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CSAC addresses emerging census challenges including adaptive design, cyber infrastructure, demographic, economic and statistical research, technical and operational priorities.

In 1994, the Secretary of Commerce established the Census Advisory Committee of Professional Associations (CACPA) as an advisory body to the Director of the Census Bureau. CACPA composed recommendations on major programs, such as the decennial census, the agriculture and economic censuses, current demographic and economic statistics programs, survey research, and marketing analysis.

Associations serving on CACPA included the American Economic Association, the American Marketing Association, the American Statistical Association, and the Population Association of America.

In April 2010, the Secretary of Commerce re-chartered the committee under the name "Bureau of the Census Scientific Advisory Committee” (CSAC). CSAC consists of up to 21 members appointed by the Director of the Census Bureau.

The members advise the Census Bureau director on the uses of scientific developments in statistical data collection, survey methodology, geospatial and statistical analysis, econometrics, cognitive psychology, business operations and computer science as they pertain to the full range of Census Bureau programs and activities, including census tests, policies and operations.


The Census Scientific Advisory Committee (CSAC) was established under two-year charters. Committee objectives, membership, administrative provisions and duration are outlined in the charter. In meeting the standards set forth in Executive Order 12838 in that its charter is of compelling national interest and that other methods of obtaining public participation have been considered, CSAC will be eligible for charter renewal.

Members & Biographies

The Census Scientific Advisory Committee consists of Chair and twenty additional members C-SAC membership is a blend of representatives from academia, private enterprise, professional associations, and nonprofit organizations, which are further diversified by business type or industry, geographic area, and other variables.

The diverse background of the membership provides for a range of perspectives and points of view that are both relevant and critical to the Census Bureau's decennial and nondecennial program areas.

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