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Physics of the Cosmos News

NICER seeks panel members for Cycle 3 proposal review

4 December 2020

The Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) is an X-ray experiment on the International Space Station, studying a wide variety of X-ray phenomena including Galactic and extragalactic black holes, accreting binary systems, pulsars and other neutron stars, supernovae and tidal disruption events, and a range of other X-ray emitting astrophysical sources and transient X-ray events.

NICER is currently soliciting X-ray and subject matter experts to serve as panel members for the Cycle 3 Guest Observer proposal review, to be held virtually in January 2021 (likely 20-23 January). Honoraria will be provided for non-civil-servant panel members. Serving on peer review panels is an excellent opportunity for community members to gain insight into the proposal-evaluation process, and to sharpen their skills for writing their own proposals.

Interested parties should contact Dr. Elizabeth Ferrara at elizabeth.c.ferrara@nasa.gov, indicating whether they would like to serve as a member or as a panel chair, and include a brief overview of their area(s) of expertise.

The European Space Agency LISA observatory


Program News and Announcements

4 December 2020
Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM) Step-2 Due Date. Step-2 proposals now due 3 February 2021. Step-1 proposal due date unchanged as 11 December 2020 »  Details.
4 December 2020
Release of Final text and Due Dates for ROSES Post-COVID Recovery program. Requests received by 4 January 2021 will be processed first. Final due date is 5 March 2021. »  Details.
4 December 2020
NICER seeks panel members for Cycle 3 proposal review »  Details.
4 December 2020
NASA Science seeking volunteer proposal reviewers in Earth and Space Science »  Details.
9 November 2020
SMD Community Town Hall on Tues 17 November to discuss updates to the Agency-wide science program. »  Details.
6 November 2020
NASA Fundamental Physics Program Virtual Town Hall on 3 December 2020, to discuss research priorities in advance of the Biological and Physical Sciences Division Decadal Survey. »  Details.
5 November 2020
Call for proposals for Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM). Step-1 Proposals are due 11 December 2020. »  Details.
28 October 2020
Call for proposals on Open-Source Tools, Libraries, and Frameworks. »  Details.
28 October 2020
Revised Text and Due Date for NuSTAR General Observer Program Cycle 7. »  Details.
22 Oct 2020
Principal Investigator Launchpad workshop in Summer 2021, targeted toward researchers developing their first flight mission concepts. »  Details.
21 October 2020
Revised submission date: Applications Sought for PhysPAG Executive Committee. Submissions now due November 6. »  Details.
14 October 2020
Astrophysics Explorers Announcement of Opportunity Community Announcement »  Details.
17 September 2020
NASA announces major revisions in Astrophysics Research and Analysis opportunity. Due dates remain unchanged. »  Details.
29 July 2020
Community Announcement: Intention to Amend ROSES-20 via a Future Appendix for Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM). »  Details.

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  • NASA Official: Phil Newman
  • Web Curator: Pat Tyler
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