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Discovering the causes of cancer and the means of prevention

Risk Assessment Macros and Software Programs

The following risk assessment tools were developed by DCEG investigators. They are freely available for use by other researchers.

Breast Cancer

Colon Cancer

  • Colon Cancer Risk Assessment - SAS Macro

    A SAS macro that projects absolute risk of colon cancer according to NCI’s Colorectal Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (CCRAT) algorithm.

  • Colon Cancer Risk Assessment - Gauss Program

    An executable file (in GAUSS) that projects absolute colon cancer risk (with confidence intervals) according to NCI’s Colorectal Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (CCRAT) algorithm. GAUSS is not needed to run the program. 

Lung Cancer

  • Lung Cancer Risk Models for Screening (R package: lcrisks)

    In both the absence and presence of screening, the R package calculates individual risks of lung cancer and lung cancer death based on covariates: age, education, sex, race, smoking intensity/duration/quit-years, Body Mass Index, family history of lung-cancer, and self-reported emphysema. In the presence of CT screening akin to the NLST (3 yearly screens, 5 years of follow-up), it uses the covariates to estimate risk of false-positive CT screen as well as the reduction in risk of lung cancer death and increase in risk of lung cancer screening. This package also estimates the Life Years Gained From Screening-CT (LYFS-CT) as per Cheung et al., 2019. It requires the same variables as LCDRAT plus 12 additional comorbidities and the year of patient assessment.

  • lcmodels

    The R package provides individual risks of lung cancer and lung cancer death based on various published papers: Bach et al., 2003; Spitz et al., 2007; Cassidy et al., 2008 (LLP); Hoggart et al., 2012; Tammemagi et al., 2013; Marcus et al., 2015 (LLPi); Wilson and Weissfeld, 2015 (Pittsburgh); Katki et al., 2016 (LCRAT, LCDRAT, and versions constrained to a few variables); Katki et al., 2018. This package also estimates the Life Years Gained From Screening-CT (LYFS-CT) as per Cheung et al., 2019. It requires the same variables as LCDRAT plus 12 additional comorbidities and the year of patient assessment.


  • Radiation Risk Assessment Tool (RadRAT)

    Descriptions of an online calculator for estimating the lifetime risk of cancer incidence for members of the U.S. population (or countries with similar cancer incidence rates) from exposure to ionizing radiation for doses below 1 Gy.

  • Thyroid Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (tcrat)

    The R package thyroid implements a risk prediction model developed by NCI researchers to calculate the absolute risk of developing a second primary thyroid cancer (SPTC) in individuals who were diagnosed with a cancer during their childhood.

  • Thyroid Dose and Risk Calculator for Nuclear Weapons Fallout for the U.S. Population

    This calculator estimates radiation dose received by the thyroid from radionuclides in fallout from nuclear tests conducted at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) and sites outside of the United States (global fallout); estimates risk of developing thyroid cancer from that exposure; and provides an estimate of probability of causation, sometimes called assigned share (PC/AS), for individuals who have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer.
