SEDAR 58 Atlantic Cobia

Project Description

SEDAR 58 was an Atlantic Cobia benchmark assessment.  Cobia Stock ID was resolved prior to the start of the SEDAR 58 Data Workshop using the multi-step Stock ID Resolution Process developed by the SEDAR Steering Committee. The Stock ID process included a Stock ID Workshop on April 10-12, 2018; a Stock ID Review Workshop on June 5-7, 2018; a Joint Cooperator Technical Review Webinar in late July/August 2018; and a Science and Management Leadership Call in August 2018.

The Data Workshop was scheduled to be held January 14-18, 2019 in Charleston, SC, however, it has been postponed due to the federal government shutdown. The Data Workshop was rescheduled for April 1-5, 2019. The Assessment Process was held via a series of webinars currently scheduled from June - October 2019 and the Review Workshop was scheduled for November 19-21, 2019. 

For more information, please contact the SEDAR Coordinator for this project, Kathleen Howington:


*** NOTE: SEDAR Working papers document the methods, data sets, and preliminary analyses that are under consideration at the various workshops and therefore do not necessarily represent final consensus opinions of workshop participants. Working paper findings and methods may change following workshop review. Working papers should not be cited without author permission. ****

Project Final Report
Project Workshops
Project Supplemental