REAC UPCS Training

(Real Estate Assessment Center) - (Uniform Physical Condition Standards)

Upcoming Dine & Learn

Feb. 24, 2021 at 7:00 pm (EST) - Blocked Egress (J Johnson and Brian Easthom)
May 19, 2021 at 7:00 pm (EST) - How to Inspect a Unit (TBD)


REAC UPCS Inspector Certification Training Program is designed for those who have an extensive physical inspection background and are interested in becoming certified to conduct REAC UPCS inspections.

Also, the online training is for anyone interested in knowing how to get a property ready for a REAC inspection. Such as, but not limited to: Owners, Public Housing Authority, maintenance, etc.

REAC UPCS Training for Inspectors & Individuals Interested in HUD REAC's UPCS Physical Inspection Protocol & Procedures

Future UPCS Class
Location: TDB
Registration: Closed until further notice.

*NOTE: Locations and future dates are subject to change or be canceled due to Coronavirus

Class size is limited and applications are processed on a first come, first serve basis. Once maximum class size is reached, no more applications will be processed. 
*NOTE: Contract Inspectors will have top priority for seats in a class.

Inspector Certification Training
Online Training


Current Fully Certified REAC UPCS Contract Inspectors?

Need to refresh & update your UPCS inspection skills before starting back
October 5, 2020?
Send us an email requesting online training.

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