Making Earth Data Accessible to All

NASA’s Earth-observing satellites are constantly tracking what’s happening on our home planet. We help people around the world better understand these data and find ways to use them.

The Capacity Building Program provides individuals and institutions with workforce development, training activities, and collaborative projects to strengthen understanding of Earth observations and expand their use around the world. Through our ARSET, DEVELOP and SERVIR programs and our Indigenous Peoples Pilot project, we work with everyone at every level — from first-time users to long-time professional users of Earth observation data.

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Our Focus


Through online and in-person trainings, our Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) initiative empowers the global community to incorporate Earth-observing data into environmental management and decision-making.

Learn More About ARSET


DEVELOP fosters the next generation of scientific leaders and Earth observation users. The initiative pairs participants and partner organizations for 10-week interdisciplinary projects that apply NASA Earth observations to community concerns around the globe.

Learn More About DEVELOP


A joint initiative between NASA and the U.S. Agency for International Development, SERVIR partners with leading regional organizations around the world to help developing countries use Earth-observing data to manage environmental risks and land use.

Learn More About SERVIR