
China’s ambitious Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS) comprises a nation-wide data-gathering effort intended to regulate corporate behavior. This report describes the policy background, present function, and ultimate vision for this system as identified by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Under a “state-led, enterprise-driven” approach, Chinese firms have significantly expanded their presence in extractive industries in African countries over the pa

This issue brief examines China’s efforts to use the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), an organization o

The report examines Beijing's ecosystem of programs and incentives designed to exploit the expertise of Chinese students and scholars studying in STEM fields at universities in the United States and other advanced countries.

Linked here is table of Chinese companies listed on the NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange, and NYSE American, the three largest U.S. exchanges.

In mid-June 2020, China’s People’s Liberation Army and Indian troops engaged in a massive physical brawl in the Galwan Valley, located in the far-western Ladakh region along the China-Ind

The report analyzes nearly two decades of data compiled by the Bureau of Economic Analysis to profile U.S. commercial activity in China.

Since its establishment in 2000, the Commission has closely followed the situation in Hong Kong.

Despite four decades of promised liberalization, the Communist Party-state retains the ability to intervene dec