office of Mental Health Operations Landes, Sara 2021-03-31
SDR 16-348 PRIME Care (PRecision medicine In MEntal health Care) Oslin, David 2022-12-31
SDR 17-151 Listening to Gulf War Vets: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Health Experience and Treatment of those with Chronic Multisymptom Illness Helfand, Mark 2022-08-31
SDR 17-306 Complementary and Integrative Health for Pain in the VA: A National Demonstration Project (NIH-VA-DOD Joint Initiative) Taylor, Stephanie 2024-03-31
SDR 18-004 Efficient electronic phenotyping using APHRODITE in the Million Veteran Program Lee, Jennifer 2021-07-31
SDR 18-148 Improving Colonoscopy Quality for Colorectal Cancer Screening in the National VA Healthcare System Gawron, Andrew 2023-05-31
SDR 18-150 Addressing Intimate Partner Violence Among Women Veterans: Evaluating the Impact and Effectiveness of VHA's Response Iverson, Katherine 2023-04-30
SDR 18-151 Evaluation of the National Randomized Proton Pump Inhibitor De-prescribing (RaPPID) Program Saini, Sameer 2021-10-31
SDR 18-194 Advancing the Phenotyping of Acute Kidney Injury for the Million Veteran Program Siew, Edward 2021-09-30
SDR 18-313 Home Excellence Research and Outcomes Center to Advance, Redefine and Evaluate Non-Institutional Caregiving (HERO CARE) Leykum, Luci 2023-09-30
SDR 18-318 Make Versus Buy- Examining the Evidence on Access, Utilization and Cost: Are We Buying the Right Care for the Right Amount? Rosen, Amy 2021-09-30
SDR 18-319 Understanding Network Adequacy and Community Engagement in Veteran Care Mattocks, Kristin 2021-09-30
SDR 18-321 Care Coordination and Outcomes in the VA Expanded Choice Program Hynes, Denise 2021-09-30
SDR 19-235 Patient incentives for reducing no-shows, accommodating walk-in visits, and improving primary care work flow Hebert, Paul 2021-03-31
SDR 19-287 Does Choice Equal Quality? A Mixed-Methods Comprehensive Evaluation of the Quality of Community Care through the MISSION Act vs VA care for Veterans with PTSD, Depression and Chronic Pain Manuel, Jennifer 2021-03-31
SDR 19-325 Women Veteran''s Satisfaction with the Maternity Benefit, Maternity Care Coordination, and Barriers to Care Katon, Jodie 2021-03-31
SDR 19-326 Storm RPE Analysis Frakt, Austin 2023-09-30
SDR 19-327 Community Care/Mission Act Virtual Research Network Garrido, Melissa 2023-09-30
SDR 19-328 Access Core Garrido, Melissa 2023-09-30
SDR 19-400 Understanding the Role of VA Specialty Care Resource Hubs and Their Potential Impact on Access in the Era of Community Care Adams, Megan 2021-02-28
SDR 19-443 Effectiveness and Implementation of eScreening in Post 9/11 Transition Programs Pittman , James 2024-09-30
SDR 19-500 HIV Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions – Hyb Painter, Jacob 2021-01-31
SDR 20-030 VA-DoD Long-Term Impact of Military-Relevant Brain Injury Consortium (LIMBIC): Health Economics Study (HX003155) Dismuke, Clara 2024-09-30
SDR 20-031 Reaping the Wisdom of Positive Deviants to Increase the Reach of Family Involvement in PTSD Treatment Thompson-Hollands, Johanna 2021-08-31
SDR 20-197 Coordinating Hub to Promote Research Optimizing Veteran-centric EHR Simon, Steven 2022-09-30
SDR 20-386 Virta Health Evaluation Frakt, Austin 2020-12-31
SDR 20-387 CKD Cascade of Care (C3) Initiative - Phase 1 Estrella, Michelle 2022-01-31
SDR 20-388 Relational Coordination in the Veterans Health Administration Gilmartin, Heather 2023-06-30
SDR 20-389 Planning Activities: Translational Research Development Programs in Conjunction with 10X3 Innovation Ecosystem (IE) Jackson, George 2022-03-31
SDR 20-390 Community Care Research Evaluation and Knowledge (CREEK) Center Mattocks, Kristin 2021-03-31
SDR 20-392 Multisite Replication of the Transitional Care Model Beard, Rachael 2022-07-31
SDR 20-402 Multi-level Factors Underlying VA Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Covid-19 Infection and Complications Washington, Donna 2022-01-31
SDR 20-403 GAO project phase 1 - Determination of Completeness and Accuracy of VHA Race/Ethnicity Data Washington, Donna 2021-05-31

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Any health information on this website is strictly for informational purposes and is not intended as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose or treat any condition.