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Memorandum Number Date Memorandum Title
03-20 10/30/20 Jobs for Veterans State Grants Program Years 2020-2021 Guidance to Establish Performance Targets
02-20 06/29/20 Jobs for Veterans State Grants State Plan Extension
01-20 03/04/20 Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) State Plan Submission under WIOA Combined and Unified State Plans
03-19 08/19/19 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Performance Guidance
02-19 06/11/19 Memorandum Title: Jobs for Veterans State Grants Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Funding Modification Request
01-19 02/13/19 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Changes to VA/DOL Memorandum of Agreement dated February 27, 2015
03-17 06/09/17 JVSG VR&E Local MOU
01-17 03/08/17 Updated Information Regarding the Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate (NICRA), Modified Guidance Regarding Grant Modifications, and SF 425 Reporting
07-16 09/22/16 HVRP Expenditure Period Change (HVRP)
01-16 01/20/16 Submission of Grant (Competitive) Quarterly Reports


Veterans' Program Letters Directory

VPL Number Date VPL Title
01-21 11/02/20 Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program Participant Eligibility
02-20 07/07/20 Jobs for Veterans State Grants Annual Funding Modification Requests
01-20 01/16/20 Consolidated Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialists and Local Veterans' Employment Representative (L VER) Staff Positions
07-19 08/14/19 Jobs for Veterans State Grant Recurring Report Requirements
05-19 06/11/19 Exception for the Provision of Emergency Services by Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program Grantees Outside of their Approved Service Delivery Area
04-19 03/15/19 Guidance for Jobs for Veterans State Grant Annual Performance Incentive Awards for State Employees and Employment Service Offices
03-19 02/07/19 Designation of Additional Populations Eligible for Services from Disabled Veteran’s Outreach Program Specialist
02-19 01/23/19 Hire Vets Medallion Program
01-19 01/03/19 Training Requirements and Reference Tool for Newly Hired Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) Staff
01-19 05/26/19 Att. 1: Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) Primer
06-18 10/17/18 Change 1: Grant Modification Process for Grant Awarded Under the Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program
07-18 03/19/18 Homeless Veterans Program Grants- Option Year Request Procedures Year 2018 and Subsequent
07-18 Att. 1 03/19/18 Homeless Veterans Program Grants- Option Year Request Procedures Year 2018 and Subsequent
07-18 Att. 2 03/19/18 SF424 Application Form
07-18 Att. 3 03/19/18 SF424A Application Form
07-18 Att. 4 03/19/18 Direct Cost Description
07-18 Att. 5 03/19/18 VETS-700, Summary of Proposed Goals
07-18 Att. 6 03/19/18 Completing the Budget Narrative
07-18 Att. 7 03/19/18 Standard Terms and Conditions
05-18 03/05/18 Redesigned National Veterans' Training Institute (NVTI) Core Courses
05-18 Att. 1 03/05/18 Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialist Required Training
05-18 Att. 2 03/05/18 Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) Required Training Completion Guide
04-18 02/15/18 Submission of Jobs for Veterans State Grants Interim Modification Requests
03-18 12/04/17 Grant Modification Request Due to Unanticipated Circumstances Resulting in Poor Performance
02-18 12/01/17 Stand Down Announcement
04-17 10/11/17 Change 1 National Veterans' Training Institute Non-Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) Staff Attendance Guidelines
02-17 02/14/17 Quarterly Reporting Guidance Competitive Grant Recipients and Non-Competitive Stand Down Grant Recipients
02-17 Att 1 02/14/17 Competitive Grants Reporting TAG
01-17 12/05/16 National Veterans' Employment and Training Services Institute New Contract Award Announcement
01-16, Change 1 09/15/16 The Department of Labor Veterans' Employment & Training Service and the Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Joint Partnership Modernization Project
01-16 Change 1 Att 07/2016 VA-VR&E/DOL-VETS Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) Revised July 2016
03-16 07/15/16 Enrollment of Homeless Veterans Program Participants into a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Workforce Program at an American Job Center (AJC)
01-16 10/30/15 DOL VETS and VA VR & E Employment Joint Partnership Modernization Project
01-16 Att A 10/30/15 VA-DOL VR&E MOA
01-16 Att B 07/2016 DOL Technical Assistance Guide (TAG)
01-16 Att C 10/30/15 Proposed VETS 201 VRE (Participant Tracking Report)
01-16 Att D 10/30/15 Proposed VETS 201 Instructions (2015)
01-16 Att E (DOC) 10/30/15 VA-DOL VR and E Program Modernization Project
05-15 05/15/15 Special Initiatives (SI) to Provide Employment Services to Native American Veterans Living on Tribal Lands
03-15 03/18/15 Applying the Uniform National Threshold Entered Employment Rate (UNTEER) to States' Program Y (PY) Veterans' Entered Employment Rates (VEERSs) to Determine Compliance and Identify Need for Remedial Actions
03-14, Change 2 10/30/15 Expansion and Clarification of Homeless Definition as a Significant Barrier to Employment (SBE)
03-14, Change 1 02/11/15 Expansion and Clarification of Definition of Significant Barriers to Employment for Determining Eligibility for the Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP)
07-14 09/26/14 American Job Center (AJC) participation in Capstone Activities and other Outreach to Transition Service Members
05-14 07/07/14 Jobs for Veterans State Grants Application (JVSG) and Planned Instructions for Fiscal Years (FY) 2015-2019
03-14 04/10/14 Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) Program Reforms and Roles Responsibilities of American Job (AJC) Staff Serving Veterans
02-13 08/09/13 Implementation of the Uniform National Threshold Entered Employment Rate (UNTEER) for Veterans and Eligible Persons in the Wagner-Peyser Employment Service and Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG)
07-10 06/29/10 Refocused Roles and Responsibilities of Jobs for Veterans State Grant Funded Staff
07-09 11/10/09 Implementing Priority of Service for Veterans and Eligible Spouses in all Qualified Job Training Programs Funded in Whole or in Part by the U.S. Department of Labor
07-09, Att. A 11/10/09 Aspects of Workforce Programs That Relate to Priority of Service
07-09, Att. B 11/10/09 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
07-09, Att. C 11/10/09 Individual Record Data Elements Minimum Data Fields
07-09, Att. D 11/10/09 Report Formats
01-05 12/03/04 The Hire Vets First Campaign and Designation of Employers and "Hire Vets First" Employers


Joint Training and Employment Notices (TEN)

TEN Number Date VPL Title Corresponding VPL
08-16 08/24/16 Implementation of an Integrated Performance Reporting System for Multiple Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) Administered Programs None
02-16 07/11/16 Release and Availability of a Final Report, Veterans' Licensing and Certification Demonstration - A Summary of State Experiences, Preliminary Findings, and Cost Estimates: Final Report; September 2015 None
06-15 08/18/15 Release and Availability of an Interim Report, "Veterans' Licensing and Certification Demonstration" None


Joint Training and Employment Guidance Letters (TEGL)

TEGL Number Date VPL Title Corresponding VPL
20-13 02/12/19 Change 2 Designation of Additional Population of Veterans and Other Populations 03-19
09-18 01/23/19 HIRE Vets Medallion Program 02-19
04-16 08/04/16 Enrollment of Homeless Veterans Program Participants into a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Workforce Program at an American Job Center (AJC) 03-16
19-13, Change 2 10/3015 Expansion and Clarification of Homeless Definition as a Significant Barrier to Employment (SBE) 03-14, Change 2
22-14 03/03/15 Applying the Uniform National Threshold Entered Employment Rate (UNTEER) to States' Program Year (PY) Veterans' Entered Employment Rates (VEERs) to Determine Compliance and Identify Need for Remedial Actions 03-15
19-13, Change 1 02/11/15 Expansion and Clarification of Definition of Significant Barriers to Employment for Determining Eligibility for the Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP) 03-14, Change 1
20-13 04/10/14 Designation of Additional Population of Veterans Eligible for Services from the Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program Specialist - Veterans Ages 18 to 24 03-19
19-13 04/10/14 Jobs for Veterans' State Grants (JVSG) Program Reforms and Roles and Responsibilities of American Job Center (AJC) Staff Serving Veterans 03-14
2-13 08/09/13 Implementation of the Uniform National Threshold Entered Employment Rate (UNTEER) for Veterans and Eligible Persons in the Wagner-Peyser Employment Service and Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) 03-11