FOIA Reports

Annual Reports
Quarterly Reports
Chief FOIA Officer Reports


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Chief FOIA Officer Reports

Attorney General Holder's FOIA Guidelines require the Chief FOIA Officer for each federal agency to submit a report to the Attorney General containing a detailed description of the steps taken by the agency to improve FOIA compliance and transparency. These reports contain details of FOIA administration at each agency, as well as the steps taken to implement Attorney General Holder's FOIA Guidelines during each reporting year.

Downloading Reports:
To download a report to your computer, right-click on the desired format and select "Save target as..."
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Chief FOIA Officer Report - 2020
Chief FOIA Officer Report - 2019
Chief FOIA Officer Report - 2018
Chief FOIA Officer Report - 2017
Chief FOIA Officer Report - 2016
Chief FOIA Officer Report - 2015
Chief FOIA Officer Report - 2014
Chief FOIA Officer Report - 2013
Chief FOIA Officer Report - 2012

Questions and Comments

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Office of Privacy and Open Government
Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

Page last updated: March 9, 2020