U.S. Repo Markets Data Release Information

Prototype U.S. Repo Markets Data Release

On September 9, 2020 the Office of Financial Research began daily publication of prototype series on rates and volumes in three segments of repurchase agreement (repo) markets. These series include information on rates and volumes in each segment, with detail available by tenor or collateral. The Office welcomes feedback on these prototype estimates; questions and comments can be submitted to webmaster@ofr.treasury.gov.

These series are updated most weekdays at 3 p.m. as an update to the Short-term Funding Monitor. Data for centrally cleared repo markets are generally made available with a one business day lag, and data for tri-party repo are generally made available with a two business day lag. Data are not published for market holidays. Releases are not published on government holidays and data for affected days are instead published on the next day the government is open.

Use of Data

The interest rate information published in this release is provided for informational purposes only. In particular, the rate information is not administered to International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) standards and is not intended to be referenced in contracts. Users who seek repo-based interest rates that are suitable for use as a reference rate may wish to consider one of the rates that are published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in cooperation with the OFR: the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), the Broad General Collateral Rate (BGCR), the Tri-Party General Collateral Rate (TGCR), or one of the SOFR Averages or Index.

Disclosure Edits

To protect all business-confidential information, the Office of Financial Research uses disclosure control thresholds to determine whether data point(s) can be made available to the public. Failure to meet the threshold may result in no value being published for a particular data series on a particular day.

Data and Calculation Methodology

The methodologies used in constructing these series vary based on the market segment covered.

Historical Information