
State of the Coast Guard 2020

Our reasons for serving are as diverse as our extraordinary men & women. Please share you motivation for service in the world’s best Coast Guard using #WhyIServeCG. Join the conversation during the Address with #CoastGuard2020. Please click here for the #WhyIServeCG banner. 

Adm. Karl Schultz, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, will deliver his annual State of the Coast Guard Address Feb. 20, 2020, at 1 p.m. to reflect on the organization’s successes over the past year, detail the Fiscal Year 2021 President’s Budget Request, and outline the shared vision for the future of the Service. The address will include several announcements about global maritime safety and security, as well as workforce policies and advances.


Adm. Schultz's Remarks


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Commandant's Leadership Video Series

Every Coast Guard member has a unique story to tell. Admiral Schultz firmly believes in the power of storytelling as a tool for inspiration and education and regularly uses videos to highlight our service members. For the first time, these videos are all available in one place here for your use. Feel free to utilize them for leadership workshops, community outreach, affinity events, or social media posts. They were created to help you to tell the story of the world's best Coast Guard from the perspective of our people. If you have a unique story to tell, please contact cag@uscg.mil

We are ready

Priority 1 | MAXIMIZE READINESS TODAY AND TOMORROW: The Coast Guard’s top priority is Service readiness. The increasing global complexity and expanding demand for Coast Guard services necessitates the best people, modern technology, resilient infrastructure, and highly-capable assets. Therefore, we will support our people, invest in mission-enabling technologies, and modernize our assets to guarantee we are ready for the challenges of today while preparing for the threats of tomorrow.

Learn more about how the Coast Guard maximizes readiness 

We are relevant

Priority 2 | ADDRESS THE NATION'S COMPLEX MARITIME CHALLENGES: As the Nation's unique instrument across the full spectrum of maritime operations, the Coast Guard cooperates and builds capacity to police, detect, deter, and counter maritime threats. From education, coordination, and regulation, to enforcement and lethal force, the Coast Guard has a range of capabilities to influence behavior. And we will act with a unity of effort across the increasingly complex maritime domain.




Learn more about how the Coast Guard responds to America's complex maritime challenges. 

We are responsive

Priority 3 | DELIVER MISSION EXCELLENCE ANYTIME, ANYWHERE: The Coast Guard is an agile, adaptive force whose greatest value to the Nation resides in our ability to rapidly shift among our missions to meet national priorities during steady state and crisis. and responsiveness. These are the functions that enable operations, mission support, and infrastructure to build resiliency alongside our partners and stakeholders in order to defeat our adversaries and promote national security. We will align all of our Service’s initiatives to promote organizational efficiency, agility, and effectiveness – delivering excellence anytime, anywhere.


Objective 3.1.

Objective 3.2.