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For immediate assistance, try searching our FAQ section. Here are the most common questions we receive:

For states to be included in the Address Radius Search, they must have the latitude and longitude for all their registered offenders’ addresses and be able to respond to address-based search requests from NSOPW. The states that are included in the Address Radius Search are the only ones currently providing this functionality to NSOPW. We are actively working with more states so they can be included soon. Check back in the future to see whether your state has been added.

To find additional information about a particular sex offender, click on the offender's name in the search result list. This will take you to the jurisdiction's detail page.

You can also try contacting registry officials in the jurisdiction where that offender is registered.

Many times, registry officials will not be able to disclose any additional information about an offender but might be able to direct you to resources or offices within their jurisdiction where you could find that information.

The sex offender registration information that you see on is retrieved from the individual jurisdiction(s) where a sex offender is registered. To correct any errors in registration information, please contact the appropriate registration officials in those jurisdictions.

If you think that a person should be registered as a sex offender and you cannot find him or her on our website, you should contact the registry officials in the Jurisdiction where that person lives, works or goes to school.

Each jurisdiction has its own laws regarding sex offender registration requirements. For information about a specific jurisdiction, contact the appropriate registration officials in the jurisdiction where the sex offender is registered.

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