Training About

EDI is pleased to provide dynamic curricula tailored and designed to meet the needs of all of our NIH employees.  Our EDI Training Cadre delivers four core competency trainings in areas of EEO compliance, disability, diversity and inclusion, and harassment. Their expertise serves to enhance workplace awareness and provide managers and employees greater familiarity of in all areas of our EDI portfolio. Through these interactive training sessions our NIH learners walk away with practical tools to carry back to the workplace.  Check out our offerings today!

The Goal

The goal of EDI Training is to empower all NIH learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to cultivate a diverse, inclusive, equitable, and productive work environment. They return to their workplaces as EDI “change agents”, effectively navigating and actively contributing to an evolving culturally diverse workplace of differences and similarities.

Training Audience

Our NIH workforce is densely populated on the NIH main campus in Bethesda, Maryland. In addition we recognize that we have many NIH employees in several other locations including: Rockville, MD; Poolesville, MD; Fort Detrick, MD; Baltimore, MD; Hamilton, MT; Research Triangle Park, NC; and several smaller field offices. Our goal will be to reach all NIH employees by providing in-person training sessions in our facilities outside of Bethesda, leveraging content on our new website, and delivering virtual training through systems like AdobeConnect. In addition, all NIH employees can access our online content using the Learning Management System (LMS):

In addition, we recognize that there are a wide range of employees in our diverse NIH workforce including administrative professionals, biomedical researchers, nurses, doctors, public safety officers, facilities workers, etc. Therefore, we will be exploring ways to deliver content that will appeal to each segment of the NIH workforce. Whether it is through data driven training experiences or theoretical subject matter, EDI training content will meet the needs and interests of every NIH employee.

Objectives & Methodology

We understand that everyone learns differently. Therefore, EDI is formulating new and innovative ways to help you learn. From live, instructor-led delivery modules, to self-led training through the NIH Learning Management System (LMS), to providing short just-in-time videos covering various topics on our new website, we have content to satisfy every learner’s needs. In addition, we are developing toolkits and other guidance which will allow you to learn in even more ways!

Our intent is to bring greater awareness about equity, diversity, and inclusion in ways that will appeal to each customer we serve. With this in mind, over the next year we will be exploring additional training modules to meet the needs of our diverse employee workforce. While our focus has been on in-person training and utilizing LMS content, we look forward to launching additional learning opportunities in the near future!

Current Training Topics:

  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
  • Civil Rights Act of 1991
    Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (NO FEAR protects EEO and whistle-blowing activity).
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII)
    Prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex (including Transgender and sex stereotyping), national origin.
  • EEO Complaint Process under 29 C.F.R. §1614
  • EEO Compliance Training
  • Equal Pay Act of 1963
    Prohibits gender-based pay disparity.
  • Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973; ADA; ADAAA of 2008
    Prohibits disability discrimination.

Course Registration

To register for any one of these training sessions, please visit our general registration page. While these trainings are currently available as pre-scheduled sessions, EDI is building the capacity to deliver these trainings on demand. New training dates are updated periodically. Please check back for new offerings!


"The instruction was exceptionally professional. Both instructors had great KSA (knowledge, skill, and ability).”

"Just wanted to pass along to you that I took the EEO Compliance Training for Supervisors last week. I found both instructors to be exceptional trainers. Clearly they are subject matter experts but equally as important, they are both engaging and gifted teachers.”

"Great training! The instructors were very knowledgeable and engaging.”

"I love the new EDI way of training! Can’t wait for the next training for my staff."