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Coronavirus Guidance for NIH Applicants and Grantees:

For Applicants

Explore resources to assist in the planning, writing, and submitting of a successful application.

For Reviewers

Explore tools and guidance for the successful reviewing, critiquing, and scoring of applications.

Latest News & Policy Changes


Update of NIH Continuous Submission Policy: Change in Submission Deadlines and End of Recent Substantial Service Option

NIH is discontinuing granting one-year continuous submission status to reviewers with recent substantial review service, and it is moving back continuous submission deadlines.

Clarification of NIH’s Application Submission/Resubmission Policy

Effective immediately, this Notice consolidates and clarifies policy concerning submission and resubmission of applications for grants and cooperative agreements submitted to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and...


Dr. Lambratu Rahman Sesay Named Chief of the Oncology-Translational Clinical 1 (OTC 1) Integrated Review Group

Dr. Lambratu Rahman Sesay, has been selected as the Chief of the newlyformed Oncology-Translational Clinical 1 (OTC 1) Integrated Review Group (IRG) at the Center for Scientific Review.

Dr. Chee Chew Lim named Chief of the Musculoskeletal, Oral and Skin Sciences IRG

Dr. Chee Chew Lim, Ph.D., has been selected as the Chief of the Musculoskeletal, Oral and Skin Sciences (MOSS) Integrated Review Group (IRG) at the Center for Scientific Review (CSR).

Updated NIH Scientist Launch Game® App Propels Students into Health Research

How the Game Works
Players are asked to join the fight against cancer, heart disease or the common cold. A diverse group of boys and girls cheer players on as they work through Q&As in three levels

Early Career Reviewer (ECR) Program

The ECR program aims to educate qualified scientists without prior CSR review experience to develop skills as a reviewer and to provide experience that might make them more competitive applicants.

Advice for SBIR/STTR Applicants

Guidance on how to navigate NIH Peer Review and tips on avoiding preventable errors that could keep your application from being reviewed.

Reviewer Recommendations via Scientific Societies

Scientific societies may use our online portal to recommend scientists for service on review panels.