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Cancer Diagnosis Program (CDP) — Biorepositories & Biospecimen Research Branch (BBRB) Cancer Diagnosis Program (CDP) Biorepositories & Biospecimen Research Branch (BBRB)
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Last Updated: 09/01/17


The availability of quality cancer biospecimens is critical for breakthroughs in cancer research and treatment. BBRB directs and manages several initiatives in support of biospecimen science, collection and education to carry out its mission and that of the Cancer Diagnosis Program and National Cancer Institute. BBRB's current programs include the following:

  • Biospecimen Science programs to develop the scientific knowledge for how to best collect and utilize the biospecimens needed for cancer research, precision medicine and diagnostics.
  • Research and policy work on patient attitudes towards biospecimen donation and the overall Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) of biobanking.
  • BBRB directs several large-scale biobanking activities including the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project. GTEx has made available an unprecedented amount of post-mortem tissue and high-quality genomic data for use by the medical research community. This has led to important insights and several publications exploring gene regulation.
  • BBRB is involved in several Cancer Moonshot initiatives currently in the planning stages. We are proud to be part of such a monumental effort for cancer research. More information to be made available on our website soon.