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State-by-State Pension Plan Information

State-by-State Pension Plan Information

Did you know there are more than 80,000 people who have not claimed pension benefits they are owed? Those unclaimed pensions total over $300 million dollars, with individual benefits ranging from twelve cents to almost a million dollars. Every year, we publish data showing the states with the highest number of unclaimed pensions. The top ten states in 2018 are depicted below:


In 2018, PBGC paid about $5.7 billion to more than 877,305 retirees in terminated, single-employer plans. An additional 483,720 Americans will get their pension from PBGC when they're eligible to retire. How does PBGC protect benefits in your state? Select your state below to find out.

Unclaimed Pension Resources


States with the Highest Number of Unclaimed Pensions

Help With Your Unclaimed Pension Search

Finding a Lost Pension

Do You Have an Unclaimed Pension?


When PBGC becomes responsible for a pension plan, we can't always find all the pension plan participants. Find out if you or someone you know is on our unclaimed pension list.

Last updated August 19, 2019