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Abrams, Andrew (202) 245-7500
Adams, Tammie (202) 245-7471
Albro, Elizabeth (202) 245-8495
Alfeld, Corinne (202) 245-8203
Ali, Melanie Rogers (202) 245-8345
Allen, Annette M. (202) 245-7861
Angelo, Lauren (202) 245-7474

Bachman, Meredith (202) 245-7494
Bairu, Ghedam (202) 502-7304
Barbett, Samuel F. (202) 245-7749
Baxter, Tammy (202) 245-7745
Benson, James (202) 245-8333
Boccanfuso, Chris (202) 245-6832
Braga, Leticia (202) 254-8142
Brasiel, Sarah (202) 245-6734
Bridges, Lisa (202) 245-7771
Broughman, Stephen P. (202) 245-8338
Broxterman, Gina (202) 245-7791
Buckley, Jacquelyn (202) 245-6607
Burg, Samantha (202) 245-7537
Burns, Shelley K. (202) 245-7279

Cahalan, Teresa (202) 245-7299
Carr, Peggy G. (202) 245-6168
Chapman, Chris (202) 245-7103
Chapman, Sheilah (202) 245-7095
Chen, Jing (202) 245-8324
Chen, Chen-Su (202) 245-8323
Chhabra, Vinita (202) 245-7262
Chhin, Christina S. (202) 245-7736
Chow, Wai-Ying (202) 245-8198
Christopher, Elise (202) 245-7098
Clarady, Carrie (301) 977-6553
Clarke, Angela (202) 245-7510
Clemons, DeAngelo (202) 245-6066
Coleman, Mary (202) 245-8382
Coon, Michelle
Cornman, Stephen (202) 245-7753

D'Amico, Aurora M. (202) 245-8346
Davies, Jennifer (202) 245-6549
de Brey, Cristobal (202) 245-8419
Deaton, James (202) 245-7140
Deigan, Alison (202) 245-6990
Dinardo, Mark (202) 245-6602
Dogan, Enis (202) 245-6970
Doolittle, Emily (202) 245-7833

Eaton, Matthew (202) 245-8229
Ebanks, Caroline (202) 245-8320
Edwards, Veda (202) 245-6788
Eisner, Liz (202) 245-6614
Etienne, Patricia (202) 245-8368
Ezzeddine, Moussa (202) 245-6635

Fening, Elizabeth (202) 245-6569
Fidelman, Carolyn (202) 245-7046
Fong, Michael (202) 245-8407

Gagné, Phill (202) 245-7139
Garcia, Daphne (202) 245-6592
Germino Hausken, Elvira (202) 245-8236
Geverdt, Douglas (202) 245-8230
Gold, Amy (646) 465-4537
Gold, Amy
Grady, Sarah (202) 245-7063
Green-Millner, Joyce (202) 245-8036
Greene, Beth (202) 245-7546
Greer, Eunice (202) 245-6968

Hamilton, Linda (202) 245-6360
Hansen, Rachel (202) 245-7082
Higgins, Erin (202) 245 6541
Hudson, Lisa (202) 245-7027
Hunt-White, Tracy (202) 245-6507
Hussar, William J. (202) 245-6389

Irwin, Veronique (202)245-6108

Jacobson, Jonathan (202) 245-7485
Johnson, Amy (303) 844-4490
Johnson, Erica (202) 245-7676
Jones, Gigi (202) 245-6444

Keaton, Patrick (202) 245-7675
Kim, Helyn (202) 245-6890
King, Kristen (202) 245-8192
Kline, Shawn (202) 245-7729

Larson, Meredith (202) 245-7037
Lawley, Tara (202) 245-7081
Lee, Erica (202) 245-7437
Lee, David (202) 245-7533
Linn, Regan (202) 245-6975
Love, Tina (202) 245-7243
Lunn, Bennett

Malley, Lydia (202) 245-7266
Mary, Andrew (202) 245-7481
McCarroll, Jill (202) 304-2920; (202) 245-8031
McDevitt, Lisa (202) 245-7253
McGill, Sindy S. (202) 245-7803
McGrath, Daniel (202) 245-7548
McGrew, Charles (859) 421-0606
McLaughlin, Nadia (202) 245-7115
McLaughlin, Joan (202) 245-8201
Medley, Charlene (202) 245-8399
Merlin, Julia (202)245-8211
Metz, Edward (202) 245-7550
Miles, Angela D. (202) 245-8353
Miller, Alean (202) 245-7067
Miller, Stephanie (202) 245-8450
Minor, Leontyne (202) 245-8115
Mulligan, Gail M. (202) 245-8413
Murphy, Joseph (202) 245-7677

Nelson, Akilah (202) 245-7352
Nielsen, Jennifer (202) 245-6662
Nolan, Elizabeth

O'Rear, Isaiah (202) 245-6926

Pelaez, Ellie (202) 245-7274
Peterson, Stacey 202-245-8253
Pollard, Erin
Provasnik, Stephen (202) 245-6442

Rahman, Taslima (202) 245-6514
Redline, Cleo (202) 245-7695
Rethinam, Vasuki (202) 245-7169
Ricciuti, Anne (202) 245-8455
Richards, David (202) 245-6202
Rimdzius, Tracy (202) 245-7283
Ring, Bethany (202) 245-7674
Rivers, Eddie (202) 245-7239
Roberts, Elizabeth 202-245-6158
Ruby, Allen (202) 245-8145

Sanders, Felicia (202) 245-6264
Sands, Janelle 202-245-6786
Santy, Ross (202) 245-7384
Schneider, Mark (202) 245-6909
Scott, Chester (202) 245-8381
Scott, Brandon (202) 245-8202
Seastrom, Marilyn M. (202) 245-7766
Sekino, Yumiko (202) 374-0936
Sharkey, Nancy (202) 245-7689
Sikali, Emmanuel (202) 245-7814
Silverberg, Marsha (202) 245-7201
Socha, Ted (202) 245-7071
Soldner, Matthew (202) 245-8385
Sonnenberg, William C. (202) 245-7673
Spiegelman, Maura (202) 245-6581
Spurlock Martin, Holly (202) 245-7132
Stanton, Craig (202) 245-6605
Stapleton, Katina (202) 245-6566
Stetser, Marie (202) 245-7134
Stullich, Stephanie (202) 245-6468
Sussman, Amy (202) 245-7424
Swan, Deanne (202) 245-6065

Tate, Karen (202) 453-5620
Taylor, Katherine (202) 245-6716
Taylor, Brian (202) 245-6683
Taylor, Bruce (202) 245-7112
Thompson, Sheila (202) 245-8330
Timm, Barbara (202) 245-6912
Tirre, William (202) 245-7196
Todd, Adam (202) 245-7042

Vaden, Ed (202) 245-7746
Vera, Gloria (202) 245-8245

Walton, Ebony (202) 245-6584
Wang, Li (202) 245-6315
Ward, William (202) 245-8439
Warner, Elizabeth (202) 245-7744
Weaver, Emily
Wei, Thomas (646) 428-3892
White, Andrew (202) 245-7751
Wilburn, Grady (202) 245-8159
Wilson, Otis (202) 245-6657
Wolf, Betsy (202) 245-8402
Woods, Bobbi (202) 245-6553
Woodworth, James 202-245-7291
Worthington, Kelly (202) 245-7685

Xie, Holly (202) 245-8481

Zukerberg, Andrew (202) 245-6186

NCESNational Center for Education Statistics
NCERNational Center for Education Reserch
NCEENational Center for Education Evaluation and
Regional Assistance
NCSERNational Center for Special Education Research
IES/ODInstitute of Education Sciences/Office of the Director
IES/ITInstitute of Education Sciences/Information Technology
IES/DDSInstitute of Education Sciences/Deputy Director for Science
IES/DDAPInstitute of Education Sciences/Deputy Director for
Administration and Policy