The National Indian Gaming Commission uses social media technologies and tools to share information for everyone to gain a better understanding of Indian gaming and how we partner with tribes to ensure regulatory compliance and gaming integrity. We make every effort to observe requirements related to federal activities, such as transparency, public process, or privacy. The NIGC does not endorse any particular social media site or technique.  Many of the links on this page exit the site.  Please see the NIGC's website privacy policy for more information.

Connect With Us!

Connect with the National Indian Gaming Commission on social media. The NIGC uses a variety of social networking media like Twitter, Flickr, and blogs to stay connected with tribes, tribal regulators, the media and the public.


Like us on Facebook! Facebook allows users to create their own sets of "friends" with whom they can share brief updates, photos, links or other information. Similarly, NIGC's Facebook page offers users a place to follow NIGC updates and share information. 


Follow us on Twitter! Twitter lets users subscribe to receive brief updates or "tweets" (a maximum 140 characters) from the NIGC. NIGC tweets include news, links and updates. Follow us on Twitter!



Link-in with us on LinkedIn! LinkedIn is a social network that allows professionals to create connections and share professional working information, find jobs, follow companies and post updates. In addition to our website and, we post our jobs on LinkedIn to!.


Find us on YouTube! YouTube iis our online video platform, where we show videos by the NIGC. 

RSS Feeds

Join the NIGC RSS feed!  RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It's an easy way for our users to have news and information updated on their own web sites or other device, instead of just linking to that information. Such information delivered this way is called a "feed." The NIGC provides RSS feeds for its news releases among other content. More about NIGC news feeds