News Release

U.S. Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service Unveils Resource for Military Spouses

WASHINGTON, DC – Following President Trump's Executive Order Enhancing Noncompetitive Civil Service Appointments of Military Spouses, the U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) today announced the launch of a professional license and credential finder portal for military spouses.

The new webpage brings together occupational license portability resources from across the federal government in one place and highlights states with licensing rights for military spouses. It is the result of collaborative work of the Department's Employment and Training Administration; Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy; VETS; and Women's Bureau, and the Department of Defense.

"Military spouses serve alongside our nation's servicemen and women. States should act to remove excessive regulatory barriers to work, so that our military spouses can help support their families," said U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta. "This new site highlights states’ efforts to help military spouses secure good, family-sustaining jobs."

Military spouses can search directly on the portal for guidelines and state laws on professional licensing, including information on how occupational licenses from one state can be recognized in another. The page features a map that shows which states offer temporary licensing, expedited licensing, or licensure by endorsement for relocating spouses.

The new webpage was unveiled at the White House in conjunction with the Hiring our Heroes Military Spouse Summit, which featured Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon, Florida Governor Rick Scott, and military spouses representing the leadership of various service branches.

Veterans' Employment & Training Service
June 28, 2018
Release Number
Contact: Eric Holland