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NBIS Onboarding

As DCSA onboards agencies to the NBIS System, we are committed to supporting your agency every step of the way. Agency Onboarding and the transitioning of agencies from legacy systems will be done in phases over an extended period of time. This page will contain the latest information on the transition and provide guidance on the Onboarding process. 

Agency Requirements
To begin onboarding to the NBIS System, agencies must complete the following requirements (DCSA Agency Liaisons will contact your agency to provide the necessary forms and additional guidance):

  • Sign NBIS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
  • Determine whether participation in NBIS obligates your agency to publish, amend, or modify your own System of Records Notice (SORN)
  • Identify an Agency Onboarding Champion to serve as the main point of contact (POC) and sponsor throughout the Onboarding process
  • Form an Agency Deployment Team (ADT) that includes individuals with expertise in project management, metrics and reporting, configuration management, investigation initiation workflow, training, and human resources.
  • Confirm your agency has access to a compatible internet browser (i.e., the three most recent versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari)

Additionally, Agency Onboarding Champions and ADT Members that need to access the NBIS System will also need to complete the following requirements:

  • Ensure individuals have a minimum of an adjudicated T1 investigation.
  • Confirm individuals have the necessary smartcard for identity authentication that performs a trusted, PKI certification in compliance with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (e.g., Common Access Card (CAC), Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card)
  • Complete Personnel Security System Access Request (PSSAR) form (DD2962 v2) for user account creation. Individuals should download the form via the Washington Headquarters Service (WHS) website, ensuring they complete the version that has DCSA labeled as the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR).
  • Complete DoD-sponsored Cybersecurity training within past 12 months
  • Complete DoD-sponsored Personally Identifiable Information (PII) training within past 12 months
  • Ensure users follow the guidance in the NBIS Account Management Policy (pending release).

High-Level Onboarding Process
Agencies will undergo three phases to onboard to the NBIS System:

  • Planning: During the first phase, DCSA Agency Liaisons will work with your agency to determine its readiness for onboarding to the NBIS System. Your agency will be expected to complete the requirements listed above.
  • Onboarding: The second phase entails moving your agency from legacy systems to the NBIS System incrementally and involves an assessment of your agency’s business needs. With support from DCSA, your agency will then complete tasks to gain access to the NBIS System and receive training on and begin building hierarchies and workflows in the NBIS System.
  • Scaling: The final phase involves your agency taking over the Onboarding process. At this time, your agency will have the tools necessary to finish loading remaining users to the NBIS System independently.