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Ongoing Projects

New Title Sort descending Project Objective DHS Component Mission Area
2021 Unannounced Inspections of ICE Adult Detention Facilities

Determine whether ICE detention facilities are complying with select standards outlined in ICE's Performance-Based National Detention Standards.

ICE Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
Allegations about Inadequate Medical Care and Other Concerns at the Irwin County Detention Center

Determine whether the Irwin County Detention Center (ICDC) provided adequate medical care and COVID-19 protection and properly responded to complaints about facility operations.

ICE Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
Audit of CBP Border Security Technology and Infrastructure

To assess the effectiveness of CBP's current tools and technologies to support Border Patrol's mission operations for preventing the entry of illegal aliens or inadmissible individuals who may pose threats to national security.

CBP Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
Audit of CBP's Physical Security and International Mail Inspection Processes at John F. Kennedy International Airport

Determine whether CBP air mail inspection processes at JFK International Airport are adequate, and identify what impediments exist for effective screening, tracking, and safeguarding of incoming mail.

CBP Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
New Audit of DHS' FY 21 Financial Statements and Internal Control over Financial Reporting

The purpose of this financial audit is to conduct an integrated audit of DHS' consolidated financial statements for the year ending September 30, 2021, and internal control over financial reporting as of September 30, 2021. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-136 requires the audit reports to be submitted as part of the Agency Financial Report (AFR), which is due on November 15th of the fiscal year following the fiscal year that is being reported. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS or Department) Office of Inspector General (OIG) has contracted the services of an Independent Public Accounting (IPA) firm to serve as the principle auditor of the Department's consolidated financial statements. As the principle auditor, the contractor will perform the audit of the consolidated financial statements and perform procedures on the supplemental and other accompanying information included in the Agency Financial Report (AFR) as of and for the fiscal year (FY) ended September 30, 2021, and succeeding years, in accordance with Government Auditing Standards (GAS) issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and subsequent revisions, and OMB Bulletin 19-03, Audit Requirements for Federal Financial Statements. The contractor shall also follow the GAO/PCIE Financial Audit Manual (FAM), and Government Accountability Office's (GAO) Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM).

DHS Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity and Economic Security
Audit of FEMA's Oversight of Louisiana's Administration of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Public Assistance Program

To determine to what extent FEMA ensures Louisiana manages and provides oversight of Public Assistance grants to ensure compliance with Federal regulations.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
Audit of FEMA's Oversight of New York's Administration of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Public Assistance Program

To determine to what extent FEMA ensures New York manages and provides oversight of Public Assistance grants to ensure compliance with Federal regulations..

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
Audit of FEMA's Presidential Residence Protection Assistance Grant

The objective is to determine whether the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ensured state and local law enforcement agencies accounted for and expended FEMA’s grant for protection of the President’s non-governmental residences according to Federal regulations and FEMA and U.S. Secret Service guidelines.

FEMA Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
Audit of FEMA's Property Acquisition for Open Space Program

To determine whether FEMA is properly managing its Property Acquisitions for Open Space Program.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
New Audit of FEMA's Transitional Sheltering Assistance for Displaced Individuals and Households Program

Determine the extent to which FEMA is meeting disaster survivors' transitional shelter needs after the California wildfires and hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria in 2017.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
Audit of FEMA's Verification of Household Income

Audit of FEMA's Verification of Household Income

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
Audit of the Department of Homeland Security's Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation Program

To assess DHS' progress to implement continuous monitoring of security controls through its Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program.

Other Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure
New Audit of USCIS' Ability to Process and Administer Immigration and Naturalization Benefits Requests during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Determine the effectiveness of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' (USCIS) technology systems to provide timely and accurate electronic processing of immigration and naturalization benefit requests while field locations, asylum offices and application support centers were closed or operating on a reduced workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic.

USCIS Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
CBP Leadership's Knowledge of and Actions to Address Offensive Content Posted on Facebook by CBP Employees

The objective is to determine whether complaints were made to CBP leadership regarding the “I’m 10-15” or similar private Facebook group(s) prior to recent media reporting; which senior-level officials knew about the “I’m 10-15” or similar private Facebook group(s) prior to the July 2019 media reporting, when they became aware, and what they knew about the content; and what actions, if any, were taken to evaluate and address potential employee misconduct in the group

CBP Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department
CBP's Centers of Excellence & Expertise

Determine to what extent the establishment of CBP's Centers of Excellence & Expertise have improved the assessment, collection, and protection of revenue.

CBP Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity and Economic Security
CBP's Free and Secure Trade Program (FAST)

Determine to what extent CBP's FAST Program ensures only low-risk commercial drivers receive expedited entry to the United States.

CBP Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
CBP's Holding of Detainees Beyond 72 Hours

To determine the causes leading to CBP's inability to comply with the general requirement to only hold detainees in its custody for up to 72 hours.

DHS Securing and Managing Our Borders
CBP's Mobile Passport Control (MPC) Applications Security

Determine to what extent CBP protects its Mobile Passport Control (MPC) applications (app) from cybersecurity threats

CBP Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure
CBP's Procedures for Detained Migrants Experiencing Serious Medical Conditions

To determine whether CBP’s policies and procedures safeguard detained migrants experiencing serious medical conditions while in custody.

CBP Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
CBP's Searches of Electronic Devices at Ports of Entry (2nd Series)

To determine to what extent CBP conducted searches of electronic devices at U.S. ports of entry in accordance with its standard operating procedures.

CBP Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
CBP, ICE, TSA, and Secret Service Handling of Employee Allegations of Sexual Harassment and Workplace Sexual Misconduct

Determine whether CBP, ICE, TSA, and USSS appropriately report, investigate, and adjudicate employee allegations of sexual harassment and workplace sexual misconduct.

CBP Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department
Department of Homeland Security's FY2020 Compliance with the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 (PIIA) and Executive Order 13520, Reducing Improper Payments

Determine whether the Department is in compliance with PIIA and the Executive Order 13520.

DHS Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity and Economic Security
DHS Contracts and Grants Awarded by Any Means Other than Full and Open Competition during Fiscal Year 2018 and Fiscal Year 2019

To review the DHS Secretary's report provided by the Deputy Under Secretary for Management on November 1, 2019, listing all contracts and grants awarded by any means other than full and open competition (noncompetitive) during FY 2018 and FY 2019; and assess departmental compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and department procedures.

DHS Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department
DHS DNA Collection

Determine whether Customs & Border Protection (CBP), Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE),United States Coast Guard (USCG), and United States Secret Service (USSS) collect DNA samples from arrested or detained persons as required by the Fingerprint DNA Act of 2005 and subsequent Department of Justice (DOJ) regulations.

CBP Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
New DHS Drug Seizure, Storage, and Destruction

Determine whether CBP, ICE, TSA, and the Coast Guard effectively transport, store, and destroy seized illicit drugs. 2) To determine if DHS employees, federal contractors, and the public are adequately protected while interacting with and destroying seized illicit drugs.

DHS Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
DHS Efforts to Ensure Dam Safety and Security

Determine how well DHS oversight has strengthened the security and resiliency of the Dams Critical Infrastructure Sector.

Other Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity and Economic Security
DHS Law Enforcement Efforts to Protect Federal Facilities

Review the preparation, activities and authority of DHS law enforcement officers deployed to protect Federal property.

DHS Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
DHS Management and Oversight of Immigration Hearings in Temporary Courts along the Southwest Border

Determine the extent to which DHS provides accurate hearing notices and
facilitates immigration hearings at temporary courts in accordance with laws and

DHS Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
DHS Oversight of S&T Technology Pilot Programs

Determine whether S&T manages its technology pilot programs in accordance with DHS guidelines, policies, and procedures.

Other Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure
DHS Progress in Financial Management System Modernization

Our objective is to assess DHS' program management approach to modernizing its financial systems, thereby ensuring accurate, timely, and reliable financial data and management reporting across the Department.

DHS Promoting Management Stewardship
New DHS Use of Cell-Phone Surveillance Devices

To determine if DHS and components have developed, updated, and adhered to policies related to cell-phone surveillance devices.

DHS Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
New DHS' BioWatch Information Sharing

Determine to what extent BioWatch information sharing ensures jurisdictional readiness in response to biological terrorism threats.

Other Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
DHS' Implementation of Interagency Cyber Action Plans With the National Security Agency and United States Cyber Command

To assess DHS' progress in implementing the cyber action plans with the National Security Agency (NSA) and United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM).

Other Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure
DHS' Implementation of the DATA Act 2021

To assess the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, and quality of DHS' fiscal year 2021,
first quarter spending data submitted for publication on; and DHS'
implementation and use of the Government-wide financial data standards established
by OMB and Treasury.

Other Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department
New DHS' Management and Protection of Open Source Information (OSINT)

Determine the extent to which DHS has developed and implemented policies and procedures for collecting, managing, and protecting open source information for operational and intelligence purposes.

DHS Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
Effectiveness of E-Verify to Deter Hiring of Illegal Immigrants

To assess the effectiveness of the E-Verify system to electronically confirm employment eligibility and help prevent the hiring of illegal workers.

USCIS Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
Evaluation of DHS' Compliance with Federal Information Security Modernization Act Requirements for Intelligence Systems for Fiscal Year 2019

To determine the Department's effectiveness in managing its intelligence information program and information technology systems for fiscal year 2019.

Other Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure
Evaluation of DHS' Compliance with Federal Information Security Modernization Act Requirements for Intelligence Systems for Fiscal Year 2020

To determine the Department's effectiveness in managing its intelligence information program and information technology systems for fiscal year 2020.

Other Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure
Evaluation of DHS' Information Security Program for Fiscal Year 2020

Determine whether DHS' information security program and practices are adequate and effective in protecting DHS' operations and assets for FY 2020.

DHS Safeguarding and Securing Cyberspace
Evaluation of the ICE's Oversight and the Use of Segregation in ICE Detention Facilities

To determine whether ICE's use of administrative and disciplinary segregation across all authorized detention facilities complies with Departmental detention standards.

ICE Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
FEMA Funds Used for Repetitive Damages to Roads and Bridges

To determine to what extent FEMA (Headquarters and, specifically, Region IV) is conducting proper oversight and execution of  policies and procedures in place to identify and reduce repetitive damages to our Nation's roads and bridges.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
New FEMA's Administration of CARES Act Funding for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP)

To determine whether FEMA is administering CARES Act funding for the EFSP in accordance with Federal requirements to meet program goals.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
New FEMA's Contracting Practices During National Disaster Declarations

To determine to what extent FEMA has practices and guidelines for issuing COVID-19 related non-competitively awarded contracts for unusual and compelling circumstances.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
FEMA's Federal Coordination Efforts in Response to COVID-19

To determine to what extent FEMA is coordinating with federal agencies in preparing for and responding to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

FEMA Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
FEMA's Federal Medical Supply Chain in Response to COVID-19

To determine to what extent FEMA managed and distributed medical supplies and equipment in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
FEMA's Grant Fund Recovery Process

Determine the effectiveness of FEMA's process for recovering disallowed grant costs and whether FEMA is allowing cost in a manner consistent with OMB Circulars and other cost guidance.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
FEMA's Handling of Employee Allegation of Sexual Harassment and Workplace Sexual Misconduct

Our objective is to determine whether FEMA appropriately reports, investigates, and adjudicates employee allegations of sexual harassment and workplace sexual misconduct.

FEMA Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department
FEMA's Response to Declaration Requests for States, Tribes, and Territories

Whether FEMA follows its policies and procedures consistently in responding to State, Tribal, and territorial declaration requests.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
FEMA's Responsibility Determinations Regarding Prospective Contractors for Disaster Response Commodities and Services

Assess whether DHS policies and FEMA procedures for determining the responsibility of a prospective contractor for disaster response commodities and services comply with procurement regulations and provide contracting personnel with adequate guidance to make such determinations according to requirements.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
FEMA's Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power

To determine the extent to which FEMA's Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power Program achieved its goals and objectives and complied with federal regulations and FEMA policies.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
FEMA's Waiver Authority Under DRRA Section 1216 - Monitoring of Covered Assistance to Individuals and Households Distributed Based on Error

To determine whether covered assistance distributed in error by FEMA to individuals and households, in any 12-month period, exceeds 4 percent of the total amount of covered assistance distributed.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
FEMA’s Strategic Funds Management Initiative

The objective is to determine to what extent the Strategic Funds Management Initiative ensures that FEMA funds are obligated in accordance with, Federal, department, and component requirements.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
Fiscal Year 2018 Audit of the Science & Technology Bankcard Program

Determine to what extent the Science & Technology implemented internal controls to ensure the its Bankcard Program is managed and maintained to prevent illegal, improper, and erroneous purchases and payments, as required.

Other Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
Hurricane Harvey Direct Housing Program Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) between FEMA and the Texas General Land Office

To determine whether Texas GLO has the processes and controls to ensure the Direct Assistance for Limited Home Repair (DALHR) program complies with Federal regulations, FEMA guidelines, and the Intergovernmental Service Agreement, and to access whether FEMA has adequate policies, procedures, and controls to oversee the program.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
ICE Worksite Enforcement Program

To determine the extent to which ICE's worksite enforcement program supports ICE's strategic goal of protecting the borders through efficient immigration enforcement.

ICE Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
ICE's Efforts to Prevent and Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19 in its Facilities

To determine whether ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) effectively controlled COVID-19 within its detention facilities and adequately safeguarded the health and safety of both detainees in its custody and its staff.

ICE Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Government Service Contracts

The objective is to determine to what extent ICE implemented controls to ensure Government Solutions, LLC provided qualified labor for work performed under the terms of its contracts. 

ICE Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
Implementation of DHS' Streamlined Asylum Review Pilot Programs

Determine how DHS, especially CBP and USCIS, have implemented the Prompt Asylum Claim/Screening Review and Humanitarian Asylum Review Process (HARP) pilot programs.

DHS Securing and Managing Our Borders
New Mandated Review of DHS' Corrective Action Plans for Addressing Identified TWIC Program Issues

Determine DHS' compliance with Public Law 114-278, section 1(b), "Transportation Security Card Program Assessment".

Other Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
Medical Vacancies at ICE Detention Facilities

Assess the causes and impact of medical vacancies at ICE detention facilities and determine whether existing medical staffing plans and vacancies at detention facilities hinder ICE detainees' access to adequate medical care.

ICE Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
NFIP's Use of Alternative Contracting Methods to Administer the NFIP

To determine the extent and appropriateness of FEMA's use of alternative contracting methods to administer the NFIP.

FEMA Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity and Economic Security
Procurement of Debris Removal Services for Monroe County, FL, following Hurricane Irma

Determine to what extent FEMA ensured Monroe County met Federal procurement requirements and FEMA guidelines when it procured debris removal services for Monroe County, FL, following hurricane Irma.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
Puerto Rico Case Management Program Grants

To assess the effectiveness of FEMA's monitoring to ensure that the Puerto Rico Emergency Management Agency, as a grantee, accounts for and expends Disaster Case Management Program grant funds according to Federal regulations and FEMA guidelines.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
Review of a February 16, 2020 Childbirth at the Chula Vista Border Patrol Station

Review the circumstances surrounding a detainee's childbirth at the Chula Vista Border Patrol Station, including whether CBP mistreated the detainee or denied medical care, as alleged, and whether CBP's actions violated CBP's National Standards on Transport, Escort, Detention, and Search (TEDS) and other applicable policies and procedures.

CBP Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
Review of CBP's Actions Resulting in the Nation-wide Outage of August 16, 2019

Determine why CBP's actions to implement previous outage related recommendation did not prevent the onset and length of the August 26, 2019 nation-wide outage.

CBP Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity and Economic Security
Review of DHS' Priority Telecommunications Services and Capabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic

To determine whether DHS effectively supported operable and interoperable emergency communications for federal, state, local, tribal and territorial government officials and critical infrastructure operators during the COVID-19 pandemic.

DHS Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure
Review of FEMA's Implementation of the Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot Program (PAAP) Enacted by the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act (SRIA)

Determine the extent to which the goals of the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act (SRIA), Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot Program (PAAP) were met in accordance with legislative and FEMA guidelines.

FEMA Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience
Review of Information Security Requirements on Selected CBP Contracts

To determine whether CBP (or other selected DHS component) has incorporated information security requirements to safeguard the sensitive information stored and processed by DHS contractors.

CBP Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure
Review of Removal of Separated Alien Families

Determine whether aliens were given the option of bringing their children when they were removed from the United States

CBP, ICE Enforcing and Administering Our Immigration Laws
New Review of TSA's Use of Explosives Detection Canine in its Surface Transportation Strategy

Determine the extent to which TSA has evaluated its explosive detection canine team program and has met the public law requirements for training, using program resources, and monitoring, and tracking canine assets as part of developing and implementing its surface transportation risk-based security strategy.

TSA Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
Single Audit Act Reviews Review nonfederal auditors’ work for compliance with OMB Circular A-133 requirements. DHS Promoting Management Stewardship
Spot Inspections of the ICE Adult Detention Facilities

Conduct unannounced spot inspections of ICE detention facilities to monitor compliance with health, safety, and civil rights standards outlined in ICE’s Performance-Based National Detention Standards.

ICE Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
Summary (Capping) Report of Previous DHS OIG Findings on DHS Data Issues

To compile and review audit reports issued from FY 2017 to FY 2019 that have identified data-related challenges at DHS and/or its components; review frequently reported audit findings; and quantify persistent and systemic data issues impacting DHS.

CBP, FEMA, ICE, USCIS Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department
Transportation Security Administration's Accenture Hiring Contract

To determine whether TSA awarded and is managing its $290 million hiring contract with Accenture in a fiscally responsible manner according to Federal, departmental, and component requirements.

TSA Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department
TSA's Acquisition of Computed Tomography Technology at Passenger Screening Checkpoints

To determine to what extent the Transportation Security Administration's acquisition of the Computed Tomography (CT) 3D technology addresses needed capabilities.

TSA Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
TSA's Implementation of the 9/11 Act and TSA Modernization Act Requirements

To determine the extent to which TSA implemented requirements from the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 and the TSA Modernization Act.

TSA Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
New U.S. Customs and Border Protection Management of Aviation Fleet

Determine to what extent CBP's aviation fleet is managed to meet operational mission needs.

CBP Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Use of Canine Teams

To determine to what extent U.S. Customs and Border Protection canine teams can identify illicit drugs, other contraband, and illegal aliens crossing the border into the United States.

CBP Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking

To determine the extent to which ICE identifies and investigates human trafficking

ICE Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
United States Coast Guard Sustainment for the Rescue 21 Coastal System

Determine whether the United States Coast Guard (USCG) appropriately modified its acquisition strategy for the sustainment of the Rescue 21 Program to a sole-source contracting approach.

Coast Guard Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
United States Customs and Border Protection's Management of Radiation Portal Monitors

To determine whether CBP monitors and maintains its Radiation Portal Monitors in accordance with DHS acquisition guidelines, policies, and procedures.

CBP Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
USCIS T and U Visa Applications

To determine to what extent USCIS assists in the prosecution of human traffickers and violent criminals when adjudicating T and U Visa applications.

USCIS Strengthen U.S. Borders and Approaches
Verification Review of DHS' Drug Interdiction

To determine the adequacy, effectiveness, and timeliness of DHS corrective actions to five OIG reports (OIG-19-53, OIG-18-83, OIG-17-09, OIG-17-03, OIG-11-57) that made 18 recommendations for improvement to DHS's drug interdiction efforts.

CBP Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats
Verification Review of DHS' Pandemic Activities

To determine the adequacy, effectiveness, and timeliness of DHS corrective actions to three OIG reports (OIG-14-129, OIG-16-18, and OIG-17-02,) that made 28 recommendations for improvement to DHS pandemic planning and response.

DHS Counter Terrorism and Homeland Threats