USPTO Contact Center Order Form

The following frequently requested publications are available free of charge. To request a publication, print this page, place a check in the box next to the product(s) you wish to receive, and complete all of the information requested below. The form may be mailed or faxed or you may place your order by telephone. Click on the links below to see on-line versions of these items on the USPTO Web site.


EIPD Product Listing

Basic Facts About TrademarksGIS-5020T-PP
USPTO Fee ScheduleGIS-5030G-PP
General Information About Plant PatentsGIS-5135P-PP
General Information Concerning PatentsGIS-5136P-PP
Guide to Filing a Design Patent ApplicationGIS-5130P-PP
Guide to Filing a Utility Patent ApplicationGIS-5140P-PP
Information ContactsGIS-5045G-PP
Provisional Application for Patent BrochureGIS-5160P-PP
Patent and Trademark Resource Centers map and listGIS-5002G-PP
USPTO Public Search Facility BrochureGIS-5150G-PP

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Mail to: 
U.S. Patent and Trademark OfficePhone:800-786-9199 or 571-272-1000
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