Education Materials for Residents

Use the resources on this page to educate residents on saving energy. For residents that pay all or some of their utility bills, these resources will help them reduce their costs. If the housing authority pays all of the utility bills, educating residents will benefit everyone by improving resident comfort, lowering the housing authority's bills, and helping the environment.

Web Resources for Residents:

DOE Energy Saving Tips
The U.S. Department of Energy Website has detailed information and tips that residents can use to save money and develop smart energy habits. The Website,, contains specific information for residents in apartments.

Greener Choices Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports, has launched The site covers a wide range of issues, including energy, climate change, waste, and toxic substances. The site also provides product information; energy calculators; rebate information; and links to information about local energy, recycling, and sewage treatment services.