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Mouse study could have implications for babies of smokers.

Nicotine exposure, before and after birth, can cause a child to have hearing problems due to abnormal development in the auditory brainstem. This is according to a mouse model study published in The Journal of Physiology.

Chinese air pollution linked to respiratory and cardiovascular deaths.

In the largest epidemiological study conducted in the developing world, researchers found that as exposures to fine particulate air pollution in 272 Chinese cities increase, so do deaths from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

A new primer simplifies the process of identifying bacteria found in soil and groundwater samples.

Environmental engineers are making it easier to identify the bacterial species responsible for releasing a form of arsenic that contaminates the water supplies of millions of people worldwide.

Trending EHP news this week: Mother’s milk and the environment: might chemical exposures impair lactation?

By one estimate the lives of Delhi residents are shortened an average of 6.3 years by air pollution.

A brown cloud of pollution now frequently shrouds much of northern India. It’s a growing health and environmental problem, and scientists are working to understand its many causes, which range from burning agricultural waste to auto emissions.

“Light tends to follow our species wherever it goes. I wanted, in a way, to go back in time.”

GERLACH, Nev. — Here in the desert, the Earth boils and stars fill the sky. By day, you can see plumes of geothermal steam rising in every direction, pouring from vents in the ground and disa…|By Oliver Roeder

A new framework for assessing ecosystem services.

Humans rely on things that come from nature—including clean air, water, food, and timber. But how can we tell if these natural services that people rely on, are at risk of being lost, potentially permanently?

Researchers may have identified what preferentially attracts mosquitoes to people who already have malaria.

LONDON (AP) -- Scientists may have figured out part of the reason why mosquitoes are drawn to people infected with malaria.

Researchers suggest using a sensor network to identify radiation “clouds” that airplanes can then avoid.

(—A large team of researchers with members from several institutions in the U.S., Korea, and the U.K. has found evidence of random radiation clouds in the Earth's atmosphere at elevations used by aircraft. In their paper published in the journal Space Weather, the team describes how they di...

Exfoliants aren’t the only products that contain microbeads.

A proposed government ban on the tiny plastic beads that pollute the ocean should be extended to include items such as make-up, sunscreen and cleaning products

Some sounds, such as parents’ voices, are good for preemies. Loud mechanical noises, not so much.

A study from Washington University School of Medicine has found that premature babies are exposed to unsafe noise levels in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Indoor vertical farming benefits both at-risk Anchorage youth and Alaska, which imports 90-95% of its food.

Inside a nondescript warehouse off Arctic Boulevard, violet light bathes rows of tall white columns in a new project designed to help youth who had difficult beginnings.

Over half of adults with noise-related hearing damage reported no exposure to loud sounds on the job.

(HealthDay)—The noise of modern life causes permanent hearing damage to many U.S. adults who don't even suspect they've experienced a loss, federal researchers reported Tuesday.

Varying levels of potentially toxic metals are found in different brands of e-cigarette liquids.

A study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found high levels of toxic metals in the liquid that creates the aerosol that e-cigarette users inhale when they vape.|By JH Bloomberg School of Public Health

High selenium levels in NC lakes are linked to coal ash ponds, but the human health risks are unclear.

-- A new Duke University study has found high levels of selenium in fish in three North Carolina lakes receiving power plants’ coal ash waste.