All GEDI data products are available for free download.

GEDI data products are available at different resolutions and time intervals. Data latency times (that is the time lag between when data are acquired and when a particular product is available) are given below. The data latency depends on the level of the data product. Lower level data products (L1 & L2) are available from the NASA LPDAAC and the higher level products (L3 & L4) from the ORNL DAAC.

*MOC = Mission Operation Center, SOC = Science Operation Center, IOC = In-Orbit-Checkout

Product/ Data File Description Source First Data Delivery After IOC Data Latency Archive Site
GEDI01_A-TX Level 1A-TX Transmitted Waveform Fitted Parameters SOC First 2 months of L1 released at 6 months 4 months in monthly intervals Not Publicly Available
GEDI01_A-RX Level 1A-RX Received Waveform Fitted Parameters SOC First 2 months of L1 released at 6 months 4 months in monthly intervals Not Publicly Available
GEDI01_B Level 1B Geolocated Waveforms SOC First 2 months of L1 released at 6 months 4 months in monthly intervals LPDAAC
GEDI02_A Level 2A Elevation and Height Metrics SOC First 2 months of L2 released at 6 months 4 months in monthly intervals LPDAAC
GEDI02_B Level 2B Canopy Cover and Vertical Profile Metrics SOC First 2 months of L2 released at 6 months 4 months in monthly intervals LPDAAC
GEDI03 Level 3A Gridded Land Surface Metrics SOC Populated with first 2 months of L2 data at 6 months 4 months in monthly intervals ORNLDAAC
GEDI04_A Level 4A Footprint Above Ground Biomass SOC First 12 months of L3 data at 17 months 6 months after global sampling required to meet L1 requirement ORNLDAAC
GEDI04_B Level 4B Gridded Above Ground Biomass SOC First 12 months of L3 data at 17 months 6 months after global sampling required to meet L1 requirement ORNLDAAC
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