NetCDF Downloads

NetCDF Downloads

NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is a set of software libraries and machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data. Distributions are provided for Java and C/C++/Fortran. See the netCDF web site and the FAQ answer to How do I get the netCDF software package? for more information.

NetCDF-C Releases

Downloads of stable and beta releases of the netCDF C Library.

Library Version Release Type Configuration File Name Download
NetCDF-C 4.7.4 Stable TAR.GZ NetCDF-4 netcdf-c-4.7.4.tar.gz FTP HTTP
EXE We currently provide pre-built binary netCDF-C distributions for Windows, only. More information
NetCDF-3 32-bit netCDF4.7.4-NC3-32.exe FTP HTTP
NetCDF-3 64-bit netCDF4.7.4-NC3-64.exe FTP HTTP
NetCDF-3+DAP 32-bit netCDF4.7.4-NC3-DAP-32.exe FTP HTTP
NetCDF-3+DAP 64-bit netCDF4.7.4-NC3-DAP-64.exe FTP HTTP
NetCDF-4 32-bit netCDF4.7.4-NC4-32.exe FTP HTTP
NetCDF-4 64-bit netCDF4.7.4-NC4-64.exe FTP HTTP
NetCDF-4+DAP 32-bit netCDF4.7.4-NC4-DAP-32.exe FTP HTTP
NetCDF-4+DAP 64-bit netCDF4.7.4-NC4-DAP-64.exe FTP HTTP

All netCDF-C library and utilities source code releases.
All current and historic releases of the netCDF C library source code, including pre-release code.

The netCDF-C development source repository
The GitHub repository for the netCDF C source code. Unless you are interested in working with the development version of netCDF-C, you will want to use one of the releases linked above. If you choose work with the development branch, you will need to generate the 'configure' script using'autoreconf -i -f'.

NetCDF C Installation and Porting Guide
Information about installing NetCDF C.

NetCDF C Library Documentation
The complete documentation, including the C API and utilities for the latest release.

NetCDF-Fortran Releases

Downloads of stable and beta releases of the netCDF Fortran Libraries.

Library Version Release Type Configuration File Name Download
NetCDF-Fortran 4.5.3 Stable TAR.GZ NetCDF 4 netcdf-fortran-4.5.3.tar.gz FTP HTTP

All netCDF Fortran 77 and Fortran 90 library source releases.
All current unbundled releases of the netCDF Fortran library source code, including pre-release code.

The netCDF Fortran development source repository
The GitHub repository for the netCDF Fortran source code. Unless you are interested in working with the development version of netCDF-Fortran, you will want to use one of the releases linked above. If you choose work with the development branch, you will need to generate the 'configure' script using'autoreconf -i -f'.

NetCDF Fortran Library Documentation
The complete documentation for NetCDF Fortran release.

NetCDF C++ Releases

Downloads of stable and beta releases of the netCDF C++ Libraries.

Library Version Release Type Configuration File Name Download
NetCDF-4 C++ 4.3.1 Stable The netCDF-4 C++ supporting the netCDF-4 data model and formats.
TAR.GZ netcdf-cxx4-4.3.1.tar.gz FTP HTTP
NetCDF-3 C++ 4.2 Legacy This version of the netCDF C++ library includes no changes since the 4.1.3 release, but is provided for backwards compatibility as a separate package. It was developed before key C++ concepts like templates, namespaces, and exceptions were widely supported. It's not recommended for new projects, but it still works.
TAR.GZ netcdf-cxx-4.2.tar.gz FTP HTTP
TAR Z netcdf-cxx-4.2.tar.Z FTP HTTP

All netCDF-4 C++ library source code releases.
All current unbundled releases of the netCDF-4 C++ library source code, based on the netCDF-CXX4 code provided by Lynton Appel. These releases include pre-release code.

The netCDF C++ development source repository
The GitHub repository for the netCDF C++ source code. Unless you are interested in working with the development version of the netCDF-C++ libraries, you are advices to use one of the releases linked above. If you choose to work with this development branch, you will need to generate the 'configure' script using 'autoreconf -i -f'.

NetCDF C++ Installation and Porting Guide
Information about installing NetCDF C++.

NetCDF C++ Library Documentation
The complete documentation, including the C++ API and utilities for the latest release.

NetCDF-Java Stable Releases/releases

Downloads of stable releases of netCDF-Java.

The netCDF-Java library
The NetCDF-Java Library is a Java interface to "Common Data Model" files, using the netCDF API.