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My Family Health Portrait|Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base
My Family Health Portrait - A tool from the Surgeon General
Using My Family Health Portrait you can:
  • Enter your family health history.
  • Learn about your risk for conditions that can run in families.
  • Print your family health history to share with family or your health care provider
  • Save your family health history so you can update it over time.
Talking with your health care provider about your family health history can help you stay healthy!

Learn more about My Family Health Portrait

Note: You must use the “Use a Saved History” button to open the family history file you created.
My Family Health Portrait - A tool from the Surgeon General
My Family Health Portrait - A tool from the Surgeon General

Disclaimer: The Surgeon General's My Family Health Portrait tool does NOT allow the government or other entities to access your information. The tool provides the software for organizing your information, but your information is not transmitted back to government or other servers and can only be downloaded by you. Your information is never available to anyone else, unless you choose to share it. The Surgeon General's tool does not provide medical advice. For questions related to family health history and your health, talk to your doctor.